1660s in piracy

This timeline of the history of piracy in the 1660s is a chronological list of key events involving pirates between 1660 and 1669.



  • Although divided largely by nationality, with the English in Jamaica and the French in Tortuga or St. Dominique, a large buccaneering presence is established in the various English, French and Dutch colonies in the Lesser Antilles.[1]
  • The island of Tortuga officially becomes a colony of France due in part to the diplomatic efforts of Jeremie Deschampes.[2]



See also


  1. Konstam, Angus. Pirates: Predators of the Seas. New York: Skyhorse Publishing, 2007. (pg. 25) ISBN 1-60239-035-5
  2. Lane, Kris E. Pillaging the Empire: Piracy in the Americas - 1500-1750. London: M.E. Sharp, 1998. (pg. 102) ISBN 0-7656-0256-3
  3. Osler, William. An Alabama Student and Other Biographical Essays. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1908. (pg. 19)
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