< Woodturning

Skew chisel

The tradition skew chisel is made from a rectangular bar, but more recently it has become available in 'oval' and round cross-sections. The cutting edge is usually straight, but some turners prefer a convex edge. The skew chisel is used primarily in spindle turning.

There are three distinct ways to cut with the skew chisel.

  • Cut with the long point - normally used for making V cuts and cutting across end grain.
  • Cut with the edge - used for making planing cuts and beads.
  • Cut with the short point - an alternative method of cutting beads.

Spindle Gouge

The spindle gouge and its variant the detail gouge is used mainly for spindle turning, but also for detail work in faceplate turning and shallow bowl turning. The modern spindle gouge is usually made from a round bar of high speed steel that has a wide and shallow flute ground or milled into it. They are available in a variety of sizes up to about 1/2".

Some manufacturers make a detail gouge which is a spindle gouge with a shallower flute, more able to reach well beyond the toolrest.

Traditionally the spindle gouge was forged from a flat bar of carbon steel.

The spindle gouge looks similar to a bowl gouge and should not be confused. The flutes are not as deep and the steel is usually not as thick as a bowl gouge.

The spindle gouge has many applications:

  • cutting coves in spindle work.
  • cutting beads in both spindle work and face work.
  • hollowing end-grain.
  • making fine cuts in face work.
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