America's Most Endangered Rivers
America's Most Endangered Rivers is a list of threatened rivers in the United States compiled by the nonprofit group American Rivers. First published in 1984, the annual list spotlights ten rivers facing environmental degradation due to existing or proposed development projects. The list is intended to build public awareness and spur action toward addressing specific environmental issues.[1][2]

2023 rivers
On April 18, 2023,[3] American Rivers announced its ten most endangered rivers of 2023.[4]
Rank | River | State(s) | Threats |
1 | Grand Canyon of the Colorado River | AZ | Climate change, mismanagement |
2 | Ohio River | PA, OH, WV, KY, IN, IL | Pollution, climate change |
3 | Pearl River | MS | Dredging, dams |
4 | Snake River | ID, OR, WA | Dams |
5 | Clark Fork River | MT | Pollution |
6 | Eel River | CA | Dams |
7 | Lehigh River | PA | Development |
8 | Chilkat and Klehini Rivers | AK | Mining |
9 | Rio Gallinas | NM | Climate change, mismanagement |
10 | Okefenokee Swamp | GA, FL | Mining |
2022 rivers
On April 19, 2022,[5] American Rivers announced its ten most endangered rivers of 2022.[6]
Rank | River | State(s) | Threats |
1 | Colorado River | CO, UT, AZ, NV, CA, WY, NM | Climate change, mismanagement |
2 | Snake River | ID, OR, WA | Dams |
3 | Mobile River | AL | Pollution |
4 | Maine's Atlantic salmon rivers | ME | Dams |
5 | Coosa River | TN, GA, AL | Pollution |
6 | Mississippi River | MN, WI, IL, IA, MO, KY, TN, AK, MS, LA | Pollution, habitat loss |
7 | Lower Kern River | CA | Over-withdrawal |
8 | San Pedro River | AZ | Over-withdrawal |
9 | Los Angeles River | CA | Development, pollution |
10 | Tar Creek | OK | Pollution |
2021 rivers
On April 13, 2021,[7] American Rivers announced its ten most endangered rivers of 2021.[8]
Rank | River | State(s) | Threats |
1 | Snake River | ID, OR, WA | Dams |
2 | Lower Missouri River | MO, IA, NE, KS | Mismanagement, climate change |
3 | Boundary Waters | MN | Mining |
4 | South River | GA | Pollution |
5 | Pecos River | NM | Mining |
6 | Tar Creek | OK | Pollution |
7 | McCloud River | CA | Dams |
8 | Ipswich River | MA | Over-withdrawal |
9 | Raccoon River | IA | Pollution |
10 | Turkey Creek | MS | Development |
2020 rivers
On April 14, 2020,[9] American Rivers announced its ten most endangered rivers of 2020.[10]
Rank | River | State(s) | Threats |
1 | Upper Mississippi River | MN, WI, IL, IA | Climate change, mismanagement |
2 | Lower Missouri River | MO, IA, NE, KS | Climate change, mismanagement |
3 | Big Sunflower River | MS | Habitat loss |
4 | Puyallup River | WA | Dams |
5 | South Fork Salmon River | ID | Mining |
6 | Menominee River | MI, WI | Mining |
7 | Rapid Creek | SD | Mining |
8 | Okefenokee Swamp and St. Marys River | GA, FL | Mining |
9 | Ocklawaha River | FL | Dams |
10 | Lower Youghiogheny River | PA | Natural gas |
2019 rivers
On April 16, 2019,[11] American Rivers announced its ten most endangered rivers of 2019.[12]
Rank | River | State(s) | Threats |
1 | Gila River | NM | Over-withdrawal |
2 | Hudson River | NY | Storm-surge barrier |
3 | Upper Mississippi River | IL, IA, MO | Levees |
4 | Green-Duwamish River | WA | Habitat loss |
5 | Willamette River | OR | Dams |
6 | Chilkat River | AK | Mining |
7 | South Fork Salmon River | ID | Mining |
8 | Buffalo National River | AR | Pollution |
9 | Big Darby Creek | OH | Development |
10 | Stikine River | AK | Mining |
2018 rivers
On April 11, 2018,[13] American Rivers announced its ten most endangered rivers of 2018.[14]
Rank | River | State(s) | Threats |
1 | Big Sunflower River | MS | Pumping project |
2 | Rivers of Bristol Bay | AK | Mining |
3 | Boundary Waters | MN | Mining |
4 | Lower Rio Grande | TX | Habitat loss |
5 | South Fork Salmon River | ID | Mining |
6 | Mississippi River Gorge | MN | Dams |
7 | Smith River | MT | Mining |
8 | Colville River | AK | Development |
9 | Middle Fork Vermilion River | IL | Pollution |
10 | Kinnickinnic River (St. Croix River tributary) | WI | Dams |
