Bible names in their native languages
This table is a list of names in the bible in their native languages. This table is only in its beginning stages. There are thousands of names in the bible. It will take the work of many Wikipedia users to make this table complete.
English Name | Type of Proper Noun |
Start Year (approximate) |
End Year (approximate) |
Native Language Name | Name in other relevant languages | ||||||||||||
Abel | Person | 3897 BC | 3825 BC | Adamic language unknown | Proto-Indo-European: Ablos[1] Hebrew: הבל Hével | ||||||||||||
Abraham | Person | 2056 BC | 1881 BC | Hebrew: אברהם Hebrew with vowels: אַבְרָהָם Avrahám Classical Syriac: ܐܒܪܗܡ Aḇrāhām | |||||||||||||
Adam | Person | 4004 BC | 3074 BC | Adamic language unknown | Proto-Indo-European: Atta[1] Hebrew: אדם Adám Classical Syriac: ܐܕܡ ʾĀdām | ||||||||||||
Ahura Mazda (the name of God in the monotheistic religion of Zoroastrianism) |
Avestan: 𐬀𐬵𐬎𐬭𐬋 𐬨𐬀𐬰𐬛𐬃 Ahurō Mazdā̊ Persian: آهورا مزدا Āhurā Mazdā |
Ark of the Covenant | Artifact | 1311 BC | Hebrew: ארון הברית Aw-goan Haw-bweet |
Babel | Village | Adamic language unknown | Proto-Indo-European: Bhalbhal[1] | ||||||||||||||
Babylonia | Nation | 1894 BC | 539 BC | Akkadian: 𒆳𒆍𒀭𒊏𒆠 māt Akkadī Meaning: The Country of Akkad |
Bethel (Beth El) |
Village | Hebrew: בֵּית אֵל Bayt El Possible Meanings: House of God, House of (the Canaanite god of) El | |||||||||||||||
Bethlehem (Beth Lehem) Ephrath/Ephrata (old name before Christ)[2] |
Village | 1400 BC | Hebrew: בית לחם Hebrew with vowels: בֵּית לָחֶם Bayt Laykhem Meaning: House of Bread ¿ Imperial Aramaic: 𐡁𐡉𐡕 𐡋𐡇𐡌 ? Classical Syriac: ܒܝܬ ܠܚܡ[3] Beth Lekhem, Bet Lekhem Meaning: House of Bread |
Hebrew: אֶפְרָתָה (Hebrew version of the old name before Christ) Ef-raw'-thaw Meaning: Fruitful | |||||||||||||
Caesar, Augustus | Person | 63 BC | AD 14 | Latin: Avgvstvs Caesar Ow-goos-toos Kie-zar |
Canaan | Nation | Phoenician: 𐤊𐤍𐤏𐤍 KNʿN |
Hebrew: כנען Kənáʿan | ||||||||||||||
Caiaphas, Joseph ben | Person | 14 BC | AD 46 | Hebrew: יהוסף בר קַיָפָא Yeh-hoo-siff bar Kie-yuh-fuh |
Cain | Person | Adamic language unknown | Proto-Indo-European: Qʷoinos[1] Hebrew: קין Káyin | ||||||||||||||
David | Person | 1035 BC | 970 BC | Biblical Hebrew: דוד Biblical Hebrew with vowels: דָּוִד Dāwīḏ Meaning: Beloved One |
Moabite: 𐤃𐤅𐤃 Transliteration: Dāwīḏ Meaning: Beloved One | ||||||||||||
Earth | Planet | 4004 BC (according to creation dating) 4,540,000,000 BC (according to mainstream science) |
Proto-Indo-European: Dheĝhōm[1] Hebrew: אדמה Adamah Classical Syriac: ܐܕܡܬܐ ʾĂḏāmâ | ||||||||||||||
Egypt | Nation | 3150 BC | 30 BC | Ancient Egyptian:
Kemet Meaning: Black Land |
Hebrew: מצרים Mizraim Classical Syriac: ܡܨܪܝܢ[4] Miṣrēn | ||||||||||||
Egypt (Province of the Roman Republic from 30-27 BC, Province of the Roman Empire from 27 BC - AD 641) |
