You want to create an XForms front end to an XQuery script that will move a resource from one collection to another collection or you want to move a collection from one location to another location.
We will build a simple XForms front end to the xmldb:move() operator. The syntax of the move operators is the following:
xmldb:move($from-collection, $to-collection, $resource)
$from-collection is the path name to the collection you are moving the file from $to-collection is the path name to the collection you are moving the file to $resource in the name of the resource
If you are going to move a complete collection the format is:
xmldb:move($old-collection, $new-collection)
On this case the operation:
xmldb:move('/db/bar', '/db/foo')
would result in the bar collection being located inside the foo collection:
To test this application create two test collections in your eXist database such as:
/db/from-collection /db/to-collection
Sample XForms Client
Create the following xhtml file:
<title>Move File</title>
<style language="text/css">
@namespace xf url("");
.from .xf-value {width: 40ex;}
.to .xf-value {width: 40ex;}
<xf:instance xmlns="">
<xf:submission id="save" method="get"
<h3>Move Resource</h3>
<xf:input ref="from" class="from">
<xf:label>From Collection:</xf:label>
<xf:input ref="to" class="to">
<xf:label>To Collection:</xf:label>
<xf:input ref="resource" class="resource">
<xf:submit submission="save">
<xf:label>Move File</xf:label>
Sample XQuery on Server
The following XQuery named "move.xq" should be placed in the same collection as the move.xhtml file.
xquery version "1.0";
declare namespace xmldb="";
(: this logs you in and makes sure you have write access to the desitination folder :)
let $login := xmldb:collection('/db/to-collection', 'username', 'password')
let $from := request:get-parameter('from', '')
let $to := request:get-parameter('to', '')
let $resource := request:get-parameter('resource', '')
let $code := xmldb:move($from, $to, $resource)
<title>Move Result</title>
<b>result code:</b>Result code is
Move a Collection
xquery version "1.0";
declare option exist:serialize "method=xhtml media-type=text/html omit-xml-declaration=yes indent=yes";
(: this logs you in and makes sure you have write access to the destination folder :)
let $login := xmldb:login('/db', 'user-id', 'your-password')
let $from := request:get-parameter('from', '')
let $to := request:get-parameter('to', '')
(: You can put in checks to make sure that both from and to are not null here and that they both exist. :)
let $move-result-code := xmldb:move($from, $to)
<title>Move Collection Result</title>
<h1>Move Collection Result</h1>
<b>result code:</b>Result code is:{$move-result-code}
Now that you have the core move code done, you can enhance the program to browse to a specific collection for the source and browse to a specific collection for the destination. You can also create a listing of the resources in the source and destination folders.