2017 rivers
On April 11, 2017,[15] American Rivers announced its ten most endangered rivers of 2017.[16]
Rank | River | State(s) | Threats |
1 | Lower Colorado River | AZ, NV, CA | Climate change, over-withdrawal |
2 | Bear River | CA | Dams |
3 | South Fork Skykomish River | WA | Hydropower |
4 | Rivers of Mobile Bay | AL, GA, MS | Mismanagement |
5 | Rappahannock River | VA | Fracking |
6 | Green-Toutle River | WA | Mining |
7 | Neuse and Cape Fear Rivers | NC | Livestock pollution |
8 | Middle Fork Flathead River | MT | Oil transport |
9 | Buffalo National River | AR | Livestock pollution |
10 | Menominee River | MI, WI | Mining |
2016 rivers
In April 2016, American Rivers announced its ten most endangered rivers of 2016.[17]
Rank | River | State(s) | Threats |
1 | Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin | AL, FL, GA | Mismanagement |
2 | San Joaquin River | CA | Mismanagement |
3 | Susquehanna River | PA | Dams |
4 | Smith River | MT | Mining |
5 | Green-Duwamish River | WA | Dams, pollution |
6 | Pee Dee River | NC | Dams |
7 | Russell Fork River | KY, WV | Mining |
8 | Merrimack River | MA, NH | Pollution |
9 | St. Lawrence River | NY | Dams |
10 | Pascagoula River | MS, AL | Dams |
2015 rivers
On April 7, 2015,[18] American Rivers announced its ten most endangered rivers of 2015.[19]
Rank | River | State(s) | Threats |
1 | Grand Canyon of the Colorado River | AZ | Development, mining, groundwater depletion |
2 | Columbia River | WA, OR | Dams |
3 | Holston River | TN | Pollution |
4 | Smith River | MT | Mining |
5 | Edisto River | SC | Over-withdrawal |
6 | Chuitna River | AK | Mining |
7 | Rogue and Smith Rivers | OR, CA | Mining |
8 | St. Louis River | MN | Mining |
9 | Harpeth River | TN | Pollution, over-withdrawal |
10 | Pearl River | MS, LA | Dams |
2014 rivers
On April 9, 2014,[20] American Rivers announced its ten most endangered rivers of 2014.[21]
Rank | River | State(s) | Threats |
1 | San Joaquin River | CA | Mismanagement |
2 | Upper Colorado River | CO | Water diversions |
3 | Middle Mississippi River | MO, IL, KY | Mismanagement |
4 | Gila River | NM | Water diversions |
5 | San Francisquito Creek | CA | Dams |
6 | South Fork Edisto River | SC | Over-withdrawal |
7 | White River (Colorado) | CO | Petroleum development |
8 | White River (Washington) | WA | Dams |
9 | Haw River | NC | Pollution |
10 | Clearwater and Lochsa Rivers | ID | Industrializaton |
2013 rivers
In April 2013, American Rivers announced its ten most endangered rivers of 2013.[22]
Rank | River | State(s) | Threats |
1 | Colorado River | CO, UT, AZ, NV, CA, WY, NM | Mismanagement |
2 | Flint River | GA | Mismanagement |
3 | San Saba River | TX | Mismanagement |
4 | Little Plover River | WI | Mismanagement |
5 | Catawba River | NC, SC | Coal ash pollution |
6 | Boundary Waters | MN | Mining |
7 | Black Warrior River | AL | Mining |
8 | Rough & Ready and Baldface Creeks | OR | Mining |
9 | Kootenai River | MT, ID | Mining |
10 | Niobrara River | NE, SD, WY | Sedimentation |
2012 rivers
In May 2012, American Rivers announced its ten most endangered rivers of 2012.[23]
Rank | River | State(s) | Threats |
1 | Potomac River | MD, VA, PA, WV, DC | Pollution |
2 | Green River | WY, UT, CO | Pumping project |
3 | Chattahoochee River | GA | Dams |
4 | Missouri River | CO, IA, KS, MN, MO, MT, NE, ND, SD, WY | Mismanagement |
5 | Hoback River | WY | Natural gas |
6 | Grand River | OH | Natural gas |
7 | South Fork Skykomish River | WA | Dams |
8 | Crystal River | CO | Dams |
9 | Coal River | WV | Mining |
10 | Kansas River | KS | Dredging |
2011 rivers
In May 2011, American Rivers announced its ten most endangered rivers of 2011.[24]
Rank | River | State(s) | Threats |
1 | Susquehanna River | NY, PA, MD | Natural gas |
2 | Rivers of Bristol Bay | AK | Mining |
3 | Roanoke River | VA, NC | Mining |
4 | Chicago River | IL | Sewage pollution |
5 | Yuba River | CA | Dams |
6 | Green River (North Fork Toutle River tributary) | WA | Mining |