Province | 30 BC | AD 641 | Egypt: Ancient Egyptian:
Kemet Meaning: Black Land |
Egypt: Latin: Aegyptvs I-goop-toos Egypt: Hebrew: מצרים Mizraim Egypt: Classical Syriac: ܡܨܪܝܢ[4] Miṣrēn Egyptian Province: Latin: Provincia Aegypti Pro-wink-kee-ya I-goop-tee | ||||||||||||
Eve | Person | 4004 BC | Adamic language unknown | Proto-Indo-European: Hava[1] Hebrew: חוה Khavá Classical Syriac: ܚܰܘܳܐ Ḥawâ | |||||||||||||
Ezekiel | Person | 622 BC | 570 BC | Hebrew: יחזקאל Yekh-khez-kell Strength of God |
God | God's personal name: Hebrew: יהוה Hebrew with vowels: יְהֹוָה[5] Yehovah[6] Meaning: To Be |
God: Proto-Indo-European: Deivós[1] God: Hebrew: אלהים Hebrew with vowels: אֱלֹהִים Ello-heem God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: Hebrew: אלהי אברהם יצחק ויעקב Ello-hee Awv-raw-hawm Eets-sawk Vay-yaw Aw-koav God's personal name: Hebrew: יהוה Hebrew with vowels: יְהֹוָה[5] Yehovah[6] Meaning: To Be God's personal name: Imperial Aramaic: 𐡉𐡄𐡅𐡄 Yehovah Meaning: To Be | |||||||||||||||
Hammurabi | Person | 1810 BC | 1750 BC | Akkadian: 𒄩𒄠𒈬𒊏𒁉 Ḫâmmurapi |
Heaven | Place of Afterlife | Proto-Indo-European: Nébʰos Hebrew: שמים Shamayim Classical Syriac: ܫܡܝܐ Shmayyā | |||||||||||||||
Hell | Place of Afterlife | Hebrew: גיהנום Gehinóm | |||||||||||||||
Holy Spirit Spirit of God |
Hebrew: רוח הקדש Hebrew with vowels: רוּחַ הַקֹּדֶשׁ Woo-awkh Haw-koe-desh Hebrew: רוח אלוהים Woo-awkh Ello-heem | ||||||||||||||||
Isaac (son of Abraham & Sarah) |
Person | 1896 BC | 1716 BC | Hebrew: יצחק Yiskhák | |||||||||||||
Israel, Kingdom of See: Kingdom of Israel between 1047 and 930 BC See: Kingdom of Israel between 930 and 720 BC (after the loss of the southern part due to the formation of the Kingdom of Judah) |
Nation | 1047 BC | 720 BC | Hebrew: ישראל Hebrew with vowels: יִשְׂרָאֵל Yisra'él |
Moabite: 𐤉𐤔𐤓𐤀𐤋 Transliteration: Yšrʾl | ||||||||||||
Jacob (son of Isaac & Rebecca) |
Person | 1836 BC | 1689 BC | Jacob (birth name): Hebrew: יעקב Hebrew with vowels: יַעֲקֹב Ya'akóv Jacob (birth name): Classical Syriac: ܝܥܩܘܒ Yaʿqōḇ Israel (later name given by God): Hebrew: ישראל Hebrew with vowels: יִשְׂרָאֵל Yisra'él Israel (later name given by God): Classical Syriac: ܐܝܣܪܐܝܠ Syriac with vowels: ܐܝܼܣܪܵܐܹܝܠ Īsrāˀēl | |||||||||||||
Jericho | Village | After 2348 BC (according to creation dating) 9000 BC (according to mainstream science) |
1400 BC | Persian: اریحا Arihâ Hebrew: יריחו Hebrew with vowels: יְרִיחוֹ Yeer-ree-kho | |||||||||||||
Jerusalem | City | 3000 BC | Hebrew: ירושלים Yerushalayim Classical Syriac: ܒܶܝܬ ܩܕܶܫ Yerushalem |
Jesus of Nazareth | Person | 4 BC | AD 30 | Jesus of Nazareth: Classical Syriac: ܝܫܘܥ ܕܢܨܪܝܐ Eeso/Eesho Nasraya Jesus: Classical Syriac: ܝܫܘܥ Eeso/Eesho Meaning: Yehovah is Salvation Jesus Christ/Messiah: Classical Syriac: ܝܫܘܥ ܡܫܝܚܐ Eeso/Eesho Mesheekha Emanuel: Classical Syriac: ܥܡܢܘܐܝܠ ˁAmmānuˀēl Meaning: God is with us |
