< Wampanoag

|TOcke tussinnámmin kéesuck?|- `What thinke you of the Weather? |Wekineaúquat.| `Faire Weather.' |Wekinnàuquocks.| `When it is faire weather.' |Tahkí|, {or} |tátakki.| `Cold weather.' |Tahkeès.| `Cold,'

{Obs.} It may bee wondred why since {New-England} is about 12. degrees neerer to the Sun, yet some part of Winter it is there ordinarily more cold then here in {England}: the reason is plaine: All Ilands are warmer then maine Lands and Continents, {England} being an Iland, {Englands} winds are Sea winds, which are commonly more thick and vapoury, and warmer winds: The {Nor-West} wind (which occcasioneth {New-England} cold) comes over the cold frozen Land, and over many millions of Loads of Snow: and yet the pure wholsomnesse of the Aire is wonderfull, and the warmth of the Sunne, such in the sharpest weather, that I have often seen the Natives Children runne about starke naked in

the <83> <G 2> <Of {the Weather}.>

the coldest dayes, and the {Indians} Men and Women lye by a Fire, in the Woods in the coldest nights, and I have been often out my selfe such nights without fire, mercifully, and wonderfully preserved. |Taúkocks.| `Cold weather.' |Káusitteks.| `Hot weather.' |Kussúttah.| `It is hot.' |Núckqusquatch nnóonakom.| `I am a cold.' |Nickqussittâunum.| `I Sweat.' |Mattâuqus.| `A cloud.' |Máttaquat.| `It is over-cast.' |Cúppaquat.| |Sókenun.| `Raine.' |ánaquat.| |Anamakéesuck sókenun.| `It will raine to day.' |Sókenitch.| `When it raines.' |Sóchepo|, {or} |Cône.| `Snow.' |Animanâukock Sóchepo.| `It will snow to night.' |Sóchepwutch.| `When it snowes.' |Mishúnnan.| `A great raine.' |Pâuqui, pâuquaquat.| `It holds up.' |Nnáppi.| `Drie.' |Nnáppaq[u]at.| `Drie weather.' |Tópu.| `A frost.'

Missittópu. <84> <Of {the Weather}.> |Missittópu.| `A great Frost.' |Capat.| `Ice.' |Néechipog.| `The Deaw.' |Mìchokat.| `A Thaw.' |Mìchokateh.| `When it thawes.' |Missuppâugatch.| `When the rivers are open.' |Cutshausha.| `The Lightning.' |Neimpâuog.| `Thunder.' |Neimpâuog peskhómwock.|0 `Thunderbolts are shot.'

{Obs.} From this the Natives conceiving a consimilitude between our Guns and Thunder, they call a Gunne {Péskunck}, and to discharge {Peskhómmin} that is to thunder. |VVAúpi.| `The Wind.' |Wâupanash.| `The Winds.' |Tashìnash wáupanash| `How many winds are there?'

{Obs.} Some of them account of seven, some eight, or nine; and in truth, they doe upon the matter reckon and observe not onely the foure but the eight Cardinall winds, although they come not to the accurate division of the 32. upon the 32. points of the compasse, as we doe. |Nanúmmatin|, {&} |Sunnâdin.| `The North wind. |Chepewéssin.| `The North east.' |Sáchimoachepewéssin.|- `Strong North east wind.'

Nopâtin <86> <Of {the} Winds.> |Nopâtin.| `The East wind.' |Nanóckquittin| `The South east wind.' |Touwúttin| `South wind.' |Papônetin| `West wind.' |Chékesu| `The Northwest.' |Chékesitch| `When the wind blowes Northwest.' |Tocketunnântum?| `What thinke you?' |Tou pítch wuttín?| `Where wil the wind be?' |Nqénouhíck wuttín| `I stay for a wind.' |Yo pítch wuttín Sâuop| `Here the wind will be to morrow.' |Pítch Sowwánishen.| `It will be Southwest.'

{Obs.} This is the pleasingest, warmest wind in the Climate, most desired of the {Indians}, making faire weather ordinarily; and therefore they have a {Tradition}, that to the South-west, which they call |Sowwanìu|, the gods chiefly dwell; and hither the soules of all their Great and Good men and women goe.

This Southwest wind is called by the {New-English}, the Sea turne, which comes from the Sunne in the morning, about nine or ten of the clock Southeast, and about South, and then strongest Southwest in the after-noone, and towards night, when it dies away.

It is rightly called the Sea turne, because the wind commonly all the Summer, comes

off <87> <G 4> <Of {the} Winds.>

off from the North and Northwest in the night, and then turnes againe about from the South in the day: as {Salomon} speaks of the vanitie of the Winds in their changes, {Eccles.} 1.6. |Mishâupan| `A great wind.' |Mishitáshin| `A storme.' |Wunnágehan|, {or}, |Wunnêgin waúpi.| `Faire wind.' |Wunnêgitch wuttín| `When the wind is faire.' |Mattágehan| `A crosse wind.' |Wunnágehatch| `When the wind comes fair' |Mattágehatch| `When the wind is crosse.' |Cowunnagehúckamen.|- `You have a faire wind.' |Cummattagehúckamen.|- `The wind is against you.' |Nummattagehúckamen.|- `The wind is against mee.'

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