
You would like to add map navigation to your XRX application.

Although map controls were not defined within the original XForms specification, they can be added by using a bit of JavaScript.


We will use three frameworks.

  1. XSLTForms - that enables the model, controls and bindings
  2. JQuery - JQuery UI, JQuery layout - for the user interface. This includes the controls to do pans north, south, east, west
  3. OpenLayers - for the map navigation, pan and zoom functions

The XForms model will contain the following:

  1. A default instance that contains a search query with the min and max longitude and latitude (default).
  2. A place to store the response to the query (response).
  3. A locate instance (locate)
  4. A few binding statements
  5. A submission to get the new map data from the openmap database

Sample User Interface

This example has a simple map user interface control that allows for panning to the North/South/East/West and zoom and zoom out.

This user interface uses a JQuery object that is associated with XForms input user interface controls.

Sample Model Source

The following is stored in the XForms model:

Note that the following namespaces are used in this example:

   <!-- this holds the parameters for the outbound search query. -->
   <xf:instance id="default" xmlns="http://schematronic.ru/geo">
           <!-- variables for the min and max longitude and latitude -->

    <!-- this holds the search results -->
    <xf:instance xmlns="" id="response">

    <xf:instance id="locate">
           javascript:g.locate(<lon></lon>, <lat></lat>, "<icon></icon>")

    <!-- These binds associate an id with a variable in the search form and a calculation -->
    <xf:bind id="query" nodeset="instance('default')/param:query"/>
    <xf:bind id="min-lon" nodeset="instance('default')/param:min-lon" calculate="min-lon()"/>
    <xf:bind id="min-lat" nodeset="instance('default')/param:min-lat" calculate="min-lat()"/>
    <xf:bind id="max-lon" nodeset="instance('default')/param:max-lon" calculate="max-lon()"/>
    <xf:bind id="max-lat" nodeset="instance('default')/param:max-lat" calculate="max-lat()"/>
    <!-- These binds associate an ID with 
    <xf:bind id="lon" nodeset="instance('locate')/lon"/>
    <xf:bind id="lat" nodeset="instance('locate')/lat"/>
    <xf:bind id="icon" nodeset="instance('locate')/icon"/>

    <!-- When the user selects any of the navigation controls, the following does a POST to the server. -->
    <!-- Note that the response to the search is places in the "response instance -->
     <xf:submission id="do-search" method="post" ref="instance('default')" replace="instance" instance="response" resource="/gate">

JavaScript Imports

The Javascript libraries will come from the openstreemap.org site. We will also use some JQuery user interface controls.

Here are the static JavaScript files you will need to add.

Importing Static JavaScript Libraries

   <script type="text/javascript" src="http://openlayers.org/api/OpenLayers.js"></script>
   <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.openstreetmap.org/openlayers/OpenStreetMap.js"></script>
   <script type="text/javascript" src="/share/geo.js"></script>
   <script type="text/javascript" src="/share/jquery.js"></script>
   <script type="text/javascript" src="/share/jquery-ui.js"></script>
   <script type="text/javascript" src="/share/jquery-layout.js"></script>

Inline JavaScript Data

In addition to the above, the following JavaScript data must be used.

<script type="text/javascript">
    var g;
    function map(){
       var lat  = 51.30505;
       var lon  = 37.85331;
       var zoom = 12;
       g = geo("map", lon, lat, zoom);            
    var isDebug = false;                   
    var layout;
    function showResult (){
    jQuery(function (){      
        jQuery("#search input").addClass("ui-state-default ui-corner-left");
        jQuery("#search button").addClass("ui-button ui-state-default ui-corner-right");
        layout = jQuery("body").layout({
              north : {
                            resizable          : false,
                            slidable           : false,
                            closable           : false,
                            spacing_open       : 0,
                            spacing_closed     : 0,
                            size               : 40
              south : {
                            size               : 100,
                            resizable          : true,
                            slidable           : true,
                            closable           : true,
                            initHidden         : !isDebug
              west : {
                            size               : 300,
                            minSize            : 200,
                            maxSize            : 400,
                            resizable          : true,
                            slidable           : true,
                            closable           : true,
                            initHidden         : true
     if (isDebug) jQuery("#console").show();    


Form Body

   <div id="header" class="ui-layout-north ui-widget-header">
      <span id="logo">
         <a href="/">
            <img src="/site/stkurier/images/logo/logo.png" alt="logo" />
      <span id="search">
          <xf:input xmlns:xf="http://www.w3.org/2002/xforms" bind="query">
               <xf:send submission="do-search" ev:event="xforms-value-changed"/>
          <xf:submit submission="do-search">
                  <img alt="search" src="/share/icons/fugue-icons/icons/magnifier-medium-left.png" />
        <div class="ui-layout-west">
            <div id="result">
                    <xf:repeat xmlns:xf="http://www.w3.org/2002/xforms" id="place_list" nodeset="instance('response')//*:place">
                            <xf:trigger appearance="minimal">
                                <xf:action xmlns:ev="http://www.w3.org/2001/xml-events" ev:event="DOMActivate">
                                    <xf:setvalue bind="lon" value="instance('response')//*:place[index('place_list')]/@lon"></xf:setvalue>
                                    <xf:setvalue bind="lat" value="instance('response')//*:place[index('place_list')]/@lat"></xf:setvalue>
                                    <xf:setvalue bind="icon" value="instance('response')//*:place[index('place_list')]/@icon"></xf:setvalue>
                                        <xf:resource value="instance('locate')"></xf:resource>

                                    <xf:output ref="@icon" mediatype="image/*" if="@icon"></xf:output>
                                    <xf:output ref="@display_name"></xf:output>
        <div class="ui-layout-center">
            <div id="map"></div>
        <div div="#debug" class="ui-layout-south">
            <div id="console"></div>


The following is a sample of the server-side XQuery code.

   geo:search($query, $min-lon, $min-lat, $max-lon, $max-lat)

will be evaluated at server side for instance:


Geo XQuery Module

module namespace geo = "http://schematronic.ru/geo";

import module namespace http    = "http://exist-db.org/xquery/httpclient";
import module namespace request = "http://exist-db.org/xquery/request";

declare variable $geo:search-service-uri := "http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search";

declare function geo:search($query  as xs:string,
                           $min-lon as xs:float, $min-lat as xs:float,
                           $max-lon as xs:float, $max-lat as xs:float) {

   let $view-box := string-join(($min-lon, $min-lat, $max-lon, $max-lat), ",")
   let $lon      := ($min-lon + $max-lon) div 2
   let $lat      := ($min-lat + $max-lat) div 2
   let $uri      := escape-uri(xs:anyURI(concat(
                       "&amp;viewbox=", $view-box,
                       "&amp;q=", $query
                    )), false())
   let $response := http:get($uri, false(), ())

   let $results  := $response//searchresults

       element {name($results)} {
           for $i in $results/place
           order by ($lon - $i/@lon) * ($lon - $i/@lon) + ($lat - $i/@lat) * ($lat - $i/@lat)
           return $i


declare function geo:search($query as xs:string, $view-box as xs:float*) {
   geo:search($query, $view-box[1], $view-box[2], $view-box[3], $view-box[4])

declare function geo:search($query as xs:string) {
   geo:search($query, -180, -90, 180, 90)


All the work was done by Evgeny Gazdovsky. The writeup was done by Dan McCreary.

This article is issued from Wikibooks. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.