List of schools in the Northern Territory

This is a list of schools in the Northern Territory of Australia. The Northern Territory education system traditionally consists of primary schools, which accommodate students from transition to Year 6, and high schools, which accommodate students from Years 7 to 12.

State schools

State primary schools

Name Suburb/town LGA Opened Notes
Alawa Primary SchoolAlawaDarwin1970
Alyangula Area SchoolAlyangulaEast Arnhem1968
Anula Primary SchoolAnulaDarwin1978
Bakewell Primary SchoolBakewellPalmerston1999
Batchelor Area SchoolBatchelorCoomalie1953
Bees Creek Primary SchoolFreds PassLitchfield1997
Berry Springs Primary SchoolBerry SpringsLitchfield1977
Bradshaw Primary SchoolGillenAlice Springs1974
Braitling Primary SchoolBraitlingAlice Springs1977
Casuarina Street Primary SchoolKatherine EastKatherine1998
Clyde Fenton Primary SchoolKatherineKatherine1977
Driver Primary SchoolDriverPalmerston1986
Durack Primary SchoolDurackPalmerston1998
Gillen Primary SchoolGillenAlice Springs1970
Girraween Primary SchoolGirraweenLitchfield2002
Gray Primary SchoolGrayPalmerston1983
Howard Springs Primary SchoolHoward SpringsLitchfield1977
Humpty Doo Primary SchoolHumpty DooLitchfield1980
Jabiru Area SchoolJabiruWest Arnhem1978
Jingili Primary SchoolJingiliDarwin1971
Karama Primary SchoolKaramaDarwin1984
Katherine South Primary SchoolKatherineKatherine1976
Larapinta Primary SchoolLarapintaAlice Springs1998
Larrakeyah Primary SchoolLarrakeyahDarwin1963
Leanyer Primary SchoolLeanyerDarwin1983
Ludmilla Primary SchoolLudmillaDarwin1967
MacFarlane Primary SchoolKatherineKatherine1987
Malak Primary SchoolMalakDarwin1981
Manunda Terrace Primary SchoolKaramaDarwin1984Sanderson Primary School until 1994
Millner Primary SchoolMillnerDarwin1968
Moil Primary SchoolMoilDarwin1972
Moulden Park Primary SchoolMouldenPalmerston ?
Nakara Primary SchoolNakaraDarwin1975
Nhulunbuy Primary SchoolNhulunbuyEast Arnhem1972Area School until 1981
Nightcliff Primary SchoolNightcliffDarwin1961
Parap Primary SchoolParapDarwin1958
Ross Park Primary SchoolEast SideAlice Springs1961
Sadadeen Primary SchoolSadadeenAlice Springs1983
Stuart Park Primary SchoolStuart ParkDarwin1966
Wagaman Primary SchoolWagamanDarwin1973
Wanguri Primary SchoolWanguriDarwin1976
Woodroffe Primary SchoolWoodroffePalmerston1996
Wulagi Primary SchoolWulagiDarwin ?

State high schools

Name Suburb LGA Opened Notes
Barkly CollegeTennant CreekBarkly2010Two-campus school
Casuarina Senior CollegeMoilDarwin1973HS until 1986
Centralian Middle SchoolGillenAlice Springs2010 Merger of Alice Springs and Anzac Hill HSs in 2010
Centralian Senior CollegeSadadeenAlice Springs1979Sadadeen HS until 2005
Darwin High SchoolThe GardensDarwin194810–12
Darwin Middle SchoolThe GardensDarwin20087–9. Split from Darwin HS
Dripstone Middle SchoolTiwiDarwin1980HS 1984–1987, 1994–2007
Katherine High SchoolKatherineKatherine1988
Nightcliff Middle SchoolRapid CreekDarwin1972HS until 2007
Nhulunbuy High SchoolNhulunbuyEast Arnhem1981
Palmerston CollegeDriverPalmerston1987Driver HS until 1999; HS until 2008; PSC until 2017
Sanderson Middle SchoolWulagiDarwin1976HS until 2007
Taminmin CollegeHumpty DooLitchfield1983HS until 2007

Remote schools

A significant percentage of the Territory's population are Aboriginal people living in remote areas. Most of these are based in communities, which are like towns but differ in that they are owned and run by the local population. Some communities viewed as sustainable in the long-term have been labelled "Territory Growth Towns" by the Territory Government and will attract increased investment to improve services.

