List of Acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom from 1940
This is a complete list of Acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom for the year 1940. Note that the first parliament of the United Kingdom was held in 1801; parliaments between 1707 and 1800 were either parliaments of Great Britain or of Ireland. For Acts passed up until 1707 see List of Acts of the Parliament of England and List of Acts of the Parliament of Scotland. For Acts passed from 1707 to 1800 see List of Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain. See also the List of Acts of the Parliament of Ireland.
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British law |
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For Acts of the devolved parliaments and assemblies in the United Kingdom, see the List of Acts of the Scottish Parliament, the List of Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly, and the List of Acts and Measures of Senedd Cymru; see also the List of Acts of the Parliament of Northern Ireland.
The number shown after each Act's title is its chapter number. Acts passed before 1963 are cited using this number, preceded by the year(s) of the reign during which the relevant parliamentary session was held; thus the Union with Ireland Act 1800 is cited as "39 & 40 Geo. 3 c. 67", meaning the 67th Act passed during the session that started in the 39th year of the reign of George III and which finished in the 40th year of that reign. Note that the modern convention is to use Arabic numerals in citations (thus "41 Geo. 3" rather than "41 Geo. III"). cts of the last session of the Parliament of Great Britain and the first session of the Parliament of the United Kingdom are both cited as "41 Geo. 3". Acts passed from 1963 onwards are simply cited by calendar year and chapter number.
3 & 4 Geo. 6
Continuing the fifth session of the 37th Parliament of the United Kingdom.
Public general acts
{{legislationuk|act |- | {{|National Loans Act 1940|public|3|23-01-1940|archived=n|An Act to extend the power of the Treasury to make rules under subsection (2) of section two of the National Loans Act, 1939.}}
| {{|Czecho-Slovakia (Financial Claims and Refugees) Act 1940|public|4|31-01-1940|archived=n|An Act to provide for the disposal of the balances of certain banking accounts representing sums lent or given by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom to the Government of the Czecho-Slovak Republic.}}
| {{|India and Burma (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 1940|public|5|31-01-1940|archived=n|An Act to amend the Government of India Act, 1935, and the Government of Burma Act, 1935, in certain respects, and to make a consequential amendment in the Naval Discipline Act; and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid.}}
| {{|Gas and Steam Vehicles (Excise Duties) Act 1940|public|6|31-01-1940|archived=n|An Act to reduce certain duties of excise chargeable in respect of goods vehicles driven by gas or steam.}}
| {{|Trade Boards and Road Haulage Wages (Emergency Provisions) Act 1940|public|7|20-02-1940|archived=n|An Act to empower the Minister of Labour and National Service, during the present emergency, to modify or suspend the operation of any of the provisions of the Trade Boards Acts, 1909 and 1918, and the Road Haulage Wages Act, 1938, and to make provision with respect to any of the matters to which the said provisions relate; and to make a consequential amendment of the Holidays with Pay Act, 1938.}}
| {{|Mental Deficiency (Scotland) Act 1940|public|8|14-03-1940|archived=n|An Act to amend the provisions of the Mental Deficiency and Lunacy (Scotland) Act, 1913, with regard to the duration of the detention of mental defectives in institutions or under guardianship.}}
| {{|Cotton Industry Act 1940|public|9|14-03-1940|archived=n|An Act to provide for establishing a board to perform certain services for the benefit of the cotton industry and certain other functions, for the making of payments by cotton spinners to meet the expenses of the board and to provide their contribution to the Empire Cotton Growing Corporation, and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid.}}
