The Scott/Tiger example
A classic database widely used in teaching Relational databases concerns Employees, Departments and SalaryGrades. In Oracle training material it is known by the demo username and password, Scott/Tiger.
These three tables converted to XML (via the XML add-in to Excel XQuery/Excel and XML ) are:
A port of the Oracle SQL file to MySQL can be found here.
Execution environments
The eXist demo server is used for the XQuery examples. These are returned either as plain XML or converted to table format.
The equivalent SQL queries are executed on an w:MySQL server,also based at the University of the West of England in Bristol
Basic Queries
Counting Records
Task: How many Employees?
SQL: select count(*) from Emp; MySQL
XQuery: count(//Emp) XML
Task: How many Departments?
SQL: select count(*) from dept MySQL
XQuery: count(//Dept) XML
Selecting records
Task: Show all Employees with a salary greater than 1000
SQL: select * from emp where sal > 1000; MySQL
Task: Show all Employees with a salary greater than 1000 and less than 2000
SQL: select * from emp where sal between 1000 and 2000; MySQL
XQuery: //Emp[Sal>1000][Sal<2000] XML Table
Here, successive filter conditions replace the anded conditions implied by 'between'.
Although there is no 'between' function in XQuery, it is a simple matter to write one:
declare function local:between($value as xs:decimal, $min as xs:decimal, $max as xs:decimal) as xs:boolean { $value >= $min and $value <= $max };
which simplifies the query to //Emp[local:between(Sal,1000,2000)] XML Table
and has the advantage that the conversion of Sal to a number is now implicit in the function signature.
Task: Show all employees with no Commission
SQL: select * from emp where comm is null; MySQL
XQuery: //Emp[empty(Comm/text())] XML Table
Note that empty(Comm) is not enough, since this is true only if the element itself is absent, which in this sample XML it is not.
XQuery: //Emp[empty(Comm)] XML
Task: Select the first 5 employees
SQL: select * from emp limit 5; MySQL
XQuery: //Emp[position() <=5]
Selecting Columns
List Employee names and salaries
SQL: Select ename,sal from emp MySQL
Surprisingly, selecting only a subset of children in a node (pruning) is not supported in XPath.
//Emp/(Ename,Sal) XML retrieves the required elements, but the parent Emp nodes have been lost.
//Emp/(Ename|Sal) XML is better since it keeps the elements in sequence, but it does not return Emp nodes with only the Ename and Sal children as required.
//Emp/*[name(.) = ("Ename","Sal")] XML uses reflection on the element names.
for $emp in //Emp return <Emp> {$emp/(Ename|Sal)} </Emp>
Here an XQuery FLWOR expression is used to create a new EMP element from the original elements.
Computing values
Computing the Annual Salary
Task: Compute the Annual Salaries of all employees. The Annual Salary is computed from 12 times the Monthly salary plus Commission. Since commission may be null, it must be replaced by a suitable numeric value:
SQL: select 12 * sal + ifnull(comm,0) from emp; MySQL
XQuery: //Emp/(12*number(Sal)+(if(exists(Comm/text())) then number(Comm) else 0)) XML
The SQL function COALESCE is the same as IFNULL but will accept multiple arguments:
SQL: select 12 * sal + coalesce(comm,0) from emp; MySQL
XQuery: //Emp/(12*number(Sal)+ number((Comm/text(),0)[1])) XML
The lack of a schema in this simple example to carry information on the type of the items, leads to the need for explicit conversion of strings to numbers.
Note the XQuery idiom:
computes the first non-null item in the sequence, the counterpart of COALESCE.
Selecting and Creating Columns
Task: List the employee names with their Annual Salary.
SQL: select ename, 12 * sal + ifnull(comm,0) as "Annual Salary" from emp; MySQL
for $emp in //Emp return <Emp> {$emp/Ename} <AnnualSalary> {12*number($emp/Sal)+ (if (exists($emp/Comm/text())) then number($emp/Comm) else 0) } </AnnualSalary> </Emp>
Again we have the problem of tree-pruning, but now with added grafting, which again requires the explicit construction of an XML node.
SQL Operators
Task: Show all employees whose Job is either ANALYST or MANAGER
SQL: select * from emp where job in ("ANALYST","MANAGER") MySQL
XQuery: //Emp[Job = ("ANALYST","MANAGER")]
Task :Select all employees whose Job is not 'ANALYST' or 'MANAGER'
SQL: select * from emp where job not in ("ANALYST","MANAGER") MySQL
This doesn't work:
XQuery: //Emp[Job !=("ANALYST","MANAGER")] XML Table
The generalised equals here is always true since everyone is either not an ANALYST or not a MANAGER. This works:
Distinct values
Task: Show the different Jobs which Employees have
MySQL: select distinct job from emp; MySQL
XQuery: distinct-values(//Emp/Job) XML
Pattern Matching
Task: List all Employees with names starting with "S"
MySQL: select * from emp where ename like "S%"; MySQL
XQuery: //Emp[starts-with(Ename,"S")] XML Table
See starts-with()
Task: List all Employees whose name contains "AR"
MySQL: select * from emp where ename like "%AR%"; MySQL
XQuery: //Emp[contains(Ename,"AR")] XML Table
See contains()
Task: List all Employees whose name contains "ar" ignoring the case
MySQL: select * from emp where ename like "%ar%"; MySQL
LIKE in SQL is case insensitive, but fn:contains() is not, so the case needs to be converted:
XQuery: //Emp[contains(upper-case(Ename),upper-case("ar"))] XML Table
See upper-case()
More complex patterns need regular expressions.