Jesus of Nazareth: Hebrew: ישוע מנצרת Yeshúa' Minatzrat Jesus: Hebrew: ישוע Yeshúa' Jesus: Imperial Aramaic: 𐡉𐡔𐡅𐡏 Yeshua Jesus Christ/Messiah: Hebrew: ישוע משיחא Yeshúa' Mesheekha Emanuel Hebrew: עמנואל 'Imanu'éll | ||||||||||||
John (John the Baptist) |
Person | 3 BC | AD 30 | Classical Syriac: ܝܘܚܢܢ Yōkhannān |
Joseph (Jesus's legal father) |
Person | 30 BC | AD 20 | Classical Syriac: ܝܘܣܦ Yōsēf, Yāwsip |
Judaea (province of the Roman Empire) |
Province | AD 6 | AD 135 | Classical Syriac: ܝܗܘܕܐ Yəhūḏā Hebrew: יהודה Y'hudá |
Latin: Ivdaea Yoo-day-ya | ||||||||||||
Judah (son of Jacob) |
Person | 1600 BC | Hebrew: יהודה Hebrew with vowels: יְהוּדָה Y'hudá Classical Syriac: ܝܗܘܕܐ Yəhūḏā | ||||||||||||||
Judah, Kingdom of | Nation | 930 BC | 587 BC | Hebrew: יהודה Hebrew with vowels: יְהוּדָה Y'hudá Hebrew: בית דודBait Daw-weed |
Moabite: 𐤃𐤄𐤉 Transliteration: Yehuda Moabite: 𐤁𐤉𐤕𐤃𐤅𐤃 Transliteration: Bēyt Dāwīḏ Meaning: House of David Imperial Aramaic: 𐡉𐡄𐡅𐡃𐡄 | ||||||||||||
Judah/Judas of Kerioth | Person | 3 BC | AD 33 | Classical Syriac: ܝܗܘܕܐ ܣܟܪܝܘܛܐ Yəhūḏā Skaryota Classical Syriac: ܝܗܘܕܐ Yəhūḏā |
Hebrew: יהודה איש קריות Hebrew: יהודה Y'hudá | ||||||||||||
Lot | Person | Hebrew: לוֹט Lōṭ Classical Syriac: ܠܘܛ Lōṭ | |||||||||||||||
Lot's wife Edith (according to some traditions) |
Person | Hebrew: עירית (according to some traditions) Hebrew with vowels: עִירִית Ee-reet | |||||||||||||||
Lucifer One of the names for the Planet Venus / The Morning Star.[7] This name was chosen in the King James translation of the bible. The morning star was used as a metaphor in Isaiah 14:12. It refers to King Nebuchadnezzar II having great power like the morning star, and then later falling from the sky due to his wickedness.[7] "How art thou fallen from heaven [the sky], O Lucifer [Venus], son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!" Isaiah 14:12, King James Version Confusion over this verse has led to the misconception that Lucifer is the devil.[7] |
Planet | 4004 BC (according to creation dating) 4,500,000,000 BC (according to mainstream science) |
Akkadian: 𒀭𒀹𒁯 Ishtar (Ishtar is the actual name that King Nebuchadnezzar II would have known the Planet Venus by) (see other spellings of Ishtar) |
Hebrew: הֵילֵל[8] Helel[8] Latin: Lvcifero Loo-kee-furro | |||||||||||||
Mary of Nazareth Mary |
Person | 25 BC | AD 75 | Classical Syriac: ܡܪܝܡ ܕܢܨܪܝܐ Maryám Nasraya Classical Syriac: ܡܪܝܡ Maryám |
Hebrew: מרים Meer-ee-yum | ||||||||||||
Mary of Magdala Mary |
Person | AD 3 | AD 63 | Classical Syriac: ܡܪܝܡ ܡܓܕܠܝܬܐ Maryam Magdlaytha Classical Syriac: ܡܪܝܡ Maryám |
Hebrew: מרים המגדלית Meer-ee-yum Haw-meeg-dall-leet Hebrew: מרים Meer-ee-yum | ||||||||||||
Methuselah | Person | 3074 BC | 2105 BC | Adamic language unknown | Hebrew: מתושלח M'tušelaḥ | ||||||||||||
