You want to log all changes in files of a single collection.
We will create a trigger that logs these events. The trigger will append a string to a log file.
There are six trigger event types:
- store: Fired when a document is created in the collection or sub-collection
- update: Fired when a document is updated in the collection or sub-collection
- remove: Fired when a document is deleted from the collection or sub-collection
- create: Fired when a sub-collection is created
- rename: Fired when a sub-collection is renamed
- delete: Fired when a sub-collection is deleted
Sample Code
NOTE: These examples do not reliably work on eXist 1.4! I have not yet tested on 2.0.
In this example we will be logging all store, update and remove events from the collection /db/my-collection
Here is a sample trigger configuration file. This file is placed in the /db/system/config are with the same db path added to it that you want to monitor:
Here is what the trigger file looks like:
<collection xmlns="">
<trigger event="store, update, remove, create, rename, delete"
<parameter name="url"
<parameter name="test" value="test-value"/>
Note that the three trigger operations (store, update, remove) are listed in the event attribute and separated by commas. When these operations are fired the XQuery /db/triggers/log-changes.xq gets run. You can pass parameters to this query using the parameter element.
XQuery logger
xquery version "1.0";
declare namespace request="";
declare namespace response="";
declare namespace session="";
declare namespace xdb="";
declare namespace util="";
declare variable $local:triggerEvent external;
declare variable $local:eventType external;
declare variable $local:collectionName external;
declare variable $local:documentName external;
declare variable $local:document external;
declare variable $local:test external;
declare variable $local:triggersLogFile := "triggersLog.xml";
(: create the log file if it does not exist :)
then ( xmldb:store("/db", $local:triggersLogFile, <events/>) )
<event ts="{ current-dateTime() }"
documentName="{$local:documentName}" >
into doc(concat("/db/", $local:triggersLogFile))/events