MySQL: select * from emp where ename regexp "M.*R"; MySQL
XQuery: //Emp[matches(Ename,"M.*R")] XML Table
See matches()
Similarly, SQL's REGEXP is case-insensitive, whereas additional flags control matching in the XQuery matches()
MySQL: select * from emp where ename regexp "m.*r"; MySQL
XQuery: //Emp[matches(Ename,"m.*r",'i')] XML Table
('i' makes the regex match case insensitive.)
Table Joins
Simple Inner joins
Task: Find the name of the department that employee 'SMITH' works in:
select dept.dname
from emp, dept
where dept.deptno = emp.deptno
and ename='SMITH';
XPath : //Dept[DeptNo = //Emp[Ename='SMITH']/DeptNo]/Dname
Perhaps a FLWOR expression in XQuery would be more readable:
let $dept := //Emp[Ename='SMITH']/DeptNo
return //Dept[DeptNo = $dept ]/Dname
Task: To find the names of all employees in Accounting
select emp.ename
from emp,dept
where dept.deptno = emp.deptno
and dname='Accounting';
XPath: //Emp[DeptNo = //Dept[Dname='Accounting']/DeptNo]/Ename
let $dept := //Dept[Dname='Accounting']/DeptNo
return //Emp[DeptNo = $dept]/Ename
Note that in this release of eXist, the order of the operands in the equality is significant - to be fixed in a later release.
XQuery: //Emp[Dname='Accounting'/DeptNo = //Emp/DeptNo]/Ename
More complex Inner Join
Task: List the name of each Employee, together with the name and location of their department.
select ename, dname,location from emp, dept where emp.deptno = dept.deptno;
Where elements must be selected from several nodes, XPath is insufficient and XQuery is needed:
This join could be written as:
for $emp in //Emp for $dept in //Dept where $dept/DeptNo= $emp/DeptNo return <Emp> {$emp/Ename} {$dept/(Dname|Location)} </Emp>
But it would be more commonly written in the form of a sub-selection:
for $emp in //Emp
let $dept := //Dept[DeptNo=$emp/DeptNo]
Inner Join with Selection
Task: List the names and department of all Analysts
select ename, dname from emp, dept where emp.deptno = dept.deptno and job="ANALYST";
for $emp in //Emp[Job='ANALYST']
let $dept := //Dept[DeptNo= $emp/DeptNo]
1 to Many query
Task: List the departments and the number of employees in each department
select dname, (select count(*) from emp where deptno = dept.deptno ) as headcount from dept;
for $dept in //Dept
let $headCount := count(//Emp[DeptNo=$dept/DeptNo])
Theta (Inequality) Join
Task: List the names and salary grade of staff in ascending grade order
Grades are defined by a minimum and maximum salary.
select ename, grade from emp, salgrade where emp.sal between salgrade.losal and salgrade.hisal;
for $emp in //Emp
let $grade := //SalGrade[number($emp/Sal) > number(LoSal)][number($emp/Sal) < number(HiSal)]/Grade
order by $grade
Recursive Relations
The relationship between an employee and their manager is a recursive relationship.
Task: List the name of each employee together with the name of their manager.
select e.ename, m.ename from emp e join emp m on e.mgr = m.empno
for $emp in //Emp
let $manager := //Emp[EmpNo = $emp/MgrNo]
The XQuery result is not quite the same as the SQL result. King, who has no manager, is missing from the SQL inner join. To produce the same result in XQuery, we would filter for employees with Managers:
for $emp in //Emp[MgrNo]
let $manager := //Emp[EmpNo = $emp/MgrNo]
where $emp/MgrNo/text()
Alternatively, an outer join returns all employees, including King:
select e.ename, m.ename from emp e left join emp m on e.mgr = m.empno
Conversion to an organisational tree
The manager relationship defines a tree structure, with King at the root, her direct reports as her children and so on. A recursive function in XQuery solves this task.
declare function local:hierarchy($emp) { <Emp name='{$emp/Ename}'> <Reports> {for $e in //Emp[MgrNo = $emp/EmpNo] return local:hierarchy($e) } </Reports> </Emp> }; local:hierarchy(//Emp[empty(MgrNo/text())])
Conversion to a Department/Employee Hierarchy
For export, a single XML file could be created with Employees nested within Departments. This is possible without introducing redundancy or loss of data because the Dept/Emp relationship is exactly one to many.
