Bobby Piton
Bobby Piton was an Illinois Senate candidate who ran for office in the 2022 midterms.[1]
Piton is a financial manager and father of five, with strong Christian fundamental beliefs.[2] A proponent of baseless election fraud claims in the 2020 election, despite receiving only 9% of the vote in his 2022 race, Piton refused to concede his election loss claiming hacked voting machines and the 'uniparty' contributed to his loss.[3]
Piton was a witness in the November 30, 2020 hearing with Arizona legislators and presented his data that he believed the 2020 election was rigged with "phantom voters."[4]
In late April 2021, as the audit was underway, Piton had a private meeting with Arizona legislators including Congressman Andy Biggs, to push the Arizona audit which he live-streamed to the internet.[5]
Piton appeared in the Arizona audit documentary The Deep Rig, created by Patrick Byrne to promote the effort.[6]