|AQuène.| `Peace.' |Nanoúeshin|, {&} |Awêpu.| `A peaceable calme'; for |Awe~pu| signifies a calme. |Chépewess|, {&} |Mishittâshin.| `A Northerne storme of warre', as they wittily speake, and which {Eugland} now wofully feeles, untill the Lord Jesus chide the winds, and rebuke the raging seas. |Nummusquântum.| `I am angry.' |Tawhítch musquawnaméan?|- `Why are you angry?' |Aquie musquántash.| `Cease from anger.' |Chachépissu, nishqúetu.|- `Fierce.' |Tawhítch chachepiséttit nishquéhettit?|-- `Why are they fierce?'
Cummusƒ <175/r.183> <N 4> <Of {their} Warre, {&c}.> |Cummusquáunamuck.|- `He is angry with you.' |Matwaúog.| `Souldiers.' |Matwaúonck.| `A Battle.' |Cnmmusqnaúnamish| `I am angry with you.' |Cummusquawnamè?| `Are you angry with me?' |Miskisaúwaw.| `A quarrelsome fellow.' |Tawhìtch niskqúekean?|- `Why are you so fierce?' |Ntatakcómmuck qun ewò.| `He strucke mee.' |Nummokókunitch| `I am robbed.' |Ncheckéqunnitch.| |Mecaútea|. `A fighter.' |Meca~untìtea.| `Let us fight.' |Mecaúnteass.| `Fight with him.' |Wepè cummécautch.| `You are a quarreller.' |Júhettìtea.| `Let us fight.' |Júhetteke.| `Fight', Which is the word of incouragement which they use when they animate each other in warre; for they use their tongues in stead of drummes and trumpets. |Awaùn necáwniaumpìasha?|0 `Who drew the first bow, or shot the first shot?' |Nippakétatunck.| `He shot first at me.' |Nummeshannántam| `I scorne, or take it indignation.' |Nummayaôntam.|
Obs. This <176/r.184> <Of {their} Warre, {&c}.>
{Obs.} This is a common word, not only in warre, but in peace also (their spirits in naked bodies being as high and proud as men more gallant) from which sparkes of the lusts of pride and passion, begin the flame of their warres. |Whauwháutowawánowat.|0 `There is an Alarum.' |Wopwawnónckquat.| `An hubbub.' |Amaúmuwaw paúdsha.|- `A Messenger is come.' |Keénomp| } `Captaines, or Valiant men.'
|Múckquomp|} |Negonshâchick.| `Leaders.' |Kuttówonck.| `A Trumpet.' |Popowuttáhig.| `A Drumme.'
{Obs.} Not that they have such of their owne making; yet such they have from the {French}: and I have knowne a good Drumme made amongst them in imitation of the {English}. |Quaquawtatatteâug| `They traine.' |Machìppog.| `A Quiver.' |Caúquat -tash.| `Arrow, Arrowes.' |Onúttug.| `An halfe Moone iu war.' |Péskcunck.| `A Gunne.' |Saúpuck.| `Powder.' |Mátit.| `Vnloden.' |Méchimu.| `Loden.'
Mechi- <177/r.185> <Of {their} Warre, {&c}.> |Mechimúash.| `Lode it.' |Shóttash.| `Shot'; A made word from us, though their Gunnes they have from the {French}, and often sell many a score to the {English}, when they are a little out of frame or Kelter. |Pummenúmmin teáuquash.| `To contribute to the warres.' |Askwhìtteass.| `Keep watch.' |Askwhitteâchick.| `The Guard.' |Askwhitteaúg.| `Is is the Guard.'
Obs. I once travelled (in a place conceived dangerous) with a great Prince, and his Queene and Children in company, with a Guard of neere two hundred, twentie,or thirtie fires were made every night for the Guard (the Prince and Queene in the midst) and Sentinells by course, as exact as in {Europe}; and when we travelled through a place where ambushes were suspected to lie, a speciall Guard, like unto a Life-guard, compassed (some neerer, some farther of) the King and Queen, my selfe and some {English} with me.
They are very copious and patheticall in Orations to the people, to kindle a flame of wrath, Valour or revenge from all the Common places which Commanders use to insist on.
Wesássu. <178/r.186> <Of {their} Warre, {&c}.> |Wesássu.| `Afraid.' |Cowésass.| `Are you afraid?' |Tawhitch wesásean?|- `Why feare you?' |Manowêsass.| `I feare none.' |Kukkúshickquock.| `They feare you.' |Nosemitteúnckquock| `They fly from us.' |Onamattacowaúta| `Let us pursue.' |Núckqusha.| `I feare him.' |Wussémo-wock.| `He flies, they flie.' |Npauchìppowem.| `I flie for succour.' |Keesaúname.| `Save me.' |Npúmmuck.| `I am shot.' |Chenawau~su.| `Churlish.' |Waumaúsu.| `Loving.' |Tawhítch chenawaúsean?|0 `Why are you churlish?' |Aumánsk.| `A Fort.' |Waukaunòsint.| |Cupshitteaúg.| `They lie in the way.' |Aumanskitteau~g.| `They fortifie.' |Kekaúmwaw.| `A scorner or mocker.' |Nkekau~muck ewò.| `He scornes me.' |Aquíe kekaúmowash.| `Doe not scorne.'