Name Town Group/region Notes
Adelaide River Primary SchoolAdelaide RiverTop End
Alcoota SchoolEngawalaSandover
Alekarenge (Ali Curung) SchoolAli CurungBarkly
Alpurrurulam SchoolAlpurrurulamSandover
Amanbidji Primary SchoolAmanbidjiKatherine
Amoonguna SchoolAmoongunaAlice Springs
Ampilatwatja SchoolAmpilatwatjaSandover
Angurugu SchoolAngurugu (G. Eylandt)ArnhemT–12
Areyonga SchoolAreyongaLasseterPrimary/Middle; two-way education since 1973
Arlparra High SchoolUtopiaSandover
Baniyala Garrangali SchoolBaniyalaArnhemT–12
Barunga CECBarungaKatherine
Belyuen SchoolBelyuenTop End
Bonya SchoolBonyaSandover
Borroloola SchoolBorroloolaGulfT–12
Bulla Camp Primary SchoolAuvergne StationKatherine
Bulman Primary SchoolBulmanKatherine
Canteen Creek SchoolOwairtillaBarkly
Docker River SchoolKaltukatjaraLasseter
Douglas Daly SchoolDPIFM Research FarmTop End
Dundee Beach SchoolDundee BeachTop End
Elliott SchoolElliottBarkly
Epenarra SchoolEpenarraBarkly
Finke SchoolAputulaLasseter
Gapuwiyak SchoolGapuwiyakArnhem
Gochan Jiny-Jirra SchoolGochan Jiny-JirraTop EndT–6
GunbalanyaKunbarllanjnjaTop End
Haasts Bluff SchoolHaasts BluffTanami
Harts Range SchoolAtitjereSandover
Imanpa SchoolImanpaLasseter
Ipolera SchoolIpoleraLasseter
Jilkminggan Primary SchoolJilkmingganKatherine
Kalkaringi SchoolDaguraguKatherineT–12
Kiana SchoolKiana StationGulf
Lajamanu SchoolLajamanuTanami
Laramba SchoolLarambaTanami
Lilla SchoolUkakaLasseter
Mamaruni SchoolMinjilangTop End
Maningrida SchoolManingridaArnhemT–12
Manyallaluk SchoolManyallalukKatherine[1]
Mataranka Primary SchoolMatarankaKatherine
M'Bunghara SchoolM'BungharaTanami
Middle Point SchoolMiddle PointTop End
Milikapiti SchoolMelville IslandTop End
Milingimbi SchoolMilingimbiArnhem
Milyakburra SchoolBickerton IslandArnhem
Minyerri Community SchoolMinyerriKatherine
Mount Allan SchoolYuelamuTanami
Murray Downs SchoolImangaraBarkly
Mutitjulu SchoolMutitjuluLasseter
Newcastle Waters SchoolNewcastle WatersBarkly
Neutral Junction SchoolTaraBarkly
Nganmarriyanga SchoolNganmarriyangaTop End
Ngukurr SchoolNgukurrKatherine
Ntaria SchoolHermannsburgLasseter
Numbulwar SchoolNumbulwarArnhemT–12
Nyirrpi SchoolNyirrpiTanami
Papunya SchoolPapunyaTanami
Peppimenarti SchoolPeppimenartiTop End
Pigeon Hole Primary SchoolBunbideeKatherine
Pine Creek SchoolPine CreekKatherine
Pularumpi SchoolMelville IslandTop EndGarden Point School until 1981
Ramingining SchoolRaminginingArnhem
Robinson River SchoolRobinson River StationGulf
Rockhampton Downs SchoolWogayelaBarkly
Shepherdson CollegeGaliwin'ku (Elcho)ArnhemT–12
Stirling SchoolStirling StationBarkly
Ti-Tree SchoolTi-TreeTanami
Timber Creek Primary SchoolTimber CreekKatherine
Tipperary Station SchoolTipperary StationTop End
Titjikala SchoolTitjikalaLasseter
Umbakumba SchoolUmbakumba (G. Eylandt)ArnhemT–12
Urapunga Primary SchoolUrapungaKatherine
Utopia Homeland Centre SchoolsUtopiaSandoverNetwork of 6 schools
Wallace Rockhole SchoolWallace RockholeLasseter
Walungurru SchoolKintoreTanami
Warrego Primary Schoolvia Tennant CreekBarkly
Warruwi SchoolWarruwiTop End
Watiyawanu SchoolAmunturrnguTanami
Willowra SchoolWillowraTanami
Woolaning SchoolWoolaningTop End
Woolianna Primary SchoolWooliannaTop End
Wugularr Community SchoolBeswickKatherine
Yarralin Primary SchoolWalangeriKatherine
Yirrkala Community Education CentreYirrkalaArnhemT–12
Yuendumu SchoolYuendumuTanami
Yulara SchoolYularaLasseter