7 | Hoback River | WY | Natural gas |
8 | Black Warrior River | AL | Mining |
9 | St. Croix River | WI, MN | Bridge project |
10 | Ozark National Scenic Riverways | MO | Overuse, mismanagement |
2010 rivers
On June 2, 2010, American Rivers announced its ten most endangered rivers of 2010.[25]
Rank | River | State(s) | Threats |
1 | Upper Delaware River | NY, PA | Natural gas |
2 | Sacramento–San Joaquin River Delta | CA | Mismanagement |
3 | Gauley River | WV | Mining |
4 | Little River | NC | Dams |
5 | Cedar River | IA | Mismanagement |
6 | Upper Colorado River | CO | Water diversions |
7 | Chetco River | OR | Mining |
8 | Teton River | ID | Teton Dam reconstruction proposal |
9 | Monongahela River | PA, WV | Natural gas |
10 | Coosa River | AL | Dams |
2009 rivers
On April 7, 2009, American Rivers announced its ten most endangered rivers of 2009.[26]
Rank | River | State(s) | Threats |
1 | Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers | CA | Mismanagement |
2 | Flint River | GA | Dams |
3 | Lower Snake River | ID, OR, WA | Dams |
4 | Mattawoman Creek | MD | Development |
5 | North Fork Flathead River | MT | Proposed mines |
6 | Saluda River | SC | Sewage pollution |
7 | Laurel Hill Creek | PA | Over-withdrawal |
8 | Beaver Creek | AK | Proposed petroleum development |
9 | Pascagoula River | MS | Proposed petroleum storage project |
10 | Lower St. Croix National Scenic Riverway | MN, WI | Development |
2008 rivers
In May 2008, American Rivers announced its ten most endangered rivers of 2008.[27]
Rank | River | State(s) | Threats |
1 | Catawba-Wateree River | NC, SC | Mismanagement |
2 | Rogue River | OR | Logging, road construction |
3 | Cache la Poudre River | CO | Water diversion, dams |
4 | St. Lawrence River | NY | Dams |
5 | Minnesota River | MN | Proposed power plant |
6 | St. Johns River | FL | Over-withdrawal |
7 | Gila River | NM, AZ | Proposed water diversion |
8 | Allagash Wilderness Waterway | ME | Proposed removal of legal protection |
9 | Pearl River | MS, LA | Floodplain development |
10 | Niobrara River | WY, NE | Irrigation diversions |
2007 rivers
In April 2007, American Rivers announced its ten most endangered rivers of 2007.[28][29]
Rank | River | State(s) | Threats |
1 | Santa Fe River | NM | Mismanagement |
2 | San Mateo Creek (Southern California) | CA | Proposed highway |
3 | Iowa River | IA | Pollution |
4 | Upper Delaware River | NY | Proposed power line |
5 | White Salmon River | WA | Condit Dam |
6 | Neches River | TX | Proposed dams |
7 | Kinnickinnic River (Milwaukee River tributary) | WI | Toxic sediments |
8 | Neuse River | NC | Development |
9 | Lee River | AR, OK | Proposed dam |
10 | Chuitna River | AK | Proposed coal mine |
2006 rivers
In April 2006, American Rivers announced its ten most endangered rivers of 2006.[30][31]
Rank | River | State(s) | Threats |
1 | Pajaro River | CA | Flood control project |
2 | Upper Yellowstone River | MT | Floodplain development |
3 | Willamette River | OR | Pollution |
4 | Salmon Trout River | MI | Proposed mine |
5 | Shenandoah River | VA, WV | Overdevelopment |
6 | Boise River | ID | Proposed mine |
7 | Caloosahatchee River | FL | Toxic water discharge from Lake Okeechobee |
8 | Rivers of Bristol Bay | AK | Proposed mining district |
9 | San Jacinto River | TX | Unregulated sand mining |
10 | Verde River | AZ | Proposed groundwater pumping |
2005 rivers
In April 2005, American Rivers announced its ten most endangered rivers of 2005.[32][33]
Rank | River | State(s) | Threats |
1 | Susquehanna River | NY, PA, MD | Sewage pollution, proposed dam |
2 | McCrystal Creek | NM | Proposed methane drilling |
3 | Fraser River | CO | Proposed increase in water withdrawal |
4 | Skykomish River | WA | Overdevelopment |
5 | Roan Creek | TN | Proposed factory dairy farm |
6 | Santee River | SC | Over-withdrawal |
7 | Little Miami River | OH | Pollution |
8 | Tuolumne River | CA | Proposed increase in water withdrawal |
9 | Price River | UT | Proposed dam and dewatering |
