Alfred Holder

Alfred Theophil Holder (4 April 1840 – 12 January 1916) was an Austrian philologist, historian, and librarian. A specialist of Latin literature and Roman history, he is best known for his editions of Horace, Caesar, Tacitus, and Avianus, as well as for his three-volume lexicon of ancient Celtic languages entitled Alt-celtischer Sprachschatz (1891–1913).[1][2]

Alfred Theophil Holder


Alfred Theophil Holder was born on 4 April 1840 in Vienna, the son of Gottlieb Holder (1806–1845), a painter, and Natalie Rheinboldt. He studied classical and German philology at the universities of Bonn and Heidelberg, then continued his education in Paris. From 1863 he worked as a schoolteacher in Rastatt, the Netherlands and in Ladenburg. In 1867 he joined the Grand Ducal Baden Court and State Library in Karlsruhe, where he became a librarian in 1870. In 1904, he became head of the manuscript department and in 1911 was appointed director.[3]

From 1895 to 1918, he authored volumes 3, 57 of the Die Handschriften der Grossherzoglich Badischen Hof- und Landesbibliothek in Karlsruhe (The manuscripts of the Grand Ducal Baden Court and State Library in Karlsruhe).[4] He died on 12 January 1916 in Karlsruhe.[3]

Selected works

  • Opera recensvervnt O. Keller et A. Holder, 2 volumes, 1864-70 (with Otto Keller).
  • Altdeutsche Grammatik, umfassend die gotische, altnordische, altsächsische Sprache, 1870 (original author: Adolf Holtzmann) Old Germanic grammar; Gothic, Old Norse, Old Saxon languages.
  • Waltharius: lateinisches Gedicht des zehnten Jahrhunderts (edition of "Waltharius", original author: Ekkehard I, Dean of St. Gall, with Joseph Victor von Scheffel), 1874.
  • De origine et situ Germanorum liber (edition of Tacitus) 1878.
  • Q. Horati Flacci opera, 4 parts (edition of Horace) 1878, with Otto Keller.
  • Einhardi Vita Karoli imperatoris, (edition of Einhard) 1881.
  • Beowulf, 2 parts (edition of "Beowulf") 1882-84.
  • Baedae Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorvm (edition of Bede, the Venerable), 1882.
  • Saxonis Grammatici Gesta Danorvm, (edition of Saxo Grammaticus) 1886.
  • Herodoti Historiae, 2 volumes (edition of Herodotus) 1886-88.
  • Rufi Festi Avieni Carmina (edition of Avienius), 1887.
  • Historiarum liber quintus, 5 volumes 1887-90.
  • Commentum in Horatium Flaccum, (edition of Pomponius Porphyrion) 1894.
  • Alt-celtischer Sprachschatz, 3 volumes. 1896-1919.
  • C. Iuli Caesaris belli civilis libri III, (edition of Julius Caesar) 1898.
  • Favonii Eulogii Disputatio de Somnio Scipionis, (edition of Favonius Eulogius) 1901.


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