Aurora Award for Best Artist

The Aurora Awards are granted annually by the Canadian SF and Fantasy Association and SFSF Boreal Inc. The Award for Best Artist was first awarded in 1991 as the Award for Best Artistic Achievement, and changed to its current name in 2012. Whilst the award is open to both English and French language participants, Francophone artists are usually included in the Best Artistic Audiovisual Work category since 2011 when the Aurora and Boreal awards were combined.

Jean-Pierre Normand has the most titles at 6 awards.

Best Artist

Winners and nominees

  *   Winners and joint winners

Year Artist(s) Work(s) (if specified) Ref.
1991 Lynne Taylor Fahnestalk*Cover of On Spec (Autumn '90) [1]
1992 Martin Springett*Cover of On Spec (Autumn '91)
Cover of Strandia by Susan Lynne Reynolds
1993 Lynne Taylor Fahnestalk*MSZ [3]
1994 Robert Pasternak*Unspecified [4]
Jean-Pierre NormandUnspecified [4]
Lynne Taylor FahnestalkUnspecified [4]
Tim HammellUnspecified [4]
Kenneth ScottUnspecified [4]
Mike JacksonUnspecified [4]
1995 Tim Hammell*Cover of On Spec (Autumn '94)
Cover of Science Fiction Chronicle (Unspecified Issue)
Robert PasternakUnspecified [5]
Henry van der LindeUnspecified [5]
Lynne Taylor FahnestalkUnspecified [5]
Jean-Pierre NormandUnspecified [5]
1996 Jean-Pierre Normand*Unspecified [6]
Dale L. SprouleUnspecified [6]
Henry van der LindeUnspecified [6]
Steve FahnestalkUnspecified [6]
Robert PasternakUnspecified [6]
1997 Jean-Pierre Normand*Cover of Imagine... (#74)
Various other covers
Stephanie Ann JohansonSculpture (Unspecified) [7]
Jeff KuipersCover of TransVersions (#5) [7]
Ronn SuttonSong of the Sirens (#1): Spinnerette from Parsec (Unspecified Issue) [7]
Kenneth ScottCover of Writers of the Future (Vol. XII)
Covers of On Spec (Summer '96) & (Autumn '96)
1998 Jean-Pierre Normand*Unspecified [8]
Yves CrepeauUnspecified [8]
Janet L. HetheringtonUnspecified [8]
Larry StewartUnspecified [8]
Ronn SuttonUnspecified [8]
Edward CharpentierUnspecified [8]
James BeveridgeUnspecified [8]
1999 Jean-Pierre Normand*Unspecified [9]
James BeveridgeUnspecified [9]
Dale L. SprouleUnspecified [9]
Larry StewartUnspecified [9]
Ronn SuttonUnspecified [9]
Janet L. HetheringtonUnspecified [9]
2000 Larry Stewart*Unspecified [10]
Jean-Pierre NormandUnspecified [10]
Dale L. SprouleUnspecified [10]
Ronn SuttonUnspecified [10]
Bernard ReischlUnspecified [10]
James BeveridgeUnspecified [10]
Terry PallotUnspecified [10]
2001 Jean-Pierre Normand*Unspecified [11]
James BeveridgeUnspecified [11]
Glenn GrantUnspecified [11]
Mike JacksonUnspecified [11]
Robert PasternakUnspecified [11]
Ronn SuttonUnspecified [11]
Adrian KleinbergenUnspecified [11]
2002 James Beveridge*Unspecified [12]
Jean-Pierre NormandUnspecified [12]
Scott PatriUnspecified [12]
Martin SpringettUnspecified [12]
Larry StewartUnspecified [12]
Ronn SuttonUnspecified [12]
Lar deSouzaUnspecified [12]
2003 Mel Vavaroutsos*Unspecified [13]
Michèle LaframboiseUnspecified [13]
Ronn SuttonUnspecified [13]
James BeveridgeUnspecified [13]
Andrew BarrUnspecified [13]
Lar deSouzaUnspecified [13]
Jean-Pierre NormandUnspecified [13]
2004 Jean-Pierre Normand*Unspecified [14]
Mel VavaroutsosUnspecified [14]
Ronn SuttonUnspecified [14]
James BeveridgeUnspecified [14]
Lar deSouzaUnspecified [14]
Michèle LaframboiseUnspecified [14]
Stephanie Ann JohansonUnspecified [14]
Martin SpringettUnspecified [14]
2005 Martin Springett*Unspecified [15]
Lar deSouzaUnspecified [15]
Stephanie Ann JohansonUnspecified [15]
Jean-Pierre NormandUnspecified [15]
Ronn SuttonUnspecified [15]
2006 Lar deSouza*Unspecified [16]
Stephanie Ann JohansonUnspecified [16]
Jean-Pierre NormandUnspecified [16]
Martin SpringettUnspecified [16]
Ronn SuttonUnspecified [16]
Elaine ChenUnspecified [16]
2007 Martin Springett*Unspecified [17]
Kenn BrownUnspecified [17]
Janet HetheringtonUnspecified [17]