10 | Santa Clara River | CA | Overdevelopment |
2004 rivers
In April 2004, American Rivers announced its ten most endangered rivers of 2004.[34][35]
Rank | River | State(s) | Threats |
1 | Colorado River | CO, UT, NV, AZ, CA | Pollution |
2 | Big Sunflower River | MS | Proposed drainage and dredging project |
3 | Snake River | WY, ID, OR, WA | Dams |
4 | Tennessee River | TN, AL, MS, KY | Sewage pollution |
5 | Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers | PA, WV, NY | Coal mine pollution |
6 | Spokane River | ID, WA | Over-withdrawal, pollution |
7 | Housatonic River | MA, CT | Polychlorinated biphenyl pollution |
8 | Peace River | FL | Phosphate mine pollution |
9 | Big Darby Creek | OH | Overdevelopment |
10 | Mississippi River | MN, WI, IL, IA, MO, KY, TN, AK, MS, LA | Dams, levees, pollution |
2003 rivers
In April 2003, American Rivers announced its ten most endangered rivers of 2003.[36][37]
Rank | River | State(s) | Threats |
1 | Big Sunflower River | MS | Proposed drainage and dredging project |
2 | Klamath River | CA, OR | Irrigation withdrawals, dams, pollution |
3 | Ipswich River | MA | Groundwater pumping, over-withdrawal |
4 | Gunnison River | CO | Over-withdrawal |
5 | Rio Grande | CO, NM, TX | Diversion and over-withdrawal |
6 | Mattaponi River | VA | Proposed dam |
7 | Platte River | WY, CO, NE | Proposed water supply development |
8 | Snake River | ID, OR, WA | Dams |
9 | Tallapoosa River | AL, GA | Dams, overallocation |
10 | Trinity River | TX | Proposed flood control project, floodplain development |
2002 rivers
On April 4, 2002, American Rivers announced its eleven most endangered rivers of 2002.[38][39]
Rank | River | State(s) | Threats |
1 | Missouri River | MT, ND, SD, MO, IA, NE, KS | Habitat loss from unnatural dam operations |
2 | Big Sunflower River | MS | Proposed drainage and dredging project |
3 | Klamath River | CA, OR | Irrigation withdrawals, dams, pollution |
4 | Kansas River | KS | Agricultural pollution |
5 | White River | AR | Irrigation project, proposed navigation project |
6 | Powder River | WY | Coal bed methane pollution |
7 | Altamaha River | GA | Over-withdrawal |
8 | Allagash Wilderness Waterway | ME | Proposed loss of legal protections |
9 | Canning River | AK | Proposed petroleum development |
10 | Guadalupe River | TX | Proposed over-withdrawal |
11 | Apalachicola River | FL | Dredging |
2001 rivers
On April 11, 2001, American Rivers announced its thirteen most endangered rivers of 2001.[40][41][42]
Rank | River | State(s) | Threats |
1 | Missouri River | MT, ND, SD, MO, IA, NE, KS | Habitat loss from unnatural dam operations |
2 | Canning River | AK | Proposed petroleum development |
3 | Eel River | CA | Dams |
4 | Hudson River | NY | Polychlorinated biphenyl pollution |
5 | Powder River | WY | Coal bed methane pollution |
6 | Mississippi River | MN, WI, IL, IA, MO, KY, TN, AK, MS, LA | Proposed flood control project, wetlands destruction, pollution |
7 | Big Sandy River | WV, KY | Coal sludge spill |
8 | Snoqualmie River | WA | Overdevelopment |
9 | Animas River | CO, NM | Proposed water project |
10 | East Fork Lewis River | WA | Proposed gravel mine expansion |
11 | Paine Run | VA | Acid rain pollution |
12 | Hackensack River and Meadowlands | NJ, NY | Overdevelopment |
13 | Catawba River | NC, SC | Overdevelopment |
2000 rivers
On April 10, 2000, American Rivers announced its thirteen most endangered rivers of 2000.[43][44][45]
Rank | River | State(s) | Threats |
1 | Snake River | ID, OR, WA | Dams |
2 | Missouri River | MT, ND, SD, MO, IA, NE, KS | Flood control works |
3 | Ventura River | CA | Matilija Dam |
4 | Copper River | AK | Proposed logging road |
5 | Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint and Alabama-Coosa-Tallapoosa River Basins | AL, FL, GA | Tri-state water dispute, over-withdrawal, dams, urban sprawl, pollution |
6 | Coal River | WV | Mining |
7 | Rio Grande | CO, NM, TX | Pollution, dams, water demand |
8 | Snoqualmie River | WA | Overdevelopment |
