How many people follow Sikhism and where?
Sikhism is a religion originating from the Indian subcontinent in the end of the 15th century. There are 25 million Sikhs in the world.
What are the beliefs of Sikhism
They believe there is one God, who cannot become human. They think the purpose of human life is to break the sequence of death and birth and merge into God. They claim the way to do this is to follow the Gurus' teachings, meditate on God and be kind and charitable. They believe in five evils that they call Kam (lust), Krodh (anger), Lobh (greed), Moh (worldly attachment) and Ahankar (pride). They aim to reject rituals like fasting and worshipping statues and figures. They think there should be no discrimination or segregation, despite differences in gender, religion, ethnicity. They believe in working hard to make ones living. They try to be charitable and temples normally make meals for people for free.
What is the holy book?

Guru Granth Sahib is the holy book. It was made by the tenth and last guru. The idea was that this would act as the guru when there were no more 'real' ones on Earth.

It was founded by Guru Nanak. He was the first of ten gurus. He grew up as a Hindu.

The symbol of Sikhism is the Khanda. It features a double sword in the middle, two swords on the outside and a pair a type of spear.
The Khanda is shown on Nishan Sahibs, triangular flags which are flown outside most Sikh temples.