{Obs.} This mocking (between their great ones) is a great kindling of Warres amongst them: yet I have known some of their chiefest say, what should I hazard the lives of my
precious <179/r.187> <Of {their} Warre, {&c}.>
precious Subjects, them and theirs to kindle a Fire, which no man knowes how farre, and how long it will burne, for the barking of a Dog? |Sékineam.| `I have no mind to it.' |Nissékineug| `He likes not me.' |Nummánneug.| `He hates me.' |Sekinneauhettu~ock.| |Maninnewauhettuock.|- `They hate each other.' |Nowetompátimmin| `We are Friends.' |Wetompâchick.| `Friends.' |Nowepinnátimin.| `We joyne together.' |Nowepinnâchick.| `My Companions in War, or Associats.' |Nowechusettìmmin.| `We are Confederates.' |Néchuse ewò| `This is my Associate.' |Wechusittúock.| `They joyne together.' |Nwéche kokkêwem.| `I will be mad with him.' |Chickau~ta wêtu.| `An house fired.'
Once lodging in an Indian house full of people, the whole Company (Women especially) cryed out in apprehension that the Enemy had fired the House, being about midnight: The house was fired but not by an Enemy: the men ran up on the house top, and with their naked hands beat out the Fire: One scorcht his leg, and suddenly after they
came <180/r.188> <Of {their} Warre, {&c}.>
came into the house againe, undauntedly cut his leg with a knife to let out the burnt blood. |Yo ánawhone| `There I am wounded.' |Missìnnege| `A Captaine.' |Nummissinnàm ewo.| `This is my Captive.' |Waskeiúhettìmmitch.|- `At beginning of the. fight.' |Nickqueintónckquock|- `They come against us.' |Nickqueintouôog.| `I will make Warre upon them.' |Nippauquanau~og.| `I will destroy them' |Queintauatìttea.| `Let us go against them.' |Kunnauntatauhuckqun.|- `He comes to kill you.' |Paúquana.| `There is a slaughter.' |Pequttôog paúquanan.|- `The Pequts are slaine.' |Awaun Wuttúnnene?| `Who have the Victory.' |Tashittáwho?| `How many are slaine?' |Neestáwho.| `Two are slaine?' |Piuckqunneánna.| `Ten are slaine.'
{Obs.} Their Warres are farre lesse bloudy, and devouring then the cruell Warres of Europe; and seldome twenty slaine in a pitcht field: partly because when they fight in a wood every Tree is a Bucklar.
When they fight in a plaine, they fight
with <181/r.189> <Of {their} Warre, {&c}.>
with leaping and dancing, that seldome an Arrow hits, and when a man is wounded, unlesse he that shot followes upon the wounded, they soone retire and save the wounded: and yet having no Swords, nor Guns, all that are slaine are commonly slain with great Valour and Courage: for the Conquerour ventures into the thickest, and brings away the Head of his Enemy. |Niss-nìssoke.| `Kill kill.' |Kunnish| `I will kill you.' |Kunníshickqun ewò.| `He will kill you.' |Kunnìshickquock.| `They will kill you.' |Siuckissúog| `They are stout men.' |Nickummissu~og| `They are Weake.' |Nnickummaunámaúog.|- `I shall easily vanquish. them.' |Neene núppamen.| `I am dying?' |Cowaúnckamish.| `Quarter, quarter.' |Kunnanaumpasúmmish.|- `Mercy, Mercy.' |Kekuttokau~ntá,| `Let us parley.' |Aquétuck.| `Let us cease Armes.' |Wunnishau~nta.| `Let us agree.' |Cowammáunsh.| `I love you.' |Wunnêtu ntá.| `My heart is true.' |Tuppaúntash.| `Consider what I say.'
Tuppaún <182/r.190> <Of {their} Warre, {&c}.> |Tuppaúntamoke.| `Doe you all consider.' |Cummequaùnum cummìttamussussuck ka cummuckiaúg.|-- `Remember your Wives, and Children.' |Eatch kèen anawâyean.|- `Let all be as you say.' |Cowawwunnaúwem.| `You speake truly.' |Cowauôntam.| `You are a wise man.' |Wetompátitea.| `Let us make Friends.'