9 | Mississippi and White Rivers | AR | Dredging proposal |
10 | Clear Creek | TX | Proposed flood control project |
11 | Green River | UT, CO | Flaming Gorge Dam |
12 | Presumpscot River | ME | Dams impeding American shad and Atlantic salmon migration |
13 | Clark Fork River | MT | Proposed silver and copper mine |
1999 rivers
Rank | River[46][47] | State(s) | Threats |
1 | Lower Snake River | ID, OR, WA | Dams |
2 | Missouri River | MT, ND, SD, MO, IA, NE, KS | Flood control works |
3 | Alabama-Coosa-Tallapoosa River Basin | AL, GA | Overdevelopment over-withdrawal, pollution |
4 | San Pedro River | AZ | Overdevelopment, groundwater pumping |
5 | Yellowstone River | MT, ND | Channelization |
6 | Cedar River | WA | Overdevelopment, over-withdrawal |
7 | Fox River | IL, WI | Overdevelopment, pollution |
8 | Carmel River | CA | Overdevelopment, over-withdrawal, dams |
9 | Coal River | WV | Mining |
10 | Bear River | UT | Overdevelopment, over-withdrawal |
1998 rivers
On April 6, 1998, American Rivers announced its twenty most endangered rivers of 1998.[48][49]
Rank | River | State(s) | Threats |
1 | Hanford Reach of the Columbia River | WA | Public land transfer, irrigation, nuclear waste |
2 | Missouri River | MT, ND, SD, MO, IA, NE, KS | Channelization, dams |
3 | Pocomoke River | DE, MD, VA | Agricultural pollution |
4 | Kern River | CA | Dams |
5 | Blackfoot River | MT | Proposed gold mine |
6 | Colorado River Delta | BCN, SON | Over-allocation |
7 | Chattahoochee River | AL, GA, FL | Overdevelopment, pollution |
8 | Lower Snake River | ID, OR, WA | Dams |
9 | Apple River | WI, IL | Factory hog farm pollution |
10 | Pinto Creek | AZ | Proposed copper mine |
11 | Wolf River | WI | Proposed mine |
12 | Potomac River | MD, VA, PA, WV, DC | Livestock pollution, overdevelopment |
13 | Rogue and Illinois Rivers, Elk and Rough & Ready Creeks | OR | Dams, proposed mine |
14 | Taku River | AK | Proposed mine |
15 | Crooked Creek | AR | In-stream gravel mining |
16 | Passaic River | NJ | Contaminated sediments |
17 | Mattaponi River | VA | Proposed water development project |
18 | Walla Walla River | OR, WA | Flow depletion, agricultural pollution, channelization |
19 | Uinta River | UT | Proposed diversion dam |
20 | Kansas River | KS | Pollution |
1997 rivers
On April 16, 1997, American Rivers announced its ten most endangered rivers of 1997.[50]
Rank | River | State(s) | Threats |
1 | Missouri River | IA, KS, MN, MO, MT, NE, ND, SD | Navigation |
2 | Upper Hudson River | NY | Polychlorinated biphenyl pollution |
3 | White Salmon River | GA, AL, FL | Condit Dam |
4 | San Joaquin River | CA | Floodplain development, agricultural pollution |
5 | Wolf River | WI | Proposed mine |
6 | Pinto Creek | AZ | Proposed copper mine |
7 | Potomac River | MD, VA, PA, WV, DC | Livestock pollution, development |
8 | Mill Creek | OH | Industrialization, development, channelization |
9 | Lower Colorado River | AZ, NV, CA | Over-allocation |
10 | Tennessee River | TN, AL, MS, KY | Proposed elimination of the TVA's environmental protection programs |
1996 rivers
On April 17, 1996, American Rivers announced its ten most endangered rivers of 1996.[51]
Rank | River | State(s) | Threats |
1 | Clarks Fork Yellowstone River | WY, MT | Proposed New World Mine |
2 | American River | CA | Proposed Auburn Dam |
3 | Upper Chattahoochee and Etowah Rivers | GA, AL, FL | Sewage, development, sedimentation |
4 | Missouri River | CO, IA, KS, MN, MO, MT, NE, ND, SD, WY | Dams, pollution |
5 | Upper Hudson River | NY | Pollution, development, dams |
6 | Columbia, John Day, and White Salmon Rivers | ID, WA, OR | Grazing, irrigation diversions, logging, dams |
7 | Elk River | OR | Timber sales |
8 | Pinto Creek | AZ | Mining |
9 | Penobscot River | ME | Basin Mills Dam |
10 | Animas River | CO, NM | Water development project |
1995 rivers
Rank | River[52] | State(s) | Threats |
1 | Clarks Fork Yellowstone River | WY, MT | Mine |
2 | Los Angeles River | CA | Flood control, neglect |
