aerobic (adjective) – Using or needing oxygen or air, such as aerobic exercise that makes you breathe heavily.
aorta (noun) – The largest artery that carries oxygenated blood from heart to all parts of the body.
aqueous (adjective) – Of or related to water.
artery (noun) – A blood vessel or tube in the body that carries blood away from the heart to other parts of the body.
asthma (noun) – An illness that causes wheezing and difficulty in breathing due to blocked airways.
atrium (noun) – A chamber of the heart that take blood into the heart from the veins
bloodstream (noun) – The flow of blood throughout the body.
blood vessel (noun) – A tube that carries blood inside the body.
capillary (noun) – A very small blood vessel or tube in the body that goes between arteries and veins, carrying blood and allowing the exchange of oxygen, carbon dioxide, water, nutrients, and waste.
cardiac (adjective) – Or related to the heart
cavity (noun) – A space inside the body, such as the space the heart and lungs are in.
cell (noun) – The smallest part of a living thing that can be seen only with a microscope.
cellular respiration (noun) - The process where cells use oxygen to help generate their energy.
cholesterol (noun) – A naturally occurring chemical in the body's bloodstream that can be good or bad; too much of the bad kind can be unhealthy for the body.
circulatory (adjective) – Of or related to the system of the human body that includes the heart, arteries, veins, capillaries and blood and that carries oxygen and food to the cells through arteries and then carries away wastes.
digestion (noun) – Changing food into chemicals like sugar and protein that are small enough to get into the cells where they can be used for energy and growth.
disease (noun) – sickness; illness
esophagus (noun) – A tube in the body that is inside the neck and goes from the throat to the stomach, carrying food that is swallowed.
exercise (noun) – Physical activity done to keep the body healthy, such as running or lifting weights.
exhale (verb) – To breathe out; to blow out a breath of air.
expel (verb) – To get rid of.
germ (noun) – Tiny living things, such as bacteria, that grow very fast, duplicating themselves over and over until there are millions or billions of cells, and if harmful, can cause infections.
haemoglobin (noun) – A red iron-containing protein that occurs in the body's red blood cells and carries oxygen to all of the body's other cells.
immune (adjective) – Of or related to the system of the body that protects the body from infection and includes white blood cells, other chemicals in the blood, lymph nodes, and other organs.
inhale (verb) – To breathe in; to take in a breath of air.
liver (noun) – A major body organ that stores sugars for release when needed, makes bile to aid in digestion of fats, makes urea from protein wastes, and acts as a filter for the blood.
lobe (noun) – A rounded section of a body part, such as an ear lobe, lobes of lung, or lobes of the liver.
medication (noun) – Drugs or pills, often given by a doctor, to make the body healthy.
muscle (noun) – A type of tissue in the body that is attached to bones and that allow motion.
nutrient (noun) – A source of nourishment; something that feeds living things and is necessary for life.
organ (noun) – A distinct part of the human body that does a specific job, such as the heart, lungs, and kidneys.
oxygen (noun) – An element that is found in air and water and that humans need to breathe in order to live.
pancreas (noun) – A body organ that is part of the digestive and endocrine systems and that makes a juice which goes into the small intestine to help digest carbohydrates, proteins and fats and makes insulin.
plasma (noun) – The liquid part of blood, made up of water and dissolved proteins.
pulmonary (adjective) – Of or related to the lungs; of or related to the system of the body that gets oxygen to the blood stream and removes carbon dioxide from the blood using the windpipe, bronchial tubes, and lungs.
saliva (noun) – spit; The watery liquid found in the mouth.
system (noun) – A group of body parts that work together.
vein (noun) – A blood vessel or tube in the body that carries blood away from various parts of the body back to the heart.
ventricle (noun) – A chamber of the heart that pumps blood from the heart into the arteries to be taken to various parts of the body.
waste (noun) – The part of food that the human body can't use.
yogurt (noun) – A soft, pudding-like food made from milk that contains live bacteria that can help digestion.