2008 Austrian legislative election issue questionnaires

Three different organisations sent questionnaires to the parties competing in the 2008 legislative elections in Austria, seeking answers to various policy questions; the questions and answers are set out in this article.


The internet platform wahlkabine.at (Wahlkabine means "voting booth"), which has offered a decision support for state elections, national elections and European Parliament elections in Austria since 2002, sent a questionnaire consisting of twenty-six questions on political positions to the SPÖ, the ÖVP, the Greens, the FPÖ, the BZÖ, the LIF, the FRITZ and the KPÖ; all parties except for the FRITZ replied with their answers (shown in the following table).[1]

1. Should wealth be taxed more in Austria for the fight against poverty? ++ +++ –– –– +++ Ø +++
2. Should fathers receive complete compensatory wage increases (Lohnausgleich) if they stay at home for one month following the birth of their child? ++ +++ –– –– + ––
3. Should delinquent people who do not have Austrian citizenship be deported irrespective of their prior length of stay? –– ––– +++ +++ –– –––
4. Should the Austrian Armed Forces with their universal conscription be transformed into a professional army based on volunteers? –– –– –– –– ++ +++ ––
5. Should university tuition fees once more be abolished? +++ –– +++ ++ +++ +++
6. Should a general basic income be introduced in Austria? –– –– +++ ––– –– +++ +++
7. Should important decisions on the EU (such as the accession of Turkey to the European Union, the Reform Treaty, ...) be subject to a referendum in Austria, even if there is no referendum in the whole European Union? +++ + ++ +++ +++ ––– +++
8. Should a comprehensive school for teenagers aged 10 to 14 (Gesamtschule) be introduced in Austria? +++ –– ++ ––– –– +++ +++
9. Should the names of sex offenders be recorded in a register and released to the public in Austria? –– ++ –– +++ +++ –– ––
10. Should Austria tighten the criteria for the humanitarian right to stay (such as health, family situation, education)? –– ––– +++ +++ –– –––
11. Should freight traffic on Austria's streets be reduced through a higher lorry toll? ++ + +++ –– + +++
12. Should art which is socially controversial be subsidised with government funds? ++ + +++ –– + +++ ++
13. Should the consumption of "soft drugs" (weiche Drogen) such as hashish and marijuana be prosecuted? + ++ ––– +++ ++ ––
14. Should the number of seats in the Austrian National Council (parliament) be reduced due to cost concerns? ++ +++
15. Should people with higher incomes be obliged to contribute more to the Austrian health system (for instance through an increase of the Höchstbeitragsgrundlage? +++ –– +++ –– ––– +++ ++
16. Should Austria spend public funds to procure information about so-called "tax refugees"? + +++ +
17. Should video surveillance of the public space (such as plazas, public buildings and transport etc.) expanded even more in Austria? + ++ ––– ++ +++ –– ––
18. Should a general smoking ban be imposed in gastronomy (such as restaurants and cafés)? ++ –– ++ ––– –––
19. Should education camps for delinquent juveniles be established in Austria? –– ––– + –– –––
20. Should Austria spend more money on development assistance? + + +++ ––– ++ ++
21. Should long-term unemployed be obliged to render charitable services? –– + ––– –– ++ –– –––
22. Should children born in Austria automatically receive the Austrian citizenship? –– ––– +++ ––– ––– +++
23. Should the age of retirement be adapted automatically to the development of life expectancy to ensure the working of the pension system in the long run? ––– ++ ––– ––– ––– –––
24. Should the possibility of termination of pregnancy through health insurance certificate (Krankenschein) be offered in Austria? + ––– –– ++ +++
25. Should homosexual couples be able to adopt children in Austria? ––– ++ ––– ––– ++ ++
26. Should private transport be relieved through a reduction of the mineral oil tax? –– –– +++ +++ –––
+++ strongly in favour
++ in favour
+ slightly in favour
– slightly against
–– against
––– strongly against
Ø refused to participate


The internet platform politikkabine.at (Politikkabine means "politics booth") offered a similar questionnaire of twenty-six questions, to which nine of the lists contesting the election nationwide (all parties except Save Austria) replied.[2]