3 | Columbia and Snake Rivers | ID, WA, OR | Dams, irrigation |
4 | Animas River | CO | Water development project |
5 | Missouri River | CO, IA, KS, MN, MO, MT, NE, ND, SD, WY | Dams, channelization |
6 | Kansas River | KS | Agricultural runoff, sand dredging |
7 | Mississippi River | MN, WI, IL, IA, MO, KY, TN, AR, MS, LA | Flood control, runoff |
8 | Cheat River | WV | Acid mine drainage, proposed dam |
9 | Penobscot River | ME | Dams |
10 | Thorne River | AK | Logging |
1994 rivers
Rank | River[52] | State(s) | Threats |
1 | Clarks Fork Yellowstone River | WY, MT | Mine |
2 | Anacostia River | DC, MD | Urban runoff |
3 | Clavey River | CA | Dams |
4 | Columbia and Snake Rivers | ID, WA, OR | Dams, logging |
5 | Mississippi River | MN, WI, IL, IA, MO, KY, TN, AR, MS, LA | Flood control, runoff |
6 | Missouri River | CO, IA, KS, MN, MO, MT, NE, ND, SD, WY | Dams, channelization |
7 | Penobscot River | ME | Proposed dam |
8 | Rio Grande | CO, NM, TX | Pollution, mine waste |
9 | Thorne River | AK | Logging |
10 | Virgin River | UT, AZ, NV | Diversions, development |
1993 rivers
Rank | River[52] | State(s) | Threats |
1 | Rio Grande and Rio Conchos | CO, NM, TX | Pollution |
2 | Columbia, Snake, and Yakima Rivers | ID, WA, OR | Dams |
3 | Everglades | FL | Diversion, agricultural pollution |
4 | Anacostia River | DC, MD | Sewage, development, sedimentation, dumping |
5 | Virgin River | UT, AZ, NV | Dams |
6 | Rogue and Illinois | OR | Logging |
7 | Penobscot River | ME | Proposed dam |
8 | Clavey River | CA | Hydroelectric project |
9 | Alsek and Tatshenshini Rivers | AK | Proposed mine |
10 | Platte River | NE | Dam |
1992 rivers
Rank | River[52] | State(s) | Threats |
1 | Columbia and Snake Rivers | ID, WA, OR | Dams |
2 | Alsek and Tatshenshini Rivers | AK | Proposed mine |
3 | Great Whale River | QC | Hydroelectric project |
4 | Everglades | FL | Flood control project |
5 | American River | CA | Proposed dam |
6 | Colorado River | AZ | Glen Canyon Dam |
7 | Mississippi River | MN, WI, IL, IA, MO, KY, TN, AR, MS, LA | Hydroelectric, barge spills, agriculture, industrial discharge |
8 | Penobscot River | ME | Proposed dam |
9 | Beaverkill River and Willowemoc Creek | NY | Logging, development |
10 | Blackfoot River | MT | Logging, grazing, agriculture, mining |
1991 rivers
Rank | River[52] | State(s) | Threats |
1 | Colorado River | AZ | Glen Canyon Dam |
2 | Alsek and Tatshenshini Rivers | AK | Proposed mine |
3 | American River | CA | Proposed dam |
4 | Penobscot River | ME | Proposed dam |
5 | Susquehanna River | PA | Proposed dam |
6 | Upper Mississippi River | MN, WI, IL, IA | Oil spills, hazardous cargo transport |
7 | Columbia and Snake Rivers | ID, WA, OR | Dams |
8 | Gunnison River | CO | Dam project |
9 | Passaic River | NJ | Proposed flood-control tunnel |
10 | New River | NC | Development |
1990 rivers
Rank | River[52] | State(s) | Threats |
1 | Klamath River | OR | Proposed hydroelectric project |
2 | South Platte River | CO | Proposed dam |
3 | Penobscot River | ME | Proposed dam |
4 | American River | CA | Proposed dam |
5 | Bruneau and Jarbidge Rivers | ID | Air Force missile range |
6 | Alsek and Tatshenshini Rivers | AK | Proposed mine |
7 | Passaic River | NJ | Proposed flood-control tunnel |
8 | Cahaba River | AL | Proposed methane project |
9 | Jemez River | NM | Proposed pumice mine |
10 | James River | MO | Proposed dam |
1989 rivers
Rank | River[52] | State(s) | Threats |
1 | Platte River | CO, NE | Dams |
2 | Klamath River | OR | Proposed dam |
3 | American River | CA | Proposed dam |
4 | Penobscot River | ME | Proposed dam |
5 | Payette River | ID | Proposed dams |
6 | James River | VA | Proposed hydroelectric project |
7 | Little Bighorn River | WY | Hydroelectric project |
8 | Illinois Bayou | AR | Proposed dam |
9 | New River | NC | Development |
10 | Animas River | CO | Irrigation project |
1988 rivers
Rank | River[52] | State(s) | Threats |
1 | South Platte River | CO | Proposed dam |
2 | Klamath River | OR | Proposed dam |
