< XQuery
You need to execute an external process such as shell command.
Execute Process Command
process:execute($command as xs:string, $options as node()) as item()*
Example of Options
There are currently only two options documented. The working directory and the value of the standard input:
<workingDir>PATH TO LOCAL FILE SYSTEM</workingDir>
<stdin><line>INPUT STRING</line></stdin>
Sample Program
XQuery File
import module namespace process="http://exist-db.org/xquery/process" at "java:org.exist.xquery.modules.process.ProcessModule";
let $cmd := 'D:\Apps\git\bin\ls.exe'
{process:execute($cmd, <options/>)}
Sample Output
Here is an example of the git "ls" command being run without any options. Note that the default is the EXIST_HOME directory.
<execution exitCode="0">
<commandline>D:\Apps\git\bin\ls.exe </commandline>
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