< XForms
Step 1: Add instances for outgoing and incoming data
<!-- store the outgoing data for the invalid e-mail check -->
<xf:instance id="email-out">
<data xmlns="">
<!-- place to store the results of an invalid e-mail check -->
<xf:instance id="email-check-results">
<data xmlns=""/>
Step 2: Add a submission element to the model
The submission element connects the "field changed" event to a service on the server.
<xf:submission id="email-check" method="get" action="email-check.xq"
replace="instance" instance="email-check-results" />
Step 3: Add an action to your input
<xf:input ref="email" >
<xf:label>Email: </xf:label>
<xf:hint>This field must contain a valid email format.</xf:hint>
<xf:action ev:event="xforms-value-changed">
<!-- copy from your "save-data" into the outgoing instance -->
<xf:setvalue ref="instance('email-out')/email" value="instance('save-data')/email"/>
<xf:send submission="email-check"/>
Step 4: Add a group that displays errors if the results are invalid
<xf:group ref="instance('email-check-results')/message[@class='error']">
<div class="field-warn"><xf:output value="instance('email-check-results')/message"/></div>
Step 5: Create a server-side REST GET service that returns true/false
If there are no errors just return <ok/>
If there are errors return
<message type="error">Invalid e-mail format</message>
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