| {{|Industrial Assurance and Friendly Societies (Emergency Protection from Forfeiture) Act 1940|public|10|14-03-1940|archived=n|An Act to protect from forfeiture industrial assurance policies and certain other assurance policies effected with registered friendly societies, in cases where default occurs in consequence of the war.}}
| {{|Consolidated Fund (No. 1) Act 1940|public|11|21-03-1940|archived=n|An Act to apply certain sums out of the Consolidated Fund to the service of the years ending on the thirty-first day of March, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine, one thousand nine hundred and forty and one thousand nine hundred and forty-one.}}
| {{|Rating and Valuation (Postponement of Valuations) Act 1940|public|12|21-03-1940|archived=n|An Act to postpone the making of new valuation lists for rating purposes in England, and for purposes connected therewith.}}
| {{|Old Age and Widows' Pensions Act 1940|public|13|21-03-1940|archived=n|An Act to reduce to sixty years the age at which women may become entitled to old age pensions under the enactments relating to widows', orphans' and old age contributory pensions; to provide for increasing certain contributions payable under those enactments; to make provision for supplementing, in cases of need, pensions payable under the said enactments to widows who have attained the age of sixty years, and old age pensions, and for making consequential adjustments in respect of the General Exchequer Grants payable to local authorities which are public assistance authorities; and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid.}}
| {{|Agriculture (Miscellaneous War Provisions) Act 1940|public|14|21-03-1940|repealed=y|maintained=y|archived=n|An Act to make certain amendments in the law relating to agriculture and agricultural land in connection with the present war.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1993) }}
| {{|Solicitors (Emergency Provisions) Act 1940|public|15|25-04-1940|archived=n|An Act to make special provision on account of circumstances arising out of the present emergency as to examinations and service under articles in the ease of persons desirous of being admitted as solicitors, as to the awarding of prizes, medals and scholarships by law societies, and as to the delegation of the powers of the Master of the Rolls under the enactments relating to solicitors; and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid.}}
| {{|Special Enactments (Extension of Time) Act 1940|public|16|25-04-1940|archived=n|An Act to provide for extensions of time in relation to the discharge of duties imposed, or the exercise of powers conferred, by statutory provisions of a local or private nature, and in relation to the exercise of powers to purchase, or powers of re-entry exercisable in relation to, public utility undertakings.}}
| {{|Agricultural Wages (Regulation) Amendment Act 1940|public|17|25-04-1940|archived=n|An Act to provide for the fixing of a national minimum wage for men employed in agriculture by the week or longer; and for the duties of agricultural wages committees in connection therewith.}}
| {{|Army and Air Force (Annual) Act 1940|public|18|25-04-1940|archived=n|An Act to provide, during twelve months, for the discipline and regulation of the Army and the Air Force.}}
| {{|Societies (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1940|public|19|25-04-1940|archived=n|An Act to amend the law relating to trade unions, friendly societies, building societies and certain other societies for purposes connected with the present emergency, and to make further provision with respect to the amalgamation and transfer of engagements of trade unions and building societies.}}
| {{|Emergency Powers (Defence) Act 1940|public|20|22-05-1940|archived=n|An Act to extend the powers which may be exercised by His Majesty under the Emergency Powers (Defence) Act, 1939.}}
| {{|Treachery Act 1940|public|21|23-05-1940|repealed=y|archived=n|An Act to make further provision for the trial and punishment of treachery.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1973) }}
| {{|National Service (Armed Forces) Act 1940|public|22|23-05-1940|archived=n|An Act to provide that persons shall not be exempted from liability under the National Service (Armed Forces) Act, 1939, by reason of their being members of the Local Defence Volunteers.}}
| {{|National Loans (No. 2) Act 1940|public|23|30-05-1940|archived=n|An Act to extend the powers of the Treasury to raise money under section one of the National Loans Act, 1939, and release them from contractual obligations to issue bearer bonder or bond certificates.}}
