Ad fontes
Ad fontes is a Latin expression which means "[back] to the sources" (lit. "to the sources").[1] The phrase epitomizes the renewed study of Greek and Latin classics in Renaissance humanism,[2] subsequently extended to Biblical texts. The idea in both cases was that sound knowledge depends on the earliest and most fundamental sources.
The phrase is related to ab initio, which means "from the beginning". Whereas ab initio implies a flow of thought from first principles to the situation at hand, ad fontes is a retrogression, a movement back towards an origin, which ideally would be clearer than the present situation.
The phrase ad fontes occurs in Psalm 42 of the Latin Vulgate:[3]
Quemadmodum desiderat cervus (or Sicut cervus desiderat) ad fontes aquarum ita desiderat anima mea ad te Deus.[4] (As a hart longs for the flowing streams, so longs my soul for thee, O God.)
The phrase in the humanist sense is associated with the poet Petrarch, whose poems Rerum Vulgarium Fragmenta (c.1350) use the deer imagery of the Psalm.
Erasmus of Rotterdam used the phrase in his De ratione studii ac legendi interpretandique auctores:[5]
Sed in primis ad fontes ipsos properandum, id est graecos et antiquos. (Above all, one must hasten to the sources themselves, that is, to the Greeks and ancients.)
Similarly, the Protestant Reformation called for renewed attention to the Bible as the primary source of Christian faith.
See also
- Ab initio
- List of Latin phrases
- Nouvelle théologie, a 20th-century theological movement that emphasized returning to the sources using the French term ressourcement
- "William Whitaker's Words". Retrieved 11 December 2017.
- The fundamental feature of Renaissance Humanism is summed up in the concept of ad fontes. It was believed that by studying the original texts whether, classical or Biblical, that there could be an actualization of the events described"Justification by faith". Archived from the original on 2007-02-07. Retrieved 2007-02-13.
- According to Hans-Georg Gadamer (Truth and Method, p.502 of the 1989 revised English translation) there is evidence provided by E. Lledo that Spanish humanists drew the expression from this source.
- Latin Vulgate Bible, Book Of Psalms Psalm 41
- "On the method of study and reading and interpreting authors." Erasmus von Rotterdam: De ratione studii ac legendi interpretandique auctores, Paris 1511, in: Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami Opera omnia, ed. J. H. Waszink u. a., Amsterdam 1971, Vol. I 2, 79-151.
- J.D. Tracy, Ad Fontes: The Humanist Understanding of Scripture as Nourishment for the Soul, in Christian Spirituality II: High Middle Ages and Reformation, (1987), editor Jill Raitt