7th Venice International Film Festival

The "7th" annual (void) Venice International Film Festival was held from 8 August to 1 September 1939. This edition has been strongly influenced by the Fascist regime and was deserted by the United States of America. The Mussolini Cup was won by the historical film Cardinal Messias, while the other main prizes were not awarded.[1]

7th Venice International Film Festival
LocationVenice, Italy
Festival date8 August – 1 September 1939


In Competition

English title Original title Director(s) Production country
Margarita, Armando y su padreFrancisco MúgicaArgentina
Divorce in MontevideoDivorcio en MontevideoManuel RomeroArgentina
From the Hills to the ValleyDe la sierra al valleAntonio Ber CianiArgentina
AmbitionAmbiciónAdelqui MigliarArgentina
The OutlawEl matreroOrestes CavigliaArgentina
Congo, terre d'eaux vives (short film)André CauvinBelgium
L'Agneau Mystique de Van Eyck (short film)André CauvinBelgium
HumoreskaOtakar VávraBohemia
Macoun the TrampTulák MacounLadislav BromBohemia
Sklenice i chléb (short film)Jaroslav TuzarBohemia
Behind the FacadeDerrière la façadeYves Mirande, Georges LacombeFrance
The Human BeastLa Bête humaineJean RenoirFrance
The End of the DayLa Fin du jourJulien DuvivierFrance



  1. "The 1930s". Retrieved October 8, 2013.
  2. "Juries for the 1930s". Retrieved October 8, 2013.
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