| {{|National Service (Channel Islands) Act 1940|public|24|13-06-1940|archived=n|An Act to provide for the enlistment of men called up in the Channel Islands for service in the armed forces of the Crown.}}
| {{|Post Office and Telegraph Act 1940|public|25|13-06-1940|archived=n|An Act to amend the law with respect to the postage rates for newspapers, the rates for press telegrams, and charges under telegraph contracts, to enable special terms, conditions and rates to be prescribed for certain telegrams, and to enable certain contracts for publications at rates including portage to be determined.}}
| {{|Superannuation Schemes (War Service) Act 1940|public|26|13-06-1940|repealed=n|maintained=y|archived=n|An Act to enable provision to be made for preventing loss of benefits under certain superannuation schemes by persons undertaking service in the forces or employment for war purposes.}}
| {{|Evidence and Powers of Attorney Act 1940|public|28|13-06-1940|repealed=n|maintained=y|archived=n|An Act to empower certain officers and other persons to administer oaths and take affidavits, to facilitate the proof in criminal proceedings of documents intercepted in the post, and to make further provision as respects powers of attorney.}}
| {{|Agricultural Wages (Regulation) (Scotland) Act 1940|public|27|13-06-1940|archived=n|An Act to amend the provisions of the Agricultural Wages (Regulation) (Scotland) Act, 1937, relating to the power to direct reconsideration of minimum rates of wages, the constitution of the Scottish Agricultural Wages Board, and the appointment of chairmen of agricultural wages committees.}}
| {{|Finance Act 1940|public|29|27-06-1940|repealed=n|maintained=y|archived=n|An Act to grant certain duties of Customs and Inland Revenue (including Excise), to alter other duties, and to amend the law relating to Customs and Inland Revenue (including Excise) and the National Debt, and to make further provision in connection with Finance.}}
| {{|Marriage (Scotland) (Emergency Provisions) Act 1940|public|30|27-06-1940|archived=n|An Act to amend the Marriage Notice (Scotland) Act, 1878, in its application to persons engaged in war service.}}
| {{|War Charities Act 1940|public|31|27-06-1940|repealed=y|maintained=y|archived=n|An Act to provide for the registration and control of war charities, and for the extension of the objects of certain war charities; and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid.|note4=
(Repealed by Charities Act 1992) }}
| {{|Remission of Rates (London) Act 1940|public|32|27-06-1940|archived=n|An Act to extend to London the power of rating authorities under the Rating and Valuation Act, 1925, to reduce or remit rates.}}
| {{|India and Burma (Emergency Provisions) Act 1940|public|33|27-06-1940|archived=n|An Act to make emergency provision with respect to the government of India and Burma.}}
| {{|Middlesex Deeds Act 1940|public|34|10-07-1940|repealed=n|maintained=y|archived=n|An Act to provide for the closing for all purposes of the Middlesex Deeds Register, and for granting indemnities in respect of losses which may arise from the closing thereof; and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid.}}
| {{|Indian and Colonial Divorce Jurisdiction Act 1940|public|35|10-07-1940|archived=n|An Act to explain and amend the Indian and Colonial Divorce Jurisdiction Act, 1926.}}
| {{|British North America Act 1940|note1=
known in Canada as the Constitution Act, 1940|public|36|10-07-1940|repealed=n|maintained=y|archived=n|An Act to include unemployment insurance among the classes of subjects enumerated in section ninety-one of the British North America Act, 1867.}}
| {{|Courts (Emergency Powers) Amendment Act 1940|public|37|10-07-1940|archived=n|An Act to amend the Courts (Emergency Powers) Act, 1939.}}
| {{|Truck Act 1940|public|38|10-07-1940|repealed=y|archived=n|An Act to restrain legal proceedings under the Truck Acts 1831 to 1896 in respect of certain transactions heretofore effected which might lawfully have been effected in another form, and to remove doubts as to whether persons employed under contracts rendered illegal by those Acts are or were to be regarded for purposes other than those of the said Acts as employed under contracts of service.|note4=
