Administrative divisions of Chita Oblast
Chita Oblast was a federal subject of Russia until February 29, 2008. On March 1, 2008, it was merged with Agin-Buryat Autonomous Okrug to form Zabaykalsky Krai.
Chita Oblast, Russia | ![]() |
Administrative center: Chita | |
As of February 29, 2008:[1] | |
# of districts (районы) | 28 |
# of cities/towns (города) | 10 |
# of urban-type settlements (посёлки городского типа) | 38 |
# of selsovets, rural administrations, rural municipal entities, rural okrugs, and rural settlements (сельсоветы, сельские администрации, сельские муниципальные образования, сельские округа и сельские поселения) | 308 |
As of 2002:[2] | |
# of rural localities (сельские населённые пункты) | 699 |
# of uninhabited rural localities (сельские населённые пункты без населения) | 9 |
- Urban-type settlements under the federal government management:
- Gorny (Горный)
- Cities and towns under the oblast's jurisdiction:
- Chita (Чита) (administrative center)
- city administrative districts:
- Chernovsky (Черновский)
- Ingodinsky (Ингодинский)
- Tsentralny (Центральный)
- Zheleznodorozhny (Железнодорожный)
- city administrative districts:
- Baley (Балей)
- Borzya (Борзя)
- Krasnokamensk (Краснокаменск)
- Petrovsk-Zabaykalsky (Петровск-Забайкальский)
- Chita (Чита) (administrative center)
- Districts:
- Akshinsky (Акшинский)
- with 12 rural settlements under the district's jurisdiction.
- Alexandrovo-Zavodsky (Александрово-Заводский)
- with 19 rural settlements under the district's jurisdiction.
- Baleysky (Балейский)
- with 9 rural settlements under the district's jurisdiction.
- Borzinsky (Борзинский)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Sherlovaya Gora (Шерловая Гора)
- with 15 selsovets under the district's jurisdiction.
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Chernyshevsky (Чернышевский)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Aksyonovo-Zilovskoye (Аксёново-Зиловское)
- Bukachacha (Букачача)
- Chernyshevsk (Чернышевск)
- Zhireken (Жирекен)
- with 14 rural okrugs under the district's jurisdiction.
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Chitinsky (Читинский)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Atamanovka (Атамановка)
- Novokruchininsky (Новокручининский)
- Yablonovo (Яблоново)
- with 20 rural okrugs under the district's jurisdiction.
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Gazimuro-Zavodsky (Газимуро-Заводский)
- with 9 selsovets under the district's jurisdiction.
- Kalarsky (Каларский)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Novaya Chara (Новая Чара)
- with 5 selsovets under the district's jurisdiction.
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Kalgansky (Калганский)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Kadaya (Кадая)
- with 10 selsovets under the district's jurisdiction.
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Karymsky (Карымский)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Darasun (Дарасун)
- Karymskoye (Карымское)
- Kurort Darasun resort settlement (Курорт Дарасун)
- with 10 selsovets under the district's jurisdiction.
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Khiloksky (Хилокский)
- Krasnochikoysky (Красночикойский)
- with 15 selsovets under the district's jurisdiction.
- Krasnokamensky (Краснокаменский)
- with 9 rural administrations under the district's jurisdiction.
- Kyrinsky (Кыринский)
- with 14 selsovets under the district's jurisdiction.
- Mogochinsky (Могочинский)
- Nerchinsko-Zavodsky (Нерчинско-Заводский)
- with 15 rural administrations under the district's jurisdiction.
- Nerchinsky (Нерчинский)
- Olovyanninsky (Оловяннинский)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Kalanguy (Калангуй)
- Olovyannaya (Оловянная)
- Yasnogorsk (Ясногорск)
- Zolotorechensk (Золотореченск)
- with 16 selsovets under the district's jurisdiction.
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Ononsky (Ононский)
- with 11 rural administrations under the district's jurisdiction.
- Petrovsk-Zabaykalsky (Петровск-Забайкальский)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Balyaga (Баляга)
- Novopavlovka (Новопавловка)
- Tarbagatay (Тарбагатай)
- with 10 selsovets under the district's jurisdiction.
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Priargunsky (Приаргунский)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Klichka (Кличка)
- Priargunsk (Приаргунск)
- with 11 rural administrations under the district's jurisdiction.
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Shelopuginsky (Шелопугинский)
- with 8 rural okrugs under the district's jurisdiction.
- Shilkinsky (Шилкинский)
- Towns under the district's jurisdiction:
- Shilka (Шилка)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Arbagar (Арбагар)
- Kholbon (Холбон)
- Pervomaysky (Первомайский)
- with 11 rural okrugs under the district's jurisdiction.
- Towns under the district's jurisdiction:
- Sretensky (Сретенский)
- Tungiro-Olyokminsky (Тунгиро-Олёкминский)
- with 4 selsovets under the district's jurisdiction.
- Tungokochensky (Тунгокоченский)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Vershino-Darasunsky (Вершино-Дарасунский)
- with 9 selsovets under the district's jurisdiction.
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Ulyotovsky (Улётовский)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Drovyanaya (Дровяная)
- with 9 rural administrations under the district's jurisdiction.
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Zabaykalsky (Забайкальский)
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Zabaykalsk (Забайкальск)
- with 7 rural municipal entities under the district's jurisdiction.
- Urban-type settlements under the district's jurisdiction:
- Akshinsky (Акшинский)
- Государственный комитет Российской Федерации по статистике. Комитет Российской Федерации по стандартизации, метрологии и сертификации. №ОК 019-95 1 января 1997 г. «Общероссийский классификатор объектов административно-территориального деления. Код 76», в ред. изменения №278/2015 от 1 января 2016 г.. (State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation. Committee of the Russian Federation on Standardization, Metrology, and Certification. #OK 019-95 January 1, 1997 Russian Classification of Objects of Administrative Division (OKATO). Code 76, as amended by the Amendment #278/2015 of January 1, 2016. ).
- Results of the 2002 Russian Population Census—Territory, number of districts, inhabited localities, and rural administrations of the Russian Federation by federal subject Archived September 28, 2011, at the Wayback Machine
See also
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