< Wampanoag

|Máyi.| `Away.' |Mayúo?| `Is there a way?' |Mat mayanúnno.| `There is no way.' |Peemayagat.| `A little way.' |Mishimmayagat.| `A great path.' |Machìpscat.| `A stone path.'

{Obs.} It is admirable to see, what paths their naked hardned feet have made in the wildernesse in most stony and rockie places. |Nnatotemúckaun.| `I will aske the way.' |Kunnatótemous| `I will inquire of you.' |Kunnatotemí?| `Doe you aske me?'

Tou <69> <F 3> <Of {Travell}.> |Tou nishin méyi?| `Where lies the way?' |Kokotemìinnea méyi| `Shew me the way.' |Yo áinshick méyi.| `There the way lies.' |Kukkakótemous.| `I will shew you.' |Yo cummittamáyon.| `There is the way you must goe.' |Yo chippachâusin.| `There the way divides.' |Maúchatea.| `A guide.' |Máuchase.| `Be my guide.'

{Obs.} The wildernesse being so vast, it is a mercy, that for a hire a man shall never want guides, who will carry provisions, and such as hire them over the Rivers and Brookes, and find out often times hunting-houses, or other lodgings at night. |Anòce wénawash.| `Hire him.' |Kuttánnoonsh.| `I will hire you.' |Kuttaúnckquittaunch.|- `I will pay you.' |Kummuchickónckquatous.|- `I will pay you well.' |Tocketaonckquittìinnea.|- `What wil you give me?' |Cummáuchanish.| `I will conduct you.' |Yò aúnta,| `Let us goe that way.' |Yò cuttâunan.| `Goe that way.' |Yo mtúnnock.| `The right hand.' |Yo nmúnnatch.| `The left hand.'

Cowé- <70> <Of {Travell}.> |Cowéchaush.| `I will goe with you.' |Wétash.| `Goe along.' |Cowéchaw ewò.| `He will goe with you.' |Cowechauatìmmin.| `I will goe with you.' |Wechauatìttea.| `Let us accompany.' |Taúbot wétáyean.| `I thanke you for your company.'

{Obs.} I have heard of many {English} lost, and have oft been lost my selfe, and my selfe and others have often been found, and succoured by the {Indians}. |Pitchcowáwwon.| `You will lose your way.' |Meshnowáwwon.| `I lost my way.' |Nummauchèmin|, `I will be going.' |Ntanniteìmmin.| |Mammauchêtuck.| `Let us be going.' |ânakiteunck.| `He is gone.' |Memauchêwi anittui.| |Memauchegushánnick.|- `They are gone.' |Anakugushánnick.| `They are gone.' |Tunnockuttòme| |Tunnockkuttoyeâim| `Whither goe you?' |Tunnockkuttìnshem.| |Nnegónshem.| `I will goe before.' |Cuppompáish.| `I will stay for you.' |Negónshesh.| `Goe before.' |Mittummayaúcup.| `The way you went before.'

Cummat <71> <F 4> <Of {Travell}.> |Cummáttanish.| `I will follow you.' |Cuppahimmin.| `Stay for me.' |Tawhich quaunquaquêan.?|0 `Why doe you run so?' |Nowecóntum púmmishem.|- `I have a mind to travell' |Konkenuphshâuta.| `Let us goe apace.' |Konkenúppe.| `Goe apace.' |Michéme nquaunquaquêmin.|- `I have run alwayes.' |Yo ntoyamâushem.| `I goe this pace.'

{Obs.} They are generally quick on foot, brought up from the breasts to running: their legs being also from the wombe stretcht and bound up in a strange way on their Cradle backward, as also annointed; yet have they some that excell: so that I have knowne many of them run betweene fourscoure or an hundred miles in a Summers day, and back within two dayes: they doe also practice running of {Races}; and commonly in the Summer, they delight to goe without shoes, although they have them hanging at their backs: they are so exquisitely skilled in all the body and bowels of the Countrey (by reason of their huntings) that I have often been guided twentie, thirtie, sometimes fortie miles through the woods, a streight course out of any path.

Yò <72> <Of {Travell}.> |Yò wuchê.| `From hence.' |Tounúckquaque yo wuchê| `How far from hence?' |Yò anúckquaque.| `So farre.' |Yo anuckquaquêse.| `So little away.' |Waunaquêse.| `A little way.' |Aukeewushaúog.| `They goe by land.' |Míshoon hómwock.| `They goe or come by water.' |Naynayoúmewot.| `A Horse.' |Wunnia, naynayoúmewot.|- `He rides on Horse-back.'

{Obs.} Having no Horses, they covet them above other Cattell, rather preferring ease in riding, then their profit and belly, by milk and butter from Cowes and Goats and they are loth to come to the {English} price for any. |Aspumméwi| `He is not gone by.' |As pumméwock| `They are not gone by.' |Awanick payánchick| `Who come there?' |Awanick negonshachick?|- `Who are these before us?' |Yo cuppummesicómmin,|0 `Crosse over into the way there.' |Cuppí-machàug.| `Thick wood: a Swamp.'