(Repealed by Wages Act 1986) }}
| {{|Consolidated Fund (No. 2) Act 1940|public|39|17-07-1940|archived=n|An Act to apply a sum out of the Consolidated Fund to the service of the year ending on the thirty-first day of March, one thousand nine hundred and forty-one.}}
| {{|Colonial Development and Welfare Act 1940|public|40|17-07-1940|repealed=n|maintained=y|archived=n|An Act to make provision for promoting the development of the resources of colonies, protectorates, protected states and mandated territories and the welfare of their peoples, and for relieving colonial and other Governments from liability in respect of certain loans.}}
| {{|Confirmation of Executors (War Service) (Scotland) Act 1940|public|41|17-07-1940|repealed=y|archived=n|An Act to provide facilities in Scotland for the appointment and confirmation of executors of persons engaged in war service during the present war.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1973) }}
| {{|Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Scotland) Act 1940|public|42|17-07-1940|repealed=n|maintained=y|archived=n|An Act to amend the law of Scotland relating to enforcement of decrees ad factum praestandum, to solatium and damages, to contribution among joint wrongdoers, and to prorogation of the jurisdiction of the Sheriff Court; to amend and extend the Intestate Husband’s Estate (Scotland) Acts, 1911 and 1919; to make provision regarding the powers of the King’s and Lord Treasurer’s Remembrancer; to enable effect to be given to International Conventions affecting Scottish Courts; and to amend the law of Scotland relating to criminal procedure.}}
| {{|Merchant Shipping (Salvage) Act 1940|public|43|25-07-1940|archived=n|An Act to amend the law with respect to the right of the Crown to claim salvage.}}
| {{|Unemployment Insurance Act 1940|public|44|25-07-1940|archived=n|An Act to increase the rates of benefit and contributions payable under the Unemployment Insurance Acts, 1935 to 1939, to amend section thirty-five of the Unemployment Insurance Act, 1935, Part II of the First Schedule thereto, and section thirty-six of the Unemployment Assistance Act, 1934, and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid.}}
| {{|Emergency Powers (Defence) (No. 2) Act 1940|public|45|01-08-1940|archived=n|An Act to remove doubts as to the extent of the powers which may be exercised by His Majesty under the Emergency Powers (Defence) Act, 1939.}}
| {{|Appropriation Act 1940|public|46|08-08-1940|archived=n|An Act to apply a sum out of the Consolidated Fund to the service of the year ending on the thirty-first day of March, one thousand nine hundred and forty-one, and to appropriate the Supplies granted in this Session of Parliament.}}
| {{|Workmen's Compensation (Supplementary Allowances) Act 1940|public|47|08-08-1940|archived=n|An Act to provide for the payment of supplementary allowances to workmen entitled to weekly payments by way of compensation under the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1925, and for purposes connected therewith.}}
| {{|Finance (No. 2) Act 1940|public|48|22-08-1940|archived=n|An Act to increase certain duties of customs and excise; to increase the standard rate of income tax for the year 1940-41 and the higher rates of income tax for the year 1939-40; to make certain amendments in the enactments relating to income tax, national defence contribution and excess profits tax; to increase the rates of estate duty; to impose a purchase tax; and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid.}}
| {{|Isle of Man (Customs) Act 1940|public|49|22-08-1940|archived=n|An Act to amend the law with respect to customs in the Isle of Man.}}
| {{|Agriculture (Miscellaneous War Provisions) (No. 2) Act 1940|public|50|22-08-1940|maintained=y|repealed=y|archived=n|An Act to make certain amendments in the law relating to agriculture and agricultural land in connection with the present war.|note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1993) }}
| {{|Allied Forces Act 1940|public|51|22-08-1940|repealed=y|maintained=y|archived=n|An Act to make provision with respect to the discipline and internal administration of certain allied and associated forces, and for the application in relation to those forces of the Visiting Forces (British Commonwealth) Act, 1933, the Naval Discipline Act, the Army Act and the Air Force Act.|note4=
