< XQuery
You want to have your browser read Twitter updates using a text-to-speech conversion extension that is built into your browser.
XHTML + Voice is supported by the Opera Browser with the Voice extension installed. In this simple application it is used as a browser-based Text-to-Speech engine.
Twitter Radio
This script creates a simple text-to-speech version of Twitter Search.
- Window has to be active for the T2S to play on refresh
- The cleaned text to speak is held in a div which is rendered as white on white text. Initially it was output as a block in the header but it did not seen possible to apply styles. Applying a style display:none hid the text from the T2S engine as well!
- Transforming the atom content to a a string suitable to speak needs more work.
- Retweets and similar tweets could be removed using levenstein
- Male and female voices are assigned randomly by tweet. I'd like to cache the voice assigned to a tweeter so that tweets are consistently spoken in the same voice
- The initial load doesn't seem to trigger playing, hence the play button, but this also re-fetches the page.
- This is an ideal situation to use AJAX instead of refresh
- The T2S engine is quite good at rendering the text but it needs be helped in places, for example by replacing texting abbreviations with their expanded form.
declare namespace atom = "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom";
declare variable $n := xs:integer( request:get-parameter("n",6));
declare variable $search := request:get-parameter("search","");
declare variable $timestamp := request:get-parameter("timestamp",());
declare variable $seconds := $n * 12;
declare variable $noise :=
( "<b>",
"http://[^ ]+",
"RT *@\w+",
declare function local:clean ($talk as xs:string, $noise as xs:string*) as xs:string {
if (empty($noise))
then $talk
local:clean(replace($talk,string($noise[1])," "),subsequence($noise,2))
declare function local:clean($talk as xs:string) as xs:string {
declare option exist:serialize "method=xhtml media-type=application/xv+xml";
let $entries := doc(concat("http://search.twitter.com/search.atom?lang=en&q=",encode-for-uri($search)))//atom:entry
let $entries := if (exists($timestamp))
then $entries[atom:published>$timestamp]
else $entries
let $entries := $entries[position() <= $n]
let $newtimestamp := if (exists($entries)) then string($entries[1]/atom:published) else $timestamp
let $entries := reverse($entries)
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="{$seconds};url=?search={encode-for-uri($search)}&timestamp={$newtimestamp}&n={$n}"/>
<title>Tweets matching {$search}</title>
<vxml:form id="say">
<vxml:prompt src="#news"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="voice2.css" title="Normal"/>
<body ev:event="load" ev:handler="#say" >
<h1>Twitter radio, listening to tweets matching {$search}</h1>
<form method="get" >
Listen for <input type="text" name="search" value="{$search}" />
Max items <input type="text" name="n" value="{$n}" size="4" />
<input type="submit" value="Tune"/>
<button ev:event="click" ev:handler="#say">Play</button>
{for $entry in $entries
<a href="{$entry/atom:author/atom:uri}">{substring-before($entry/atom:author/atom:name, "(")}</a>  
{util:parse(concat("<span xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' >",$entry/atom:content/(text(),*),"</span>"))}
<div id="news">
{for $entry in $entries
<p class='{if (math:random ()< 0.5) then "male" else "female"}'>
{ local:clean($entry/atom:content/text())}
With the style sheet:
.male {
voice-family: male;
.female {
#news {
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