3 | Little Bighorn River | WY | Proposed dam |
4 | Greenbrier River | WV | Proposed dam |
5 | Platte River | NE | Dams |
6 | Hanford Reach of the Columbia River | WA | Proposed dredging |
7 | Susquehanna River | PA | Proposed dam |
8 | American River | CA | Proposed dam |
9 | Animas River | CO | Proposed irrigation project |
10 | Black River | NY | Proposed hydroelectric projects |
1987 rivers
American Rivers announced its ten most endangered rivers of 1987 via press release, with no accompanying report. All ten rivers faced dam proposals. The rivers were not ranked.[52]
River | State(s) | Threats |
Kings River | CA | Proposed dam |
Merced River | CA | Proposed dam |
Merrimack River | NH | Proposed dam |
Illinois Bayou | AR | Proposed dam |
Verde River | AZ | Proposed dam |
Klamath River | OR | Proposed dam |
Greenbrier River | WV | Proposed dam |
Platte River | CO, NE, WY | Proposed dam |
Little Bighorn River | WY | Proposed dam |
Black River | NY | Proposed dam |
1986 rivers
American Rivers announced its ten most endangered rivers of 1986 via press release, with no accompanying report. The rivers were not ranked.[52]
River | State(s) | Threats |
Kings River | CA | Proposed hydroelectric project |
Merced River | CA | Proposed hydroelectric project |
Kern River | CA | Proposed dam |
Maurice River | NJ | Proposed toxic waste incinerator site |
Menantico Creek | NJ | Proposed toxic waste incinerator site |
Manumuskin River | NJ | Proposed toxic waste incinerator site |
Niobrara River | NE | Proposed dam |
Black River | NY | Proposed hydroelectric project |
Rio Chama | NM | Proposed raising of reservoir level |
Merrimack River | NH | Dam project at Sewalls Falls |
Most-listed rivers
A number of rivers have been listed on America's Most Endangered Rivers multiple times, either in whole or in part. This list includes items that have appeared three or more times.
- Kober, Amy Souers (21 March 2023). "A History of Success for America's Most Endangered Rivers®". American Rivers. Retrieved 8 August 2023.
- Gibbens, Sarah (16 April 2019). "2019's Endangered River report features Gila River". National Geographic. Retrieved 8 August 2023.
- "American Rivers Announces America's Most Endangered Rivers® of 2023". American Rivers. 18 April 2023. Retrieved 8 August 2023.
- Childs, Jan (19 April 2023). "Colorado River Tops List Of Most Endangered Rivers". The Weather Channel. Retrieved 8 August 2023.
- Thomas-Blate, Jessie (19 April 2022). "America's Most Endangered Rivers of 2022 Spotlights Rivers in Crisis Mode". American Rivers. Retrieved 8 August 2023.
- Ramirez, Rachel (18 April 2022). "The top 10 most endangered rivers in America". CNN. Retrieved 8 August 2023.
- Kiernan, Tom (13 April 2021). "2021 Most Endangered Rivers list highlights need for environmental justice". American Rivers. Retrieved 8 August 2023.
- Brasuell, James (19 April 2021). "2021 Most Endangered Rivers List Highlights Environmental Justice". Retrieved 8 August 2023.
- Williams, Christopher (14 April 2020). "A Most Endangered Year". American Rivers. Retrieved 8 August 2023.
- Rice, Doyle (14 April 2020). "Upper Mississippi River is the nation's 'most endangered river' of 2020". USA TODAY. Retrieved 8 August 2023.
- "AMERICAN RIVERS ANNOUNCES AMERICA'S MOST ENDANGERED RIVERS® OF 2019". American Rivers. 19 April 2019. Retrieved 8 August 2023.
- Newman, Katelyn (16 April 2019). "The 10 Most Endangered Rivers in America". U.S. News & World Report. Retrieved 8 August 2023.
- Thomas-Blate, Jessie (10 April 2018). "Announcing America's Most Endangered Rivers® of 2018". American Rivers. Retrieved 8 August 2023.
- Newman, Katelyn (10 April 2018). "The 10 Most Endangered Rivers in the U.S." U.S. News & World Reports. Retrieved 8 August 2023.
- "American Rivers Announces America's Most Endangered Rivers® of 2017". American Rivers. 11 April 2017. Retrieved 8 August 2023.
- Petri, Alexandra E. (11 April 2017). "Top 10 Most Endangered Rivers in the U.S." National Geographic. Retrieved 8 August 2023.