(Repealed by Visiting Forces Act 1952) }}
| {{|Consolidated Fund (No. 3) Act 1940|public|52|24-08-1940|archived=n|An Act to apply a sum out of the Consolidated Fund to the service of the year ending on the thirty-first day of March, one thousand nine hundred and forty-one.}}
| {{|Prolongation of Parliament Act 1940|public|53|06-11-1940|archived=n|An Act to extend the duration of the present Parliament.}}
| {{|Appropriation (No. 2) Act 1940|public|54|20-11-1940|archived=n|An Act to apply a sum out of the Consolidated Fund to the service of the year ending on the thirty-first day of March, one thousand nine hundred and forty-one, and to appropriate the further Supplies granted in this Session of Parliament.}}
| {{|Securities (Validation) Act 1940|public|55|20-11-1940|archived=n|An Act to resolve doubts as to the extent of certain restrictions affecting securities and to validate certain securities as respects which the restrictions were not complied with.}}
| {{|Workmen's Compensation and Benefit (Byssinosis) Act 1940|public|56|20-11-1940|archived=n|An Act to provide for the payment of compensation or disablement benefit in the case of male workmen who have died from, or become totally and permanently incapacitated for work as the result of, the respiratory disease known as byssinosis; and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid.}}
Local acts
{{legislationuk|act |- | {{|Dumbarton Burgh Order Confirmation Act 1940|local|1|28-11-1939|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|maintained=y|repealed=n|archived=n||po1=Dumbarton Burgh Order 1940|}}
| {{|Glasgow Water and Tramways Order Confirmation Act 1940|local|2|28-11-1939|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|maintained=y|repealed=y|archived=n| |note4=
(Repealed by Glasgow Corporation Consolidation (Water, Transport and Markets) Order Confirmation Act 1964 (c. xliii)) }}
| {{|Aberdeen Corporation (Administration Finance, &c.) Order Confirmation Act 1940|local|3|28-11-1939|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|maintained=y|repealed=n|archived=n||po1=Aberdeen Corporation (Administration, Finance, &c.) Order 1940|}}
| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (Canterbury) Act 1940|local|4|28-11-1939|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|maintained=y|repealed=y|archived=n| |note4=
(Repealed by County of Kent Act 1981 (c. xviii)) }}
| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (Ilkley) Act 1940|local|5|28-11-1939|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|maintained=y|repealed=y|archived=n| |note4=
(Repealed by West Yorkshire Act 1980 (c. xiv)) }}
| {{|Ely Cathedral Canonries Act 1940|local|6|28-11-1939|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|maintained=y|repealed=n|archived=n|}}
| {{|Newcastle and Gateshead Waterworks Act 1940|local|7|28-11-1939|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|maintained=y|repealed=y|archived=n| |note4=
(Repealed by Newcastle and Gateshead Water (Consolidation etc.) Order 1982 (SI 1982/1718)) }}
| {{|Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1940|local|8|28-11-1939|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|maintained=y|repealed=n|archived=n|}}
| {{|King Edward the Seventh Welsh National Memorial Association Act 1940|local|9|28-11-1939|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|maintained=y|repealed=y|archived=n| |note4=
(Repealed by National Health Service (Superannuation) Regulations 1947 (SR&O 1947/1755)) }}
| {{|Torquay Cemetery Act 1940|local|10|28-11-1939|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|maintained=y|repealed=y|archived=n| |note4=
(Repealed by Torbay Corporation Act 1971 (c. xxxiii)) }}
| {{|Staffordshire and Worcestershire Canal Act 1940|local|11|28-11-1939|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|maintained=y|repealed=n|archived=n|}}
| {{|Wessex Electricity Act 1940|local|12|28-11-1939|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|maintained=y|repealed=n|archived=n|}}
| {{|Commercial Gas Act 1940|local|13|28-11-1939|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|maintained=y|repealed=n|archived=n|}}
| {{|Brighton Marine Palace and Pier Act 1940|local|14|28-11-1939|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|maintained=y|repealed=n|archived=n|}}
