You want to parse a file of comma-separated values (CSV) text into an xml structure or you have a flat file with very similar line/field structure that you want to convert into XML format.
We will use the tokenize($input, '\n') function to break the input file into separate lines. We will then use the tokenize($input, '\s*,\s*') function to parse each line into separate fields. The regexp term \s* will remove whitespace.
Basic Example
xquery version "1.0";
let $csv-input-sample :=
'John, Smith, x123
Peg, Jones , x456
Sue, Adams , x789
Dan, McCoy , x321'
let $lines := tokenize($csv-input-sample, '\n')
for $line in $lines
let $fields := tokenize($line, '\s*,\s*')
for $field in $fields
Sample Output
Example With Data Dictionary in Row 1
This second example will use the first row of the CSV file as a data dictionary of the element names for each column of each row.
xquery version "1.0";
let $csv :=
let $lines := tokenize($csv, '\n')
let $head := tokenize($lines[1], ',')
let $body := remove($lines, 1)
for $line in $body
let $fields := tokenize($line, ',')
for $key at $pos in $head
let $value := $fields[$pos]
element { $key } { $value }
Sample Output
Adding Configuration File Options
Many times you have a family of CSV files that all may have very similar options for import. In this case it is useful to be able to pass a series of configuration parameters to a single XQuery function. These configuration parameters include:
- What the field delimiter is (comma is the default)
- The element name of the root node
- The element name of each line or row
You can then use this configuration file in the CSV parser:
xquery version "1.0";
let $config :=
let $csv :=
let $lines := tokenize($csv, '\n')
let $head := tokenize($lines[1], $config/field-separator)
let $body := remove($lines, 1)
element {$config/root-element-name}
for $line in $body
let $fields := tokenize($line, $config/field-separator)
element {$config/line-element-name}
for $key at $pos in $head
let $value := $fields[$pos]
element { $key } { $value }
CSV complications
The code above assumes a simple form of CSV. In practice CSV must handle more complex cases for which as simple use of tokeniser() is insufficient to parse a line. Strings containing one or more separators will be double-quoted. Quotes within quoted strings also need to be handled.
The following implementations handle some or all of these complications, althiugh it is often not clear which complications are considered.
- XSLT 2.0 Stylesheet for transforming CSV files to XML
- Matthew Royal's parser Sadly this Marklogic only since it uses mutable maps.
- Zorba CSV importer
- BaseX CSV module
- David Cassel another Marklogic specific implementation