Component Development
How do develop an expanding grid with a pop-up window to add new rows to the grid
First setup the page that has the grid that you want to expand:
<?page id="main-page"?> <window title="Expanding Grid" border="normal" width="360px" id="food-to-go-delegate"> <zscript> String[][] values = { {"one", "1"} ,{"two","2"} }; </zscript> <grid> <columns> <column label="Menu Item" sortAscending="${asc}" sortDescending="${dsc}"/> <column label="Price"/> </columns> <rows id="rows" use="org.zkforge.ftg.ExpandingMenuItemRows"> <row forEach="${values}"> <label value="${each[0]}"/> <hbox>$<textbox value="${each[1]}"/></hbox> </row> </rows> </grid> <button label="Add More"> <attribute name="onClick"><![CDATA[ Window win = (Window) Executions.createComponents( "menu-items-popup.zul", null, null); win.doModal(); ]]></attribute> </button> </window>
There is quite a lot going on there. First off there is a static array called "values". This is simply there to demonstrate that we can use a forEach="${values}" to output a list of rows. Realistically that data would have been pulled from a database. The next thing to notice is that the <rows> tag with the id "rows" has a "use" attribute that specifies that a subclass of org.zkoss.zul.Rows is used to implement that xul element. It is in this custom sub-class that we can add a custom method to insert a new row into the grid:
package org.zkforge.ftg; import org.zkoss.zul.Hbox; import org.zkoss.zul.Label; import org.zkoss.zul.Row; import org.zkoss.zul.Rows; import org.zkoss.zul.Textbox; public class ExpandingMenuItemRows extends Rows { /* * This is just an arbitrary custom method that we can call from a zscript. * In it we programmatically create all of the elements that appear in the other * rows. The code below simply creates: * <row><label value=""/><hbox>$<textbox value=""/></hbox></row> * and sets the two value attributes whatever was passed into the method. */ public void addRow(String name, String price){ Label label = new Label(); label.setValue(name); Label dollar = new Label(); dollar.setValue("$"); Textbox textbox = new Textbox(); textbox.setValue(price); Hbox hbox = new Hbox(); hbox.appendChild(dollar); hbox.appendChild(textbox); Row row = new Row(); row.appendChild(label); row.appendChild(hbox); this.appendChild(row); } }
So if we can get a zscript function to call that method then a new row will be appended into the grid. This logic is in the pop-up window in the file menu-items-popup.zul:
<window id="win" title="Add Menu Item" border="normal" width="200px" closable="true"> <zscript> doAdd(String name, String price){ rows = Path.getComponent("//main-page/food-to-go-delegate/rows"); rows.addRow(name, price); } </zscript> <vbox>Name:<textbox id="name" value=""/> Price:<textbox id="price" value=""/></vbox> <button label="Add" onClick="doAdd(name.value,price.value);win.detach()"/> <button label="Cancel" onClick="win.detach()"/> </window>
In that model dialogue window we have two textboxes one for the name and one for the price. If the user clicks 'Add' the button calls a zscript function doAdd passing the two textbox values. doAdd() then does an IDSpace lookup for the <rows> element in the main page. <rows> has an id "rows" within the IDSpace of the window with id "food-to-go-delegate" on the page "main-page" which we write out with the syntax "//page/window/id". Once we have a reference our custom sub-class element we just invoke our custom method 'addRow'.
Using Preference Attribute for Customization
How to access the preference specific to a component
If you want to develop a component that is configurable by zk.xml, then you have to
1) Define a preference name that a deployer can use to configure in WEB-INF/zk.xml. For example,
<!-- zk.xml --> <preference> <name>org.zkoss.zul.Window.defaultActionOnShow</name> <value>moveDown</value> </preference>
2) Access it with the getPreference method of the org.zkoss.zk.ui.util.Configuration class.
However, there is one Configuration instance per Web application, and a component can belong to any Web application if ZK libraries (e.g., zk.jar) are shared by several Web applications. Thus, you can access the preference only if a component is attached to a page. A good moment is when the component is rendered. For example,
// //getOuterAttrs is called when redraw() is called public String getOuterAttrs() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer().append(super.getOuterAttrs()); HTMLs.appendAttribute(sb, "z.aos", getDesktop().getWebApp().getConfiguration() .getPreference("org.zkoss.zul.Window.defaultActionOnShow")); return sb.toString(); }
If you want to provide a static method to set the default (overrides the preference):
public String getOuterAttrs() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer().append(super.getOuterAttrs()); String aos = getDefaultActionOnShow(); if (aos == null) aos = getDesktop().getWebApp().getConfiguration() .getPreference("org.zkoss.zul.Window.defaultActionOnShow"); HTMLs.appendAttribute(sb, "z.aos", aos); return sb.toString(); } public static String getDefaultActionOnShow() { return _daos; }