1. Should child care places be offered in all of Austria free of charge for children aged 1 to 3? + + + + + + Ø
2. Should university tuition fees be abolished? + + + + + +
3. Should the comprehensive school (Gesamtschule/Neue Mittelschule) (consolidation of Gymnasium and Hauptschule up to the ninth school year) be implemented nationwide? + + + + +
4. Should the age of retirement be adapted automatically to the rising life expectancy and increased? + +
5. Should the state compensate rising food prices through a one-time payment (inflation bonus)? + + + +
6. Should home care subsidies be increased yearly according to the rate of inflation? + + + + + + +
7. Do you favour a consolidation of the regional public health insurance companies (Gebietskrankenkassen)? + + + + +
8. Should children of immigrants without sufficient knowledge of the German language be taught in separate "foreigners' classes" ("Ausländerklassen")? + +
9. Should Austria regulate immigration through a Green Card for highly trained employees? + + + + +
10. Should penalties be imposed on states which do not accommodate a certain number of asylum seekers as agreed between the federation and the states? + + + +
11. Should there be a public register of sex offenders? + + +
12. Should there be a tax reform even if it results in new debts for the state? + + + +
13. Should VAT on food be reduced? + + + + +
14. Should the maximum tax rate be increased? +
15. Do you favour a referendum on a new or modified EU treaty? + + + + + + +
16. Should the number of seats in the National Council be reduced? + +
17. Should the positions of interior minister and/or justice minister be staffed with experts independent from political parties? +
18. Should speed limits and driving bans be imposed in areas afflicted by high fine particulate air pollution? + + + + + + +
19. Should politics intervene regulatively in the price of sale of petrol and diesel? + + + + + +
20. Do you favour the option of termination of pregnancy through health insurance certificate (Krankenschein)? + + + +
21. Should homosexual couples be allowed to marry in a civil ceremony? + + + + +
22. Do you favour positive discrimination (such as conscious preference for women or disabled people) in the job market to facilitate equal job opportunities? + + + + + +
23. Should there be a smoking ban in public venues? + + + +
24. Should the EU cease accession negotiations with Turkey? + + + +
25. Should Austria continue to take part with soldiers in EU missions? + + + + + + +
26. Should Austria withdraw from the EU?
+ in favour
– against
Ø refused to participate

Wiener Zeitung

The Wiener Zeitung had a similar service called Wahlmaschine ("election machine"); all parties replied with their answers to the thirty questions.

1. Every party represented in the National Council is a potential coalition partner. –– ++ –– ++ ++ –– o –– –– ++
2. There is a lack of sufficient measures against capitalism in Austria. –– –– ++ o ++ –– ++ ++ ++ ++
3. The economy in Austria is hindered by too much regulation. –– ++ o ++ o ++ ++ –– ++ ++
4. A possible tax relief should come into force on 1 January 2009. ++ –– ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++
5. A capital gains tax should be introduced. ++ –– ++ –– –– ++ ++ ++ –– ––
6. Higher earners should profit from tax reform, as well. –– ++ ++ ++ –– ++ ++ –– o ++
7. Federalism is too expensive in Austria. –– o o –– o ++ –– ++ ++ ––
8. The states of Austria should levy taxes for all their expenses by themselves. –– –– o –– ++ o –– –– ++ o
9. The rich do not pay enough taxes in Austria. ++ –– ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ o
10. An unconditional basic income for all should be introduced. –– –– o –– –– ++ o ++ o ––
11. Only those who have demonstrated their willingness to work should receive a basic income. ++ ++ –– –– –– –– ++ –– ++ ––
12. Homosexual couples should be able to marry at the civil registry office. ++ –– ++ –– –– ++ o ++ –– ––
13. There should be a widow's/widower's pension for homosexual couples, as well. ++ ++ ++ –– –– ++ –– ++ –– ––
14. Homosexual couples should be allowed to adopt children. ++ –– ++ –– –– ++ –– ++ –– ––
15. A constitutional law should provide for a binding referendum on the accession of Turkey to the European Union. ++ o o ++ ++ –– ++ –– ++ ++
16. A constitutional law should provide for binding referendums before every new EU treaty. ++ –– –– ++ ++ –– o ++ ++ ++
17. Altogether Austria profits from the fact that we joined the EU. ++ ++ ++ –– –– ++ ++ –– –– o
18. Instead of the motorway permit sticker a kilometre-dependent car toll should be introduced. –– –– ++ –– –– ++ ++ ++ o ++
19. Nonsmoker protection should be strengthened even more. ++ o ++ o –– o ++ –– –– ++
20. People who consciously live unhealthfully should contribute more to the financing of the healthcare system. –– o –– –– –– ++ –– –– ++ ++
21. Kindergarten attendance should be compulsory after the fifth year of life. ++ ++ ++ –– ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ––
22. The federation, the states, municipalities, chambers and the ORF should commit themselves to an absolute stop to increases of fees for two years. –– o ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ o
23. When prices rise to unprecedented levels, that state should intervene. ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ –– ++ ++ o ––
24. University tuition fees have to be abolished. ++ –– ++ ++ –– ++ ++ ++ o ––
25. The comprehensive school for teenagers aged 10 to 14 (Gesamtschule) should be introduced nationwide and compulsorily. ++ –– ++ –– –– ++ ++ ++ ++ ––
26. Under-performing civil servants should not be protected from being sacked. –– –– o ++ ++ ++ –– –– –– o
27. Foreigners who have been handed unconditional sentences should be deported immediately. –– o –– ++ ++ –– ++ –– ++ o
28. People who live here legally should be allowed to work, as well. ++ o ++ –– –– ++ ++ ++ ++ o
29. Asylum seekers should have to wait in camps for the decisions on their asylum requests. –– –– –– ++ ++ –– o –– –– o
30. As the life expectancy grows, so should the age of retirement be postponed. –– o –– –– –– ++ –– –– o ++
++ in favour
+ rather in favour
o neutral
– rather against
–– against


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