< XQuery
You want to create an XQuery that takes a parameter from the calling URL.
The format of a calling URL that uses the HTTP Get or POST command is:
Where param1 is the first parameter with a value of 123 and param2 is the second parameter with a value of 456.
Note that question mark is used to start the parameters and the ampersand is used to separate parameters. Remember to include "amp;" following the &.
xquery version "1.0";
let $param1:= request:get-parameter('param1', '')
let $param2:= request:get-parameter('param2', "")
if ($param2 = '0') then (
<message>param2 is empty</message>
) else (
<message>default message</message>
Checking Data Types
Additionally you can check the data types using the XML Schema data types and the castable as operator.
xquery version "1.0";
declare namespace request="http://exist-db.org/xquery/request";
declare namespace xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";
let $myint := request:get-parameter("myint",0)
let $myint := if ($myint castable as xs:integer)
then xs:integer($myint)
else 0
let $mydecimal := request:get-parameter("mydecimal", 0.0)
let $mydecimal := if ($mydecimal castable as xs:decimal)
then xs:decimal($mydecimal)
else 0.0
<message>Got myint: {$myint} and mydecimal: {$mydecimal} </message>
Script to echo all URL parameters
xquery version "1.0";
(: echo a list of all the URL parameters :)
let $parameters := request:get-parameter-names()
{for $parameter in $parameters
<value>{request:get-parameter($parameter, '')}</value>
Here are the results of sending the parameters "a=1&b=2" to this XQuery:
<parameters>b a</parameters>
Adding a Debug Parameter
It is very common that you want to conditionally turn on part of a transform to get additional information during the debugging process.
let $debug := xs:boolean(request:get-parameter('debug', ''))
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