Learning the Zulu Language
This book is designed to allow anyone who speaks English to learn Zulu for free. Zulu is one of the most spoken languages in South Africa. More than 20 million people are able to speak Zulu in South Africa. The current book allows someone to go from an absolute beginner to the so-called breakthrough stage - this is encompassed in the first six lessons - and beyond. The book currently provides pronunciation information in Appendix B. It is recommended that students should read it over to gain a better understanding of the pronunciation.
Introductory Lessons

Flag of South Africa
- isiFundo esingu-1: Ingxoxo esilula ~ Basic conversation and introductions.
- isiFundo esibili: Ngiyasebenza futhi ngingudokotela ~ Saying what you do, Where you're from or live.
- isiFundo esithathu: Uneminyaka emingaki ~ Saying how long you've been working and your age.
- isiFundo esine: Uyazi iGoli? ~ Talking about people and places that you know.
- isiFundo esihlanu: Nginabantwana ~ The possessions and family that you have.
- isiFundo esingu-6: Ngithanda ukudlala ibhola ~ Expressing likes and dislikes.

Zulu warriors
- Exercise for Lesson 1 :
- Exercise for Lesson 2 :
- Exercise for Lesson 3 :
- Exercise for Lesson 4:
- Exercise for Lesson 5:
- Exercise for Lesson 6:
II | This is a Category II Language. |
- Appendix A: Uhlelo ~ Grammar
- Appendix B: Khumula kahle ~ Pronunciation
- Dictionary: iDikishaneli ~Dictionary
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