BBCH-scale (weed)

The BBCH-scale (weed) identifies the phenological development stages of weed species. It is a plant species specific version of the BBCH-scale.

D = Dicotyledons
G = Gramineae
M = Monocotyledons
P = Perennial plants
V = Development from vegetative parts or propagated organs
No code letter is used if the description applies to all groups of plants.

Phenological growth stages and BBCH-identification keys of weeds
Code Plant type Description
Principal growth stage 0: Germination, sprouting, bud development
00Dry seed
VPerennating or reproductive organs during the resting period (tuber, rhizome, bulb, stolon)
PWinter dormancy or resting period
01Beginning of seed imbibition
P, VBeginning of bud swelling
03Seed imbibition complete
P, VEnd of bud swelling
05Radicle (root) emerged from seed
VPerennating or reproductive organs forming roots
06Elongation of radicle, formation of root hairs and/or lateral roots
07GColeoptile emerged from caryopsis
D, MHypocotyl with cotyledons or shoot breaking through seed coat
P, VBeginning of sprouting or bud breaking
08DHypocotyl with cotyledons or shoot growing towards soil surface
VShoot growing towards soil surface
09GEmergence: Coleoptile breaks through soil surface
D, MEmergence: Cotyledons break through soil surface (except hypogeal germination);
VEmergence: Shoot/Leaf breaks through soil surface
PBuds show green tips
Principal growth stage 1: Leaf development (main shoot)
10G, MFirst true leaf emerged from coleoptile
DCotyledons completely unfolded
PFirst leaves separated
11First true leaf, leaf pair or whorl unfolded
PFirst leaves unfolded
122 true leaves, leaf pairs or whorls unfolded
133 true leaves, leaf pairs or whorls unfolded
1 .Stages continuous till ...
199 or more true leaves, leaf pairs or whorls unfolded
Principal growth stage 2: Formation of side shoots / tillering
21First side shoot visible
GFirst tiller visible
222 side shoots visible
G2 tillers visible
233 side shoots visible
G3 tillers visible
2 .Stages continuous till ...
299 or more side shoots visible
G9 or more tillers visible
Principal growth stage 3: Stem elongation /shoot development (main shoot)
30Beginning of stem elongation
GBeginning of shooting
311 visibly extended internode
G1 node stage
322 visibly extended internode;
G2 node stage
333 visibly extended internode
G3 node stage
3 .Stages continuous till ...
399 or more visibly extended internodes
G9 or more nodes
Principal growth stage 4: vegetative propagation / booting (main shoot)
40VVegetative reproductive organs begin to develop (rhizomes, stolons, tubers, runners, bulbs)
41GFlag leaf sheath extending
42VFirst young plant visible
43GFlag leaf sheath just visibly swollen (mid-boot)
45GFlag leaf sheath swollen (late-boot)
47GFlag leaf sheath opening
49VConstant new development of young plants; vegetative reproductive organs reach final size
GFirst awns visible
Principal growth stage 5: Inflorescence emergence (main shoot) / heading
51Inflorescence or flower buds visible
GBeginning of heading
55First individual flowers visible (still closed)
GHalf of inflorescence emerged (middle of heading)
59First flower petals visible (in petalled forms)
GInflorescence fully emerged (end of heading)
Principal growth stage 6: Flowering (main shoot)
60First flowers open (sporadically)
61Beginning of flowering: 10% of flowers open
6330% of flowers open
65Full flowering: 50% of flowers open, first petals may be fallen
67Flowering finishing: majority of petals fallen or dry
69End of flowering: fruit set visible
Principal growth stage 7: Development of fruit
71Fruits begin to develop
GCaryopsis watery ripe
79Nearly all fruits have reached final size normal for the species and location
Principal growth stage 8: Ripening or maturity of fruit and seed
81Beginning of ripening or fruit coloration
89Fully ripe
Principal growth stage 9: Senescence, beginning of dormancy
97End of leaf fall, plants or above ground parts dead or dormant;
P, VPlant resting or dormant


  • Hess, M.; G. Barralis; H. Bleiholder; L. Buhr; Th. Eggers; H. Hack; R. Stauss (1997). "Use of the extended BBCH-scale - general for the description of the growth stages of mono- and dicotyledonous weed species". Weed Research. 36 (6): 433–441. doi:10.1046/j.1365-3180.1997.d01-70.x.
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