Surveillance and target acquisition
Surveillance and target acquisition (STA) is a military role assigned to units and/or their equipment. It involves watching an area to see what changes (surveillance) and then the acquisition of targets based on that information.
Artillery STA
The role of STA artillery is to locate, track, assess and where appropriate cue the attack of hostile artillery, mortars, units and formation.
It provides commanders with surveillance and targeting information across the battle space and is always linked by a robust command-and-control (C2) system to offensive support (OS) systems.

Special Observer Badge, worn by Soldiers of the HAC or 4/73 Battery RA who have passed STA Patrol Training and successfully completed a probationary period
Army Reserve
French Army
- 61e régiment d'artillerie
German Army
- Artillerieaufklärungsbataillon 131, Mühlhausen
Australian Army
Italian Army
01.09.2004 - today
- Com.F.O.Ter. Comando delle Forze Operative Terrestri (Verona)
- Co.T.I.E. Comando Trasmissioni ed Informazioni dell'Esercito (Anzio - Caserma “Santa Barbara”)
- Brg.R.I.S.T.A.-I.E.W. Brigata Reconnaissance, Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition – Intelligence and Electronic Warfare (Anzio - Caserma “Santa Barbara”)
- 41° Rgt.A.Ter.Sor.A.O. Reggimento Artiglieria Terrestre Sorveglianza ed Aquisizione Obiettivi (Casarsa della Delizia - Caserma “Trieste”)
- 2° Gr.Sor.A.O. Gruppo Sorveglianza ed Aquisizione Obiettivi (Sora - Caserma “Simone Simoni”)
- B.A.T. Batteria Aerei Teleguidati
- 2° Gr.Sor.A.O. Gruppo Sorveglianza ed Aquisizione Obiettivi (Sora - Caserma “Simone Simoni”)
- 41° Rgt.A.Ter.Sor.A.O. Reggimento Artiglieria Terrestre Sorveglianza ed Aquisizione Obiettivi (Casarsa della Delizia - Caserma “Trieste”)
- Brg.R.I.S.T.A.-I.E.W. Brigata Reconnaissance, Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition – Intelligence and Electronic Warfare (Anzio - Caserma “Santa Barbara”)
- Co.T.I.E. Comando Trasmissioni ed Informazioni dell'Esercito (Anzio - Caserma “Santa Barbara”)
- Com.F.O.Ter. Comando delle Forze Operative Terrestri (Verona)
- Com.F.O.S.E. Comando delle Forze Speciali dell'Esercito
- 185° Reggimento Paracadutisti Ricognizione Acquisizione Obiettivi "Folgore"
- Com.F.O.S.E. Comando delle Forze Speciali dell'Esercito
United States Marine Corps
- Target Acquisition Platoon (TAP)
- Counter-battery radar (CoBRa)
- Mobile Artillery Monitoring Battlefield Asset (MAMBA)
- Advanced Sound-ranging Programme (ASP)
- Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)
See also
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