Moses | Person | 1391 BC | 1271 BC | Ancient Egyptian:
Mose[10] Meaning: Is Born[10] |
Hebrew: משה Moshe Classical Syriac: ܡܘܫܐ Mūšē | ||||||||||||
Nazareth | Village | 2200 BC | Hebrew: נצרת Natsrát or Natséret Classical Syriac: ܢܳܨܪܰܬܼ Naw-saw-reth |
Nebuchadnezzar II | Person | 642 BC | 562 BC | Akkadian: ![]() Nabû-kudurri-uṣur Meaning: Nabu protect my boundary/heir Akkadian: 𒀭𒀝𒃻𒁺𒋀 Nabû-kudurrī-uṣur Meaning: Nabu protect my boundary/heir |
Hebrew: נבוכדנאצר N'vukhadnetsár | ||||||||||||
Nefertari Meritmut (aka Nefretiri) |
Person | 1301 BC | 1255 BC | Ancient Egyptian:
Nefertari Meritmut Ancient Egyptian:
Nefertari |
Noah | Person | 2948 BC (according to creation dating) 7400 BC (based on the Black Sea Deluge Hypothesis) |
1998 BC (according to creation dating) 6450 BC (based on the Black Sea Deluge Hypothesis) |
Adamic language unknown | Proto-Indo-European:Nah²u[1] Hebrew: נח Nóakh Classical Syriac: ܢܘܚ[11] Noḥ | ||||||||||||
Paul of Tarsus Paul |
Person | AD 5 | AD 65 | Greek: Ο Παύλος του Ταρσού O Pávlos tou Tarsoú Greek: Παύλος Pávlos |
Hebrew: פאולוס מתרסוס Hebrew: פאולוס | ||||||||||||
Peter (Simon Ben Jonah) |
Person | AD 1 | AD 66 | Simon Ben Jonah: Imperial Aramaic: 𐡔𐡌𐡏𐡅𐡍 𐡁𐡓 𐡉𐡅𐡍𐡄 Shimoun Bar Younah Simon: Imperial Aramaic: 𐡔𐡌𐡏𐡅𐡍 Shimoun |
Simon: Classical Syriac: ܫܡܥܘܢ Šemʿōn Classical Syriac: ܦܛܪܘܣ Peter: Pɛtˤros | ||||||||||||
Pilate, Pontius | Person | 20 BC | AD 36 | Latin: Pontivs Pilatvs Pone-tee-oos Pee-law-toos |
Hebrew: פונטיוס פילאטוס Pone-tee-oos Pee-law-toos | ||||||||||||
Quirinius, Publius Sulpicius | Person | 51 BC | AD 21 | Latin: Pvblivs Svlpicivs Qvirinivs Poob-blee-oos Sul-pee-kee-oos Kweer-reen-nee-oos |
Ramesses I | Person | 1345 BC | 1294 BC | Ancient Egyptian:
Ra-mes-su |
Ramesses II | Person | 1303 BC | 1213 BC | Ancient Egyptian:
Ra-mes-su |
Roman Empire See: The Roman Empire between 27 BC and AD 395 See: The western part of the Roman Empire between AD 395 and 476 See: The eastern part of the Roman Empire between AD 395 and 476 See: The Roman Empire between AD 476 and 1453 (after the loss of the western part) |
Nation | 27 BC | AD 1453 | Roman Empire: Latin: Imperivm Romanvm Eem-pare-ee-oom Ro-muh-noom Rome (short name): Latin: Roma Roma |
Roman Empire: Classical Syriac: ܐܸܡܦܪܵܛܘܿܪܘܼܬܵܐ ܪܗ݇ܘܿܡܵܝܬܵܐ Imprāṭorutā Romāytā Roman Empire: Hebrew: האימפריה הרומית Haw-im-pare-ree-ya Haw-go-meet Rome (short name): Classical Syriac: ܪܗܘܡܐ Syriac with vowels: ܪܗ݇ܘܿܡܹܐ Romē Rome (short name): Hebrew: רומא Roma | ||||||||||||
Roman Kingdom | Nation | 753 BC | 509 BC | Roman Kingdom: Latin: Regnvm Romanvm Rayg-noom Ro-muh-noom Rome (short name): Latin: Roma Roma |
Roman Kingdom: Hebrew: המלוכה הרומית Haw-mawm-la-haw haw-go-meet Rome (short name): Classical Syriac: ܪܗܘܡܐ Syriac with vowels: ܪܗ݇ܘܿܡܹܐ Romē Rome (short name): Hebrew: רומא Roma | ||||||||||||
