First Aid and Emergency Health Care
Learn how to do basic first aid and handle an emergency with help from wikiHow’s First Aid and Emergency Health Care category. Get expert advice on handling a variety of emergencies, including facial swelling, sudden chest pains, broken bones, and more. You can also find general first aid instruction, from assessing level of consciousness to calling an ambulance.
Featured Articles

Deal With Fainting

Treat Road Rash

Treat Asthma Attacks

Prevent Drowning
Articles about First Aid and Emergency Health Care

Tape a Thumb

Treat Paronychia

Faint Safely

Sterilize a Needle

Perform a Tracheotomy

Numb Skin

Use an Inhaler

Treat an Acid Attack

Call an Ambulance

Treat Airbag Burns

Text 911

Heal an Infected Cut

Call 911

Ice an Injured Ankle

Deal With Fainting

Reduce Appendix Pain

Administer Narcan

Clean Road Rash

Avoid Drowning

Treat Road Rash

Use an Epipen

Treat Elbow Bursitis

Prevent Fainting

Go to the Hospital

Buy an EpiPen

Treat Asthma Attacks

Take a Temperature

Report an Emergency