| {{|London County Council (General Powers) Act 1940|local|15|28-11-1939|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|maintained=y|repealed=y|archived=n| |note4=
(Repealed by Ministry of Housing and Local Government Provisional Order Confirmation (Greater London Parks and Open Spaces) Act 1967 (c. xxix)) }}
| {{|Northallerton Urban District Council Act 1940|local|16|28-11-1939|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|maintained=y|repealed=n|archived=n|}}
| {{|Poor's Allotments in Hornsey Charity Scheme Confirmation Act 1940|local|17|13-06-1940|repealed=n|maintained=y|archived=n|An Act to confirm a Scheme of the Charity Commissioners for the application or management of the charity called the Poor's Allotments in the ancient parish of Hornsey in the county of Middlesex.|po1=Scheme for the application or management of the Charity known as the Poor's Allotments in the ancient parish of Hornsey in the County of Middlesex comprised in an Inclosure Award dated the 14th June 1816 made in pursuance of the Hornsey Inclosure Act 53 Geo. III. cap. vii.|po1short=n}}
| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (Blackburn) Act 1940|local|18|13-06-1940|repealed=y|maintained=y|archived=n|An Act to confirm a provisional order of the Minister of Health relating to the county borough of Blackburn.|note4=
(Repealed by County of Lancashire Act 1984) |po1=Blackburn Order 1940|Provisional order altering a local Act.}}
| {{|Birmingham Corporation Act 1940|local|19|13-06-1940|repealed=n|maintained=y|archived=n|An Act to empower the lord mayor aldermen and citizens of the city of Birmingham to construct waterworks to make further provision in reference to the Birmingham Municipal Officers' Widows' and Orphans' Pensions Scheme and for other purposes.}}
| {{|Coventry Corporation Act 1940|local|20|13-06-1940|repealed=y|maintained=y|archived=n|An Act to empower the mayor aldermen and citizens of the city of Coventry to construct and maintain waterworks and take water from the river Avon to extend the time for the purchase of lands needed for certain street works to alter the qualification of apprentices serving during the period of the present emergency in the Navy the Army or the Air Force for the freedom of the city and for other purposes.|note4=
(Repealed by West Midlands County Council Act 1980) }}
| {{|Cornwall Electric Power Act 1940|local|21|13-06-1940|repealed=n|maintained=y|archived=n|An Act to confer further powers on the Cornwall Electric Power Company and for other purposes.}}
| {{|London County Council (Money) Act 1940|local|22|13-06-1940|repealed=y|maintained=y|archived=n|An Act to regulate the expenditure on capital account and lending of money by the London County Council during the financial period from the first day of April one thousand nine hundred and forty to the thirtieth day of September one thousand nine hundred and forty-one and for other purposes.|note4=
(Repealed by London County Council (Loans) Act 1955) }}
| {{|South Suburban Gas Act 1940|local|23|13-06-1940|maintained=y|repealed=n|archived=n|An Act to confer further powers upon the South Suburban Gas Company and for other purposes.}}
| {{|Lochaber Water Power Order Confirmation Act 1940|local|24|28-11-1939|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|maintained=y|repealed=n|archived=n||po1=Lochaber Water Power Order 1940|}}
| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (Littlestone-on-Sea and District Water) Act 1940|local|25|28-11-1939|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|maintained=y|repealed=n|archived=n||po1=Littlestone-on-Sea and District Water Order 1940|}}
| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (Norwich) Act 1940|local|26|28-11-1939|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|maintained=y|repealed=y|archived=n| |note4=
(Repealed by Norwich City Council Act 1984 (c. xxiii)) }}
| {{|Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (Thirsk District Water) Act 1940|local|27|28-11-1939|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|maintained=y|repealed=n|archived=n||po1=Thirsk District Water Order 1940|}}
| {{|Bournemouth Gas and Water Act 1940|local|28|28-11-1939|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|maintained=y|repealed=n|archived=n|}}
| {{|Farnham Gas and Electricity Act 1940|local|29|28-11-1939|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|maintained=y|repealed=n|archived=n|}}
