Learning to learn Entrepreneurial
Learning to learn
Why is "learning to learn" so important in entrepreneurial learning? That's because entrepreneurial learning gives you the freedom to design your own learning. Provided that school or society can be sure that you learn well or rather learn better. And for that you need to learn how to learn succesfull. That success does not only require that you can effectively (achieve the goals) and efficiently (with the least effort) design your learning (create your own curriculum). Because you don't want to completely change this plan every day and present it again and again to a teacher, it should also be able to withstand future disruptions. This requires that you can also organize your learning flexibly and creatively.
Entrepreneurial learning style
Pupils with an entrepreneurial learning style like to give meaning to their learning and would like to translate this into practice through their own ideas. That in itself is very smart, because you rely on very effective ways of learning. However, this is also difficult for schools and teachers to handle, because if every student chooses their own path, how do they know that this also leads to successful learning? For a school or teacher, a learning style in which you imitate exactly what you have learned (the reproductive learning style) is much easier to 'manage'.
Substitute course content
An entrepreneurial student is busy making a film about a piece of history. He needs music for that movie. Another enterprising student, who happens to run a music business, likes to cooperate. Her company offers people the opportunity to show their passion for music to the world. Together with two more students she sings the music for the film. She likes it so much that she also plays a role in the film. In this way she learns history in an entrepreneurial manner.
In judging a proposal for an alternative entrepreneurial learning route, a subject teacher will mainly take the learning results into account. He will ensure that the entrepreneurial student learns at least the same as the other students. That is why it is important that the entrepreneurial student can show exactly that this is really the case. You do this by describing very precisely what you will learn, how you will do it and how the teacher can see what you have actually learned. We call this the description of a learning objective.
Negotiating is often necessary in the whole process of making a proposal and getting it approved. The entrepreneurial student analyzes how this works and describes how he does it. He starts from questions such as: what do I want, what does the other person want? Who has what kind of interest and how important is that for him / her? What do you want to achieve at least? The entrepreneurial student shows in his proposal and the negotiation to the supervisors how his ideas and approach are in line with and can replace regular education.
An entrepreneur is someone who can realize his vision, dreams and ideas by successfully connecting his logic to his passion and creativity. By (increasing) the creative competence, the entrepreneur can create innovations that others value. Creativity is a skill that helps the entrepreneur to be innovative starting from his own unique talents and personality. Entrepreneurs often describe what they make, but forget to mention why they do it. In a world of abundance where everything is already for sale, it is precisely that inspiration that will bind stakeholders. Stakeholders such as partners and customers do not become loyal stakeholders because of you or because of what you do, but because they agree with why you do it.
The entrepreneur uses creativity in different situations. He uses creativity to come up with unique products / solutions that attract enthusiastic stakeholders. He also uses creativity for the problems he encounters every day. For all these things it is important that the entrepreneur knows how creativity works for him and how he can stimulate his own creativity. Self-knowledge is therefore a first step in creativity.
An entrepreneur is someone who can realize his vision and ideas by being creative with the resources he has at his disposal. Many entrepreneurs look up to a Google or an Apple because nowadays they can research and develop everything because they have a lot of (financial) resources. Yet Steve Jobs and Larry Page & Sergey Brin also started out with few resources. Precisely because they stayed close to themselves; what do I have within my reach? they could realize their idea with few resources. They have used their own expertise and paid close attention to what is happening in the world around them.