Jean-Pierre NormandUnspecified [17]
Ronn SuttonUnspecified [17]
Lar deSouzaUnspecified [17]
2008 Lar deSouza*Cover of On Spec (Winter '07)
Covers of Parsec (Spring '07) & (Summer '07)
Jean-Pierre NormandUnspecified [18]
Stephanie Ann JohansonInterior Illustrations for Neo-opsis (#11, Mar '07) [18]
Ronn SuttonElvira: Mistress of the Dark (comics) (#165) & (#166) [18]
Martin SpringettUnspecified [18]
2009 Lar deSouza*Looking for Group [19]
Michèle LaframboiseImagination from Imagination contre les pigeons spammers [19]
Ronn SuttonFear Agent (#22) [19]
David WillicomeCover of JEMMA7729 [19]
Stephanie Ann JohansonCover of Neo-opsis (#14) [19]
2010 Dan O'Driscoll*Cover of Steel Whispers [20]
Kari-Ann AndersonCover of Nina Kimberly the Merciless [20]
Tarol HuntGoblins [20]
Lar deSouzaLooking for Group [20]
James BeveridgeXenobiology 101: Field Trip from Neo-opsis (#16) [20]
2011 Erik Mohr*Cover of ChiZine Publications (Unspecified) [21]
Lynne Taylor FahnestalkBrekky, Cover of On Spec (Autumn '10) [21]
Christina MolendykGirl of Geekdom Calender [21]
Aaron PaquetteA New Season from On Spec (Spring '10) [21]
Dan O'DriscollStealing Home [21]
2012 Dan O'Driscoll*Unspecified [22]
Martin SpringettUnspecified [22]
Erik MohrUnspecified [22]
Janice BlaineUnspecified [22]
Costi GurguUnspecified [22]
2013 Erik Mohr*Cover of ChiZine Publications (Unspecified) [23]
Richard BartropIllustrations of fiction on Reality Skimming (Unspecified) [23]
G. M. B. ChomichukRaygun Gothic [23]
Costi GurguCover of Inner Diverse [23]
Michelle MilburnCover of Gathering Storm
Cover of Healer's Sword
2014 Erik Mohr*Unspecified [24]
Melissa Mary DuncanUnspecified [24]
Tanya MontiniUnspecified [24]
Dan O'DriscollUnspecified [24]
Apis TeicherUnspecified [24]
2015 Dan O'Driscoll*Unspecified [25]
James BeveridgeUnspecified [25]
Lynne Taylor Fahnestalk & Steve FahnestalkUnspecified [25]
Erik MohrUnspecified [25]
Derek Newman-StilleUnspecified [25]
2016 Erik Mohr*Unspecified [26]
James BeveridgeUnspecified [26]
Lynne Taylor FahnestalkUnspecified [26]
Jeff MinkevicsUnspecified [26]
Dan O'DriscollUnspecified [26]
2017 Samantha M. Beiko*Unspecified [27]
James BeveridgeUnspecified [27]
Melissa Mary DuncanUnspecified [27]
Erik MohrUnspecified [27]
Dan O'DriscollUnspecified [27]
2018 Dan O'Driscoll*Bundoran Press (unspecified) [28]
Samantha M. Beikocovers for Laksa Media (unspecified) [28]
Ann Crowecover of Avians by Timothy Gwyn [28]
Lynne Taylor FahnestalkA Rivet of Robots: Body of Work [28]
Fiona StaplesSaga [28]
2019 Samantha M. Beiko* covers for Laksa Media [29]
Lily Author cover art for Polar Borealis (#8) [29]
James Beveridge cover art for Tyche Books
Roger Czerneda cover for Tales from Plexis, ed. Julie E. Czerneda
Lynne Taylor Fahnestalk cartoons for Amazing Stories
Dan O'Driscoll covers for Bundoran Press
2020 Dan O'Driscoll*
  • covers for Bundoran Press
  • cover for On Spec (#110)
Samantha M. Beiko cover for Bursts of Fire by Susan Forest [30]
James Beveridge
  • cover for Fata Morgana by Thomas J. Radford
  • cover for On Spec (#112)
Lynne Taylor Fahnestalk
Nathan Fréchette covers for Renaissance Press
2021 Samantha M. Beiko* cover for Flights of the Marigold by Susan Forest [31]
Lorna Antoniazzi covers for Augur (#3.1 and 3.2) [31]
Swati Chavda art, maps, and covers for multiple publications
Maia Kondla-Wolf cover for Prairie Gothic, ed. Stacey Kondla
Dan O'Driscoll cover for Corona Burning by Ryan T. McFadden
2022 Samantha M. Beiko* cover for Seasons Between Us: Tales of Identities and Memories, ed. Susan Forest, Lucas K. Law [32]
James Beveridge
  • cover for On Spec (#116)
  • CD cover for Distant Past’s album The Final Stage
Swati Chavda
  • covers for Polar Starlight (#1)
  • covers for Polar Borealis (#18 and #20)
Dan O'Driscoll
  • cover for On Spec (#117)
  • cover for Star Song
Veronica Park cover for The Annual Migration of Clouds by Premee Mohamed

