Here is a key combination guide for computers:
IBM compatible
Cntrl+Alt+Delete - performs a soft reset
Left arrow, right arrow - Move cursor backward or forward one character
Cntrl + left arrow, right arrow - Move cursor backward or forward one word
Home, End - Move cursor to start or end of line
Up, down arrow - Scroll up and down stored (command) buffer
Page up, down - Places oldest or most recent (command) in command line
Insert - Toggle between insert and over-type modes. (square cursor denotes over-type mode)
Esc - Delete current line
F1 - Repeat text typed in preceding line character by character
F3 - Repeat text typed in preceding line (complete)
F5 - Cycle through entire current (command) buffer
F7 - Display all entries in current (command) buffer with line numbers
Alt+F7 - Delete all entries in current (command) buffer
F8 - As F5, If preceded by entry of character string, will load latest buffer line with corresponding characters (from start of buffer entry line)
F9+Buffer line number - Displays relevant buffer line; normally F7 first to show lines with numbers
Cntrl+C - Close down most applications and return to prompt
Shift+Alt+Print Screen - High efficiencey mode. Black and greens.(MTK sometimes... im a wizurd...)
All versions
- Tab Switching between controls in active window
- Alt+F4 Closes the active window
- Win+M Minimize most programs
- Win+D Shows the desktop
- Cntrl+Tab Switching between Tabs in active window
- Cntrl+C Copies selected text, images or files into the clipboard
- Cntrl+X Cuts selected text, images or files into the clipboard
- Cntrl+V Paste data from the clipboard
- Cntrl+A Select all
- Cntrl+Z Undo
- Shift+Del Delete file permanently without keep in Recycle Bin (used by Windows Explorer)
Windows Vista or Newer
- Win+Tab switching between programs with the Windows Flip 3D effect
Windows Versions Before Windows 95
- Cntrl+Alt+Del brought up a blue screen