al-Mufaddal ibn Abi al-Fada'il

Al-Mufaddal ibn Abi al-Fada'il (Arabic: المفضل بن ابي الفضائل) was a 14th-century Egyptian historian. He was a Coptic Christian.

Al-Mufaddal wrote a book about the history of the Bahriyya Mamluks, entitled al-Nahdj al-sadîd wa-l-durr al-farîd fimâ ba'd Ta'rîkh Ibn al'Amîd, covering the period from 1260 to 1340. He finished his work in 1358. Al-Muffaddal gives precise descriptions of the history of Egypt and Syria, especially the Mongol occupation of Syria. He noted down the Damascus declaration made by the Mongols, as well as the content of the letters exchanged between Ghazan and al-Nâsir. He also wrote extensively about the Horn of Africa.[1]


  • Moufazzal ibn Abi l-Fazil, Histoire des sultans mamlouks, edited and translated by Blochet.


  • Luisetto, Frédéric (2007). Arméniens & autres Chrétiens d'Orient sous la domination Mongole (in French). Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner S.A. ISBN 978-2-7053-3791-9


  1. Hirsch, Bertrand. The port of Zeyla and its hinterland in the Middle Ages. French Center for Ethiopian Studies.
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