- Howard, Brian Clark (12 April 2016). "Water Wars Threaten America's Most Endangered Rivers". National Geographic. Retrieved 8 August 2023.
- Kober, Amy Souers (7 April 2015). "America's Most Endangered Rivers® of 2015". American Rivers. Retrieved 9 August 2023.
- Loomis, Brandon (7 April 2015). "Colorado in Grand Canyon rated No. 1 endangered river". USA TODAY. Retrieved 9 August 2023.
- "American Rivers announces America's Most Endangered Rivers® of 2014 —". American Rivers. 9 April 2014. Retrieved 9 August 2023.
- Rice, Doyle (9 April 2014). "USA's most endangered rivers of 2014". USA TODAY. Retrieved 9 August 2023.
- Loomis, Brandon (17 April 2013). "Colorado River named 'most endangered'". USA TODAY. Retrieved 9 August 2023.
- "America's Most Endangered Rivers Of 2012 List". HuffPost. 16 May 2012. Retrieved 9 August 2023.
- "American Rivers names America—s —Most Endangered Rivers— of 2011". Civil + Structural Engineer magazine. 18 May 2011. Retrieved 9 August 2023.
- "American Rivers Announces America's Most Endangered Rivers™ of 2010". American Rivers. 2 June 2010. Retrieved 11 August 2023.
- Ansari, Azadeh (7 April 2009). "Report lists America's 10 most endangered". Retrieved 11 August 2023.
- "American Rivers Releases Endangered List". Environmental Protection. 8 May 2008. Retrieved 11 August 2023.
- "America's Most Endangered Rivers of 2007" (PDF). American Rivers. 2007. Retrieved 11 August 2023.
- Smith, Robert J. (17 April 2007). "Group puts Lee Creek on its endangered list". Arkansas Online. Retrieved 11 August 2023.
- "America's Most Endangered Rivers of 2006" (PDF). American Rivers. 2006. Retrieved 11 August 2023.
- "Pajaro River tops 2006 "endangered" rivers list". Hydro Review. 27 April 2006. Retrieved 11 August 2023.
- "America's Most Endangered Rivers of 2005" (PDF). American Rivers. 2005. Retrieved 11 August 2023.
- Kelley, Daryl (13 April 2005). "Santa Clara River Listed as the 10th Most Endangered U.S. Waterway". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 11 August 2023.
- "America's Most Endangered Rivers of 2004" (PDF). American Rivers. 2004. Retrieved 11 August 2023.
- Depalma, Anthony (14 April 2004). "Housatonic River Ranked Among Most Endangered". The New York Times. Retrieved 11 August 2023.
- "America's Most Endangered Rivers of 2003" (PDF). American Rivers. 2003. Retrieved 11 August 2023.
- Weber, Lara (10 April 2003). "Endangered rivers". Chicago Tribune. Retrieved 11 August 2023.
- "Most Endangered Rivers of 2002 announced". PRWeb. American Rivers. 4 April 2002. Retrieved 11 August 2023.
- "Study: Missouri tops endangered rivers". 2 April 2002. Retrieved 11 August 2023.
- "America's Most Endangered Rivers of 2001" (PDF). American Rivers. 2001. Archived from the original (PDF) on 6 December 2011. Retrieved 12 August 2023.
- Pawelski, Natalie (11 April 2001). "Rivers feel heat as U.S. energy demand rises". Retrieved 11 August 2023.
- "Endangered Rivers". April 11, 2001. Retrieved 11 August 2023.
- "America's Most Endangered Rivers of 2000" (PDF). American Rivers. 2000. Archived from the original (PDF) on 25 December 2011. Retrieved 12 August 2023.
- "Conservation group lists most endangered U.S. rivers". 10 April 2000. Retrieved 11 August 2023.
- "Endangered Rivers". 10 April 2000. Retrieved 11 August 2023.
- "America's Most Endangered Rivers of 1999" (PDF). American Rivers. 1999. Archived from the original (PDF) on 25 December 2011. Retrieved 12 August 2023.
- American Rivers. "10 Most Endangered Rivers for 1999". No. July/August 1999. Paddler Magazine. Retrieved 11 August 2023.
- "America's Most Endangered Rivers of 1998" (PDF). American Rivers. April 1998. Retrieved 12 August 2023.
- Collins, Sharon (6 April 1998). "Portion of Columbia River tops endangered list". Retrieved 12 August 2023.
- "1997 Most Endangered Rivers report". American Rivers. Archived from the original on 15 June 2003. Retrieved 12 August 2023.
- "1996 Most Endangered Rivers report". American Rivers. Archived from the original on 15 June 2003. Retrieved 12 August 2023.
- "America's Most Endangered Rivers™ Report: 1986 - 1995". American Rivers. Archived from the original on 28 September 2012. Retrieved 12 August 2023.