Aşıq Ümer

Aşıq Ümer (1621 — 1707) was a Crimean Tatar medieval poet of ashik, and is one of the most famous representatives of the Turkic-speaking ashik poetry in general. Ashik poetry (Crimean Tatar: aşıq; lit.'the person in love') is a special kind of literary oeuvre, the representatives of which — folk poets-singers — accompany their performances with playing the string-plucked musical instrument bağlama. Hence another name for this poetry — "bağlama poetry".

Ümer Abdula oğlu
Statue of Aşıq Ümer in Yevpatoria
Statue of Aşıq Ümer in Yevpatoria
Kezlev, Crimean Khanate
(now Yevpatoria, Crimea)
Kezlev, Crimean Khanate
(now Yevpatoria, Crimea)
Pen nameAşıq Ümer, Ümer Kezlevli
NationalityCrimean Tatar
CitizenshipCrimean Khanate
Genreashik poetry, bağlama poetry, ghazal, rubaʿi
Subjectmystical content, soldier's theme

He wrote mainly lyric poems (on mystical content and related to a soldier's theme) in the forms of Turkic folk poetry. Aşıq Ümer is also an author of the poems that are traditional for classical oriental poetry — ghazals, rubaʿi etcetera. He greatly influenced the later poets-improvisers (ashiks).[1][2]


  1. Ашик Омер. Краткая литературная энциклопедия. Т. 1. — 1962 (in Russian)
  2. Mustafa Altuğ Yayla Yüzyıl osmanlı imparatorluğunda aşık ömer ve popüler kültür — Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü // Ankara, 2013 (English: YAYLA, Mustafa Altuğ. Aşık Ömer and Popular Culture in 17th Century Ottoman Empire, Master Thesis, Ankara, 2013)


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