1929 NCAA Men's Basketball All-Americans

The consensus 1929 College Basketball All-American team, as determined by aggregating the results of two major All-American teams.[1] To earn "consensus" status, a player must win honors from a majority of the following teams: the Helms Athletic Foundation, College Humor Magazine and the Christy Walsh Syndicate.

1929 NCAA Men's Basketball All-Americans
Members of the 1929 consensus team. From left: Hyatt, Thompson, Murphy. Not pictured: Churchill, Corbin, Schaaf.
Awarded for1928–29 NCAA men's basketball season

1929 Consensus All-America team

Consensus Team
Player Class Team
Tom Churchill Junior Oklahoma
Vern Corbin Senior California
Charley Hyatt Junior Pittsburgh
Stretch Murphy Junior Purdue
Joe Schaaf Senior Pennsylvania
Cat Thompson Junior Montana State

Individual All-America teams

All-America Team
First team Second team Third team
PlayerSchool PlayerSchool PlayerSchool
Helms[2] Vern CorbinCaliforniaNo second or third teams
Bruce DrakeOklahoma
Charley HyattPittsburgh
Gene LambertArkansas
Stretch MurphyPurdue
Harlow RothertStanford
Joe SchaafPennsylvania
Carey SpicerKentucky
Cat ThompsonMontana State
Frank WardMontana State
College Humor Tom ChurchillOklahomaVern CorbinCaliforniaHoward BollermanColgate
Charley HyattPittsburghEd DoughertyFordhamWerner JensenCreighton
Stretch MurphyPurdueMarshall GlennWest VirginiaJesse MortensenSouthern California
Tom PickellArkansasOral HildebrandButlerJim StricklandIndiana
Joe SchaafPennsylvaniaElmer TenhopenWisconsinMaurice SwarthoutDartmouth
Ed WineappleProvidenceJoseph TruskowskiMichigan
Christy Walsh Syndicate Tom ChurchillOklahomaNo second or third teams
Vern CorbinCalifornia
Ed DoughertyFordham
Bud FosterWisconsin
Charley HyattPittsburgh
Harold McClaryWashington
Ernest McCoyMichigan
Stretch MurphyPurdue
Joe SchaafPennsylvania
Edward SmithNotre Dame
Cat ThompsonMontana State

See also


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