Other state schools

This includes special schools (schools for disabled children) and schools for specific purposes.

Name Suburb LGA Opened Notes
Acacia Hill SchoolSadadeenAlice Springs ?
Alice Springs School of the AirAlice SpringsAlice Springs1951
Henbury SchoolWanguriDarwin1983
Katherine School of the AirKatherineKatherine1966
Nemarluk SchoolLudmillaDarwin1986Formerly Ludmilla Special School

Defunct state schools

Name Suburb LGA Opened Closed Notes
Alice Springs High SchoolGillenAlice Springs19642009Merged into Centralian Middle School
Darwin Primary SchoolDarwinDarwin ?1984Closed
Anzac Hill High SchoolAlice SpringsAlice Springs19872009Merged into Centralian Middle School
Hartley Street SchoolAlice SpringsAlice Springs19301965Closed due to students and teachers being moved to a new school at the base of Anzac Hill between 1953 and 1965. Is now the Hartley Street School Museum, run by the National Trust.[2]
Tennant Creek High SchoolTennant CreekBarkly19862009Became middle/senior campus of Barkly College
Tennant Creek Primary SchoolTennant CreekBarkly ?2009Became primary campus of Barkly College

Private schools

Catholic schools

In the Northern Territory, Catholic schools are usually (but not always) linked to a parish. Prior to the 1980s, most schools were founded by religious institutes, but with the decrease in membership of these institutes, together with major reforms inside the church, lay teachers and administrators began to take over the schools, a process which completed by approximately 1990.

Schools are administered by Catholic Education Office, Northern Territory, which is administered by the Diocese of Darwin. Preference for enrolment is given to Catholic students from the parish or local area, although non-Catholic students are admitted if room is available.

Name Suburb LGA Opened Notes
Holy Family Primary SchoolKaramaDarwin1983T–6
Holy Spirit Primary SchoolWanguriDarwin1979T–6
Ltyentye Apurte CECLtyentye ApurteMacDonnell1936T–12, Santa Teresa School until 1990
MacKillop Catholic CollegeJohnstonPalmerston2012 7–12
Mother Teresa Catholic Primary SchoolZuccoliPalmerston2018T–6
Murrupurtiyanuwu Catholic SchoolNguiuTiwi Islands1912P–6, Formerly St Therese's School until 1991
O'Loughlin Catholic CollegeKaramaDarwin19877–12
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic CollegeAlice SpringsAlice Springs1997T–12 (across 3 campuses)
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart
Thamarrurr Catholic School
WadeyeVictoria Daly1941T–12
Pungajurruwu SchoolWurankuwuTiwi IslandsHomelands Centre
Sacred Heart Primary SchoolWoodroffePalmerston1987T–6, Moved from Berrimah in 1994
St Francis of Assisi SchoolHumpty DooLitchfield1997T–6
Saint Francis Xavier SchoolNauiyu NambiyuVictoria Daly1956T–12
St John's CollegeThe GardensDarwin19607–12. Boys until 1975
St Joseph's CollegeKatherineKatherine1987T–12; primary until 1999
St Joseph's Flexible Learning CentreAlice SpringsAlice Springs20127–12
St Mary's Primary SchoolDarwin CityDarwin1908T–6, St Joseph's School until 1967
St Paul's Primary SchoolNightcliffDarwin1967T–6
Xavier Catholic CollegeNguiuTiwi Islands19327–12, Xavier Boys School until 1992