| {{|Christchurch Corporation Act 1940|local|30|28-11-1939|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|maintained=y|repealed=n|archived=n|}}
| {{|Gosport Water Act 1940|local|31|28-11-1939|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|maintained=y|repealed=n|archived=n|}}
| {{|Monmouthshire and South Wales Employers' Mutual Indemnity Society Act 1940|local|32|28-11-1939|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|maintained=y|repealed=n|archived=n|}}
| {{|Wey Valley Water Act 1940|local|33|28-11-1939|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|maintained=y|repealed=n|archived=n|}}
| {{|Taunton Corporation Act 1940|local|34|28-11-1939|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|maintained=y|repealed=n|archived=n|}}
| {{|St. Mary Magdalene Hospital (Newcastle-upon-Tyne) Act 1940|local|35|28-11-1939|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|maintained=y|repealed=n|archived=n|}}
| {{|Cardiff Corporation (Trolley Vehicles) Order Confirmation Act 1940|local|36|28-11-1939|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|maintained=y|repealed=n|archived=n|}}
| {{|Huddersfield Corporation (Trolley Vehicles) Order Confirmation Act 1940|local|37|28-11-1939|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|maintained=y|repealed=y|archived=n| |note4=
(Repealed by West Yorkshire Act 1980 (c. xiv)) }}
| {{|Newcastle-upon-Tyne (Trolley Vehicles) Order Confirmation Act 1940|local|38|28-11-1939|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|maintained=y|repealed=y|archived=n| |note4=
(Repealed by Tyne & Wear Act 1980 (c. xliii)) }}
| {{|South Eastern Gas Corporation (Associated Companies) Act 1940|local|39|28-11-1939|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|maintained=y|repealed=n|archived=n|}}
| {{|Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Gateshead Gas Act 1940|local|40|28-11-1939|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|maintained=y|repealed=n|archived=n|}}
| {{|Mid-Wessex Water Act 1940|local|41|28-11-1939|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|maintained=y|repealed=n|archived=n|}}
| {{|Clyde Lighthouses Consolidation Order Confirmation Act 1940|local|42|28-11-1939|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|maintained=y|repealed=y|archived=n| |note4=
(Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1986) }}
| {{|Fife County Council Order Confirmation Act 1940|local|43|28-11-1939|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|maintained=y|repealed=n|archived=n||po1=Fife County Council Order 1940|}}
| {{|Ayr Burgh Order Confirmation Act 1940|local|44|28-11-1939|note3=[lower-alpha 1]|maintained=y|repealed=n|archived=n||po1=Ayr Burgh Order 1939|}}
4 & 5 Geo. 6
Public general acts
{{legislationuk|act |- | {{|Scottish Fisheries Advisory Council Act 1940|public|1|19-12-1940|archived=n|An Act to remove the limit on the number of members of the Scottish Fisheries Advisory Council constituted under the Reorganisation of Offices (Scotland) Act, 1939.}}
| {{|Expiring Laws Continuance Act 1940|public|2|19-12-1940|archived=n|An Act to continue certain expiring laws.}}
| {{|Local Elections and Register of Electors (Temporary Provisions) Act 1940|public|3|19-12-1940|archived=n|An Act to continue in force the Local Elections and Register of Electors (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1939, with certain amendments, and to make provision for safeguarding the rights of contributory employees and local Act contributors as defined by the Local Government Superannuation Act, 1937, and the Local Government Superannuation (Scotland) Act, 1937, in respect of remuneration lost in consequence of the first-mentioned Act.}}
| {{|Naval and Marine Forces (Temporary Release from Service) Act 1940|public|4|19-12-1940|archived=n|An Act to provide for the release and recall of men serving in the royal navy or the royal marine forces.}}
| {{|Railways Agreement (Powers) Act 1940|public|5|19-12-1940|archived=n|An Act to enable railway undertakers under the control of the Minister of Transport to make agreements with him and with one another providing for financial matters arising out of, and in connection with, such control; and for purposes connected therewith.}} }}
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