< Wikijunior:Solar System
Task 1: The Solar System
Below are the eight planets of our solar system, each with a description. Fill in the blanks in the descriptions.
- First you have to fill in which planet it is from the sun. For example: if you think Jupiter is the seventh planet, fill in 7th.
- Secondly you have to fill in if the planet is bigger or smaller than Earth. The bigger/smaller question for Earth is about the moon!
![]() Venus is the 2nd planet of our Solar System and it's smaller than Earth. |
![]() Earth is the 3rd planet of our Solar System and the moon is smaller than Earth. |
![]() Jupiter is the 5th planet of our Solar System and it's bigger than Earth. |
![]() Saturn is the 6th planet of our Solar System and it's bigger than Earth. |
![]() Neptune is the 8th planet of our Solar System and it's bigger than Earth. |
![]() Uranus is the 7th planet of our Solar System and it's bigger than Earth. |
![]() Mercury is the 1st planet of our Solar System and it's smaller than Earth. |
![]() Mars is the 4th planet of our Solar System and it's smaller than Earth. |
8 points can be earned with this task. Every wrong sentence reduces the score by 1.
Task 2: About the planets
Is Mercury hot everywhere?
No (it's cold in the shadow).
Why does Venus appear to us to shine like a star?
There are clouds floating above Venus which reflect the sunlight.
How many kilometres from the Sun is Earth?
About 150 million.
Why is it so cold on Mars?
It's so far from the sun.
What is the Great Red Spot on Jupiter?
A giant storm.
What are the rings of Saturn like?
Sand, rocks, and ice.
Is Uranus the only planet standing straight up?
No (actually it's on its side).
Is there water on Neptune?
No (Neptune is named after the Roman god of the seas, but there is no water on the planet Neptune).
8 points can be earned with this task. Every right answer gives 1 point.
Task 3: Other astronomical objects
Between which two planets lies the asteroid belt?
Mars and Jupiter.
Does a star only produce light?
No, it also produces heat.
Is the Sun a planet?
Dependent on the previous question:
If yes, how many moons does it have?
There aren't any moons! It is not a planet!
If no, what is it then?
It is a star.
What is a sand- to boulder-sized particle of debris in the Solar System called?
A meteoroid.
What is a falling star actually?
A meteoroid.
Is Pluto a dwarf planet?
Yes. It used to be counted as a planet, but since it's so small, it is now counted as a dwarf planet.
Dependent on the previous question:
If yes, mention two other dwarf planets.
Any two of these answers: Ceres, Haumea, Makemake, Eris.
If no, what is it then?
8 points can be earned with this task. Every right answer gives 1 point.
Task 4: Glossary
Define these terms.
A core is the center of a planet or star.
A dent in a planet's surface made by a meteorite falling on it.
An astronomical object that orbits around a planet.
Solar System.
The Sun with all the things going around it — including planets, dwarf planets, moons, asteroids, and comets.
8 points can be earned with this task. A wrong or bad description gives 0 points, a reasonable description gives 1 point, a good description gives 2 points.
Task 5: Space Flight
Where do scientists want to build an electromagnetic catapult?
On the moon.
When did the last space shuttle fly?
Which country launched the first spaceship that would stay up?
The Soviet Union.
Who was the first space traveller?
Laika the Dog.
What is the Hubble Space Telecscope?
A giant telescope in space.
Which country was next to launch a man into space after Soviet Russia and America?
China, in 2003.
What does the space shuttle look like?
A jet plane with a rocket attached.
When did Jules Verne write his book about going to the moon?
In 1865
8 points can be earned with this task.
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