< XQuery
You have a tree of data and you want to limit the results to a given level of a tree.
Sample Data
Assume we have an org chart that has the following structure:
<position title="President" name="Peg Prez">
<position title="Vice President" name="Vic Vicepres">
<position title="Director" name="Dan Director">
<position title="Manager" name="Marge Manager">
<position title="Supervisor" name="Sue Supervisor">
<position title="Project Manager" name="Pete Project"/>
<position title="CFO" name="Barb Beancounter"/>
<position title="CIO" name="Tracy Technie"/>
</source >
To display an org chart you only want to display the individual and their direct reports.
== Approach ==
We will use computed element and attribute constructors.
<syntaxhighlight lang="xml">
let $positions := doc('/db/my-org/apps/hr/data/positions.xml')/position
{for $subelement in $positions/position
element {name($subelement)}
{for $attribute in $subelement/@*
return attribute {name($attribute)} {$attribute}
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