Anna Louise Stevnhøj

Anna Louise Stevnhøj (born 1963) is a Danish journalist and writer. She is especially known for her writing about children, sexuality, youngsters and health.[1][2] When she has not worked freelance, she has been employed at magazines and the Danish organization Boerns Vilkaar[3]/BV (The Conditions of Children).


  • "Elsk med omtanke" (Love with Consideration) 1994
  • "Før den første gang" (Before the First Time) 2000
  • "Efter den første gang" (After the First Time) 2003
  • ”Beretninger om Depression” (Stories of Depression) written with Jan Andreasen 2003
  • “G-streng og cybersex I børnestørrelse” (G-string and cybersex in children’s sizes) BV 2003
  • “Fortællinger om børn og terapi” (Tales about children and therapy) written with Marie Birk 2004
  • ”Skilsmissefamilien” (The Divorce Family) (BV) 2007
  • “Skilsmissebørn” (Divorce Children) (BV) written with Bente Boserup 2007
  • "Børn og Seksualitet" (Children and Sexuality) BV 2008
  • “En mors bekendelser” (A Mom’s Confessions)
  • "Gyldendals Bog om Barnet" (Gyldendal's Book about the Child)
  • Gyldendals Leksikon om børn 1-15 år” (Gyldendal’s Dictionary about Children ages 1–15)


  1. Nye bøger: Bøger om børn Anna Louise Stevnhøj : Gyldendals bog om barnet. Jyllands-Posten, 01.11.2001, Side 6
  2. Bog: Når far og mor skal skilles Boganm: Anna Louise Stevnhøj : Jeg er også et skilsmissebarn - bogen til unge. Jyllands-Posten, 01.08.2002, Side 4
  3. Børns seksualitet: Fortielse er fjenden Børn & Unge 08/2008 by Stine Mathieu

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