Independent schools

Name Suburb LGA Category Opened Notes
Alice Springs Steiner SchoolRossAlice SpringsSteiner1996P–8
Araluen Christian SchoolAraluenAlice SpringsChristian (NT Christian Schools)1990T–9
Australian International Islamic CollegeBerrimahDarwinIslamic2022T–6
Dhupuma BarkerGunyangaraEast ArnhemAnglican2021T–6
Gāwa Christian SchoolElcho IslandTiwi IslandsChristian (NT Christian Schools)2004T–10
Good Shepherd Lutheran CollegeHoward Springs and Palmerston CityPalmerstonLutheran1997T–12
Haileybury Rendall SchoolBerrimahDarwinIndependent2018T–12, Formerly Kormilda College
Living Waters Lutheran SchoolLarapintaAlice SpringsLutheran1987T–6
Mapuru Yirralka CollegeMapuruEast ArnhemChristian2010P–10, Homelands school
Marrara Christian CollegeKaramaDarwinChristian (NT Christian Schools)1979T–9
Milkwood Steiner SchoolBerrimahDarwinSteiner2004P–8, Located at Nightcliff until 2010
Nawarddeken AcademyKabulwarnamyo, Mamadawerre and ManmoyiArnhem Land2019T–7
Nhulunbuy Christian CollegeNhulunbuyEast ArnhemChristian (NT Christian Schools)1998T–9
NT Christian CollegeSandersonDarwinChristian198710–12
Nyangatjatjara CollegeYularaMacDonnellIndependent1997T–10, Four campuses
Palmerston Christian SchoolMarlow LagoonPalmerstonChristian (NT Christian Schools)1988T–9
St Philip's CollegeAlice SpringsAlice SpringsUniting19657–12
Sattler Christian CollegeHumpty DooLitchfieldChristian (NT Christian Schools)1996T–9, Formerly Litchfield Christian School
SEDA College NTFannie BayCasuarina202210–12
The Essington School DarwinNightcliffDarwinMontessori1990P–12
Tiwi CollegeMelville IslandTiwi IslandsIndependent2007P–12
Yipirinya SchoolCicconeAlice SpringsIndependent1983P–10. Aboriginal school with two-way (bilingual and bicultural) education.[3]
Yirara CollegeArumberaAlice Springs & KintoreLutheran19737–12, Formerly state-run until 1993

Defunct private schools

Name Suburb LGA Category Years Opened Closed Notes
Catholic High SchoolAlice SpringsAlice SpringsCatholicHigh19831997Merged into Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College
Kormilda CollegeBerrimahDarwinAnglican/UnitingHigh19682017Became Haileybury Rendall School
Darwin Adventist School Malak Darwin Adventist Primary ? 2007
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart CollegeDarwinDarwinCatholic girlsHigh19721975Merged into St John's College
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart SchoolAlice SpringsAlice SpringsCatholicPrimary19381997Merged into Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College
Our Lady of Victories SchoolPularumpiTiwi IslandsCatholicPrimary19411968Became Garden Point School (NT Education)
Saint Michael's SchoolWudikapildiyerrVictoria DalyHomelands Centre

See also


  1. Fitzgerald, Roxanne (17 August 2022). "Manyallaluk School's quest for elusive pokipain and rare finch receives Landcare nomination". ABC News. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Retrieved 16 August 2022.
  2. "Hartley Street School Museum – National Trust". Retrieved 25 March 2021.
  3. "Yipirinya School – Welcome". Retrieved 25 September 2020.
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