Création artistique audiovisuelle

Winners and nominees

  *   Winners and joint winners

Year Artist(s) Work(s) (if specified) Ref.
2011 Sybiline *Covers of Solaris (#173) & (#175)
Cover of Brins d'éternité (#26)
2012 Valérie Bédard*Unspecified [33]
2013 Ève Chabot*Unspecified [33]
2014 Émilie Léger*Unspecified [33]
2015 Émilie Léger*Cover of 6, chalet des brumes (6, House of Mist)
Cover of Dix ans d’éternité (10 Years of Eternity)
Cover of Petits demons (Little Demons)
Other unspecified works
2016 Grégory Fromenteau*Cover of Le Jeu du Démiurge (The Demiurge Game)
Cover of Les Marches de la Lune morte (Steps of the Dead Moon)
Other unspecified works
2017 Émilie Léger*Illustrations inside Solaris (#198) & (#199)
Cover of Les Cendres de Sedna (The Ashes of Sedna)
Pascal BlanchéCover of Brins d’éternité (#45) [34]
Grégory FromenteauCover of Les Monstres intérieurs (Indoor Monsters)
Cover of Le Sang de Mirial (The Blood of Mirial)
Cover of La Chute de Mirial (The Fall of Mirial)
Mary KhaosCover of Brins d’éternité (#43) [34]
Laurine SpehneIllustrations inside Solaris (#197), (#199) & (#200) [34]
2018 Denis Villeneuve*Blade Runner 2049 [35]
Émilie LégerCover of Horrificorama [35]
Sybiline Cover of Brins d’éternité (#46) [35]
Tomislav TikulinIllustrations inside Solaris (#201) & (#202) [35]


  1. "1991 Aurora Awards".
  2. "1992 Aurora Awards".
  3. "1993 Aurora Awards".
  4. "1994 Aurora Awards".
  5. "1995 Aurora Awards".
  6. "1996 Aurora Awards".
  7. "1997 Aurora Awards".
  8. "1998 Aurora Awards".
  9. "1999 Aurora Awards".
  10. "2000 Aurora Awards".
  11. "2001 Aurora Awards".
  12. "2002 Aurora Awards".
  13. "2003 Aurora Awards".
  14. "2004 Aurora Awards".
  15. "2005 Aurora Awards".
  16. "2006 Aurora Awards".
  17. "2007 Aurora Awards".
  18. "2008 Aurora Awards".
  19. "2009 Aurora Awards".
  20. "2010 Aurora Awards".
  21. "2011 Aurora Awards".
  22. "2012 Aurora Awards".
  23. "2013 Aurora Awards".
  24. "2014 Aurora Awards".
  25. "2015 Aurora Awards".
  26. "2016 Aurora Awards".
  27. "2017 Aurora Awards".
  28. "2018 Aurora Awards".
  29. "sfadb: Aurora Awards 2019". Retrieved 2022-07-26.
  30. "sfadb: Aurora Awards 2020". Retrieved 2022-07-26.
  31. "sfadb: Aurora Awards 2021". Retrieved 2022-07-26.
  32. "sfadb: Aurora Awards 2022". Retrieved 2022-07-26.
  33. "Aurora Awards".
  34. "2017 Aurora Boreal Awards". Locus. 8 May 2017.
  35. "2018 Aurora Boreal Awards". Congres Boreal. 19 April 2018.
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