Roman Republic | Nation | 509 BC | 27 BC | Roman Republic: Latin: Res pvblica Romana Res poob-lee-ka Ro-muh-na Rome (short name): Latin: Roma Roma |
Roman Republic: Hebrew: הרפובליקה הרומית Haw-re-poob-lee-kuh haw-go-meet Rome (short name): Classical Syriac: ܪܗܘܡܐ Syriac with vowels: ܪܗ݇ܘܿܡܹܐ Romē Rome (short name): Hebrew: רומא Roma | ||||||||||||
Salt Sea (biblical name for the Dead Sea) |
Sea | Hebrew: ים המלח Hebrew with vowels: יַם הַמֶּלַח Yawm Haw-may-lawkh Meaning: Sea of Salt |
Sarah | Person | Hebrew: שרה Sará | |||||||||||||||
Satan | Hebrew: שטן Hebrew with vowels: שָׂטָן Suh-tan Classical Syriac: ܣܛܢܐ Syriac with vowels: ܣܵܛܵܢܵܐ Sāṭānā | ||||||||||||||||
Seth | Person | Adamic language unknown | Hebrew: שת Shet | ||||||||||||||
Sinai Peninsula | Region | Ancient Egyptian:
Biau Meaning: The Mining Country Ancient Egyptian:
Khetiu Mafkat Meaning: The Ladders of Turquoise |
Hebrew: סיני See-nie | ||||||||||||||
Sinim (biblical name of Qin, a state of Zhou) |
State | 897 BC | 207 BC | Old Chinese (Bronze inscriptions): ![]() (Baxter–Sagart): /*[dz]i[n]/ (Zhengzhang): /*zin/ |
Hebrew: סינים See-neem | ||||||||||||
Solomon | Person | 990 BC | 931 BC | Hebrew: שלמה Shlomo Meaning: Peace |
Classical Syriac: ܫܠܝܡܘܢ Šlēmōn or Šlēmūn | ||||||||||||
Sumer | Nation | After 2348 BC (according to creation dating) 5500 BC (according to mainstream science) |
1800 BC | Akkadian: 𒋗𒈨𒊒 Shoo-mer-roo |
Sun | Star | 4004 BC (according to creation dating) 4,600,000,000 BC (according to mainstream science) |
Proto Indo European: saH-v-L, saH-v-N, sāvel-yo,[1] sóh₂wl̥ Hebrew: השמש Haw-shem-mesh | ||||||||||||||
Ten Commandments | 1311 BC | Hebrew: עשרת הדיברות Hebrew with vowels: עֲשֶׂרֶת הַדִּבְּרוֹת A-sair-ret Had-dee-boat |
Ur (of the Chaldees) | City | After 2348 BC (according to creation dating) 3800 BC (according to mainstream science) |
After 500 BC | Akkadian: 𒋀𒀕𒆠 urim₂ki /Urim/, “Ur” |
Hebrew: אור 'Ur | ||||||||||||
See also
- Al-Sarkha (Bakhah), Jubb'adin, and Maaloula - the three remaining Syrian villages that still speak Western Aramaic
- Aramaic alphabet
- Bible translations
- List of biblical names
- List of cuneiform signs
- List of Egyptian hieroglyphs
- Pharaohs in the Bible
- Before Babel: Ancient Tales from Genesis Retold in Reconstructed Proto-Indo-European
- Bethlehem - Messiah's birthplace: A detailed look at Micah 5:1-2 and some objections that skeptics have
- Syriac dictionary
- Sureth Dictionary
- The Names of God: יהוה, the God of Israel
- God’s name is not Yahweh – Proof from Jewish Rabbis
- The Lucifer Myth
- Strong's Hebrew: 1966. הֵילֵל (helel) -- a shining one
- Moses Name in Hyroglyphics
- Encyclopedia Brittanica - Moses Hebrew Prophet
- Web Application
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