< XQuery

Installing the eXist native XML database

eXistdb installation window
eXistdb home page

Steps for Installing eXist on Microsoft Windows Systems

The full up-to-date quick start installation instructions are available on the eXist web site. This set of instructions is slightly simplified for the needs of the cookbook.

  1. Download the JAR file (Java Archive File) from http://www.exist-db.org
  2. To install it, you will need a JDK (Java Developer Kit) installed on your system, preferably version 1.5 or higher
    1. To test this type "java -version" at the command prompt.
    2. If you do not have a JDK installed, install the (not bundled) "Java SE Development Kit (JDK)" JDK 6 Update XX from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/articles/javase/index-jsp-138363.html
  3. Double Click the jar file. This will automatically install the application, otherwise launch java -jar eXist-db-setup-2.2.jar to get the installation window. Warning Do not use the default installation path that has "Program Files" and the default install directory. This will not work because of the spaces in the path name. You MUST pick a path that does not have spaces, C:\eXist for example. Complete the installation by selecting the defaults. It is strongly advised to set the admin password
  4. On Windows start up the eXist database by selecting it from the Start menu, or double clicking C:\eXist\bin\startup.bat. This will start up a DOS console. Give it a few seconds to start up the server.
  5. Bring up your web browser to the address: http://localhost:8080/exist It shows a local copy of the eXist site.
  6. Click Admin in the Administration menus (on the left). This section allows you to add users and passwords
  7. You may choose to "Import Example Data" if you like
  8. You can now enter simple queries by going to the page http://localhost:8080/exist/sandbox/

Adding a WebDAV Client

  1. If you are using Windows, you can also add a WebDAV folder that will allow you to drag-and-drop many XML and XQuery files from your windows desktop to and from an eXist collection.

WebDAV Windows

Note that the Windows interface is somewhat buggy. You can not copy files from one eXist system directly to another eXist system. You must first copy to a windows file system and then copy it to the second eXist system.

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