<Company> {for $dept in //Dept return <Department> {$dept/*} {for $emp in //Emp[DeptNo = $dept/DeptNo] return $emp } </Department> } </Company>
With this simple approach, the foreign key DeptNo in Emp has been included but it is now redundant. The except operator is useful here:
<Company> {for $dept in //Dept return <Department> {$dept/*} {for $emp in //Emp[DeptNo = $dept/DeptNo] return <Employee> {$emp/* except $emp/DeptNo} </Employee> } </Department> } </Company>
Note that this assumes there are no attributes to be copied. If there are, these would be copied with
Working with the hierarchical data
This hierarchical data can be queried directly in XQuery.
Path to Employee
Almost all the queries remain the same (except for the change of element name to Employee). This is because the path used to select Emps in the Emp.xml document is //Emp
and is now //Employee
in the merged document. If a full path had been used (/EmpList/Emp
), this would need to be replaced by /Company/Department/Employee
Simple Navigation
Task: To find the department name of employee 'Smith'
XQuery: //Employee[Ename='SMITH']/../Dname
Task: To find the names of employees in the Accounting department
XQuery: //Department[Dname='Accounting']/Employee/Ename
Department /Employee Join
The main changes are in queries which require a join between Employee and Departments because they are already nested and thus become navigation up (from Employee to Department ) or down (from Department to Employee) the tree.
many - one
The query to list the Employees and the location of their Department with separate documents was:
for $emp in //Emp for $dept in //Dept where $dept/DeptNo=$emp/DeptNo return <Emp> {$emp/Ename} {$dept/(Dname|Location)} </Emp>
With one nested document, this becomes:
for $emp in //Employee return <Employee> {$emp/Ename} {$emp/../Location} </Employee>
1 - many
To list departments and the number of employees in the separate tables is :
for $dept in //Dept
let $headCount := count(//Emp[DeptNo=$dept/DeptNo])
which becomes:
for $dept in //Department
let $headCount := count($dept/Employee)
Summarising and Grouping
Summary data
Task: Show the number, average (rounded), min and max salaries for Managers.
SQL: SELECT count(*), round(avg(sal)), min(sal), max(sal) FROM emp WHERE job='MANAGER'; MySQL
(count(//Emp[Job='MANAGER']),round(avg(//Emp[Job='MANAGER']/Sal)),min(//Emp[Job='MANAGER']/Sal),max( //Emp[Job='MANAGER']/Sal))
Better to factor out the XPath expression for the subset of employess:
let $managers := //Emp[Job='MANAGER']
return (count($managers),round(avg($managers/Sal)),min($managers/Sal),max($managers/Sal))
It would be better to tag the individual values computed:
let $managers := //Emp[Job='MANAGER']
Task: Show the number, average (rounded), min and max salaries for each Job.
SQL: SELECT job, count(*), round(avg(sal)), min(sal), max(sal) FROM emp GROUP BY job; MySQL
In XQuery, grouping must be done by iterating over the groups. Each Group is identified by the Job and we can get the set (sequence) of all Jobs using the distinct-values function:
for $job in distinct-values(//Emp/Job) let $employees := //Emp[Job=$job] return <Statistics> <Job>{$job}</Job> <Count>{count($employees )}</Count> <Average>{round(avg($employees/Sal))}</Average> <Min>{min($employees/Sal)}</Min> <Max>{max($employees/Sal)}</Max> </Statistics>
Hierarchical report
Task: List the departments , their employee names and salaries and the total salary in each department
This must generate a nested table.
SQL: ?
for $dept in //Dept
let $subtotal := sum(//Emp[DeptNo = $dept/DeptNo]/Sal)
{for $emp in //Emp[DeptNo = $dept/DeptNo]
Note that the functional nature of the XQuery language means that each total must be calculated explicitly, not rolled up incrementally as might be done in an imperative language. This has the advantage that the formulae are explicit and independent and can thus be placed anywhere in the report, such as at the beginning instead of at the end:
for $dept in //Dept
let $subtotal := sum(//Emp[DeptNo = $dept/DeptNo]/Sal)
{for $emp in //Emp[DeptNo = $dept/DeptNo]
Restricted Groups
Task: Show the number, average (rounded), min and max salaries for each Job where there are at least 2 employees in the group.
SELECT job, count(*), round(avg(sal)), min(sal), max(sal) FROM emp GROUP BY job HAVING count(*) > 1;
for $job in distinct-values(//Emp/Job)
let $employees := //Emp[Job=$job]
where count($employees) > 1
<Count>{count($employees )}</Count>
<Average>{round(avg($employees /Sal))}</Average>
<Min>{min($employees /Sal)}</Min>
<Max>{max($employees /Sal)}</Max>
Date Handling
Selecting by Date
Task: list all employees hired in the current millenium
SQL: SELECT * from job where hiredate >= '2000-01-01' MySQL
XQuery: //Emp[HireDate >= '2000-01-01']
Actually this comparison is a string comparison because of the lack of a schema to define HireDate as an xs:date.