Anna Suffía Rasmussen
Anna Suffía Rasmussen (née av Skarði, 1876–1932) was a Faroese educator.

Anna Suffía Rasmussen (right) depicted with Sanna av Skarði on a Faroese postage stamp
Anna Suffía Rasmussen was born in Skarð as Anna Suffía (or Onna Sofía) Johannesen.[1] She married Rasmus Rasmussen in 1904.[1] She was the sister of Símun av Skarði, who co-founded the Faroese Folk High School (Faroese: Føroya Fólkaháskúli) together with her husband in Klaksvík in 1899.[2][3] After the school was established, she served as its superintendent.
In 2000, she was featured on a Faroese stamp together with her sister-in-law Sanna av Skarði.
- Føroya Fólkaháskúli: R. Rasmussen og kona.
- Pons, Christophe. 2011. The Anthropology of Christianity in the Faroe Islands. In: Firouz Gaini (ed.), Among the Islanders of the North: An Anthropology of the Faroe Islands, pp. 80–131. Tórshavn: Fróðskapur / Faroe University Press, p. 91.
- Føroya Fólkaháskúli: Alment un skúlan.
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