{Obs.} These thick Woods and Swamps like the Boggs to the {Irish}) are the Refuges for Women and children in Warre, whil'st the

men <73> <Of {Travell}.>

men fight. As the Country is wondrous full of Brookes and Rivers, so doth it also abound with fresh ponds, some of many miles compasse. |Nìps-nipsash| `Pond: Ponds.' |Wèta: wétedg| `The Woods on fire.' |Wussaumpatámmin| `To view or looke about.' |Wussaum patámoonck.|- `A Prospect.' |Wuttocékémin| `To wade.' |Tocekétuck| `Let us wade.' |Tou wuttáuqussin?| `How deepe?' |Yò ntaúqussin| `Thus deep.' |Ku[n]nìish.| `I will carry you.' |Kuckqússuckqun| `You are heavy.' |Kunnâukon| `You are light.' |Pasúckquish| `Rise.' |Anakish: maúchish:| `Goe.' |Quaquísh| `Runne.' |Nokus káuatees| `Meet him.' |Nockuskauatìtea| `Let us meet.' |Neenmeshnóckuskaw.| `I did meet.'

{Obs.} They are joyfull in meeting of any in travell, and will strike fire either with stones or sticks, to take Tobacco, and discourse a little together.

Mesh <74> <Of T{ravell}.> |Mesh Kunnockquskauatìmmin?|0 `Did you meet?' &c. |Yo Kuttauntapìmmin.|- `Let us rest here.' |Kussackquêtuck.| `Let us sit downe.' |Yo appittuck| `Let us sit here.' |Nissowanis| |Nissowànishkaúmen.|0 `I am weary.' |Nickqússaqus| `I am lame.' |Ntouagonnausinnúmmin|0 `We are distrest undone, or in misery.'

{Obs.} They use this word properly in wandring toward Winter night, in which case I have been many a night with them, and many times also alone yet alwayes mercifully preserved. |Teâno wonck nippéeam|0 `I will be here by and by againe.' |Mat Kunnìckansh| `I will not leave you.' |Aquie Kunnickatshash.|- `Doe not leave me.' |Tavvhìtch nickatshiêan?|0 `Why doe you forsake me?' |Wuttánho| `A staffe.' |Yò ìish Wuttánho| `Use this staffe.'

Obs. <75> <Of T{ravell}.>

{Obs.} Sometimes a man shall meet a lame man or an old man with a Staffe: but generally a Staffe is a rare sight in the hand of the eldest, their Constitution is so strong. I have upon occasion travelled many a score, yea many a hundreth mile amongst them, without need of stick or staffe, for any appearance of danger amongst them: yet it is a rule amongst them, that it is not g od for a man to travell without a Weapon nor alone. |Taquáttin| `Frost.' |Auke taquátsha| `The ground is frozen.' |Séip taquáttin.| `The River is frozen.' |Nowánnesin| `I have forgotten.' |nippitt akúnnamun.|- `I must goe back.'

{Obs.} I once travalled with neere 200 who had word of neere 700. Enemies in the way, yet generally they all resolved that it was a shame to feare and goe back. |Nippanishkokómmin| `I have let fall something.' |Npussàgo.| |kommín| |Mattaâsu| `A little way.' |Naúwot.| `A great way.' |Náwwatick| `Farre of at Sea.' |Ntaquatchuwaúmen| `I goe up hill.'

Taguatchòwash <76> <Of {Travell}.> |Taguatchòwash| `Goe up hill.' |Waumsu| `Downe hill.' |Mauúnshesh| `Goe slowly or gently.' |Mauanisháuta| `Let us goe gently.' |Tawhítch chechequnnuwáyean?|0 `Why doe you rob me?' |Aquie chechequnnúwash.|0 `Doe not rob me.' |Chechequnnuwáchick.| `Robbers.' |Chechequnnìttin| `There is a Robbery committed.' |Kemineantúock| `They murder each other.'

{Obs.} If any Robbery fall out in Travell, between Person of diverse States, the offended State sends for Justice, If no Justice bee granted and recompence made, they grant out a kind of Letter of Mart to take satisfaction themselues, yet they are carefull not to exceed in taking from others, beyond the Proportion of their owne losse. |Wúskont àwaùn nkemineìucqun.| `I feare some will murther mee.'

{Obs.} I could never heare that Murthers or Robberies are comparably so frequent, as in parts of {Europe} amongst the English, French, &c.

Cutchachewussìm. <67/r.77> <Of {Travell}.> |Cutchachewussìmmin.| `You are almost there.' |Kiskecuppeeya~umen.|- `You are a little short.' |Cuppeeyáumen| `Now you are there.' |Muckquétu| `Swift.' |Cummúmmuckquete.|- `You are swift.' |Cussásaqus| `You are slow.' |Sassaqushâuog| `They are slow.' |Cuttinneapúmmishem|- `Will you passe by?' |Wuttineapummushâuta.|- `Let us passe by.' |Keeatshaúta.| `I come for no busines.' |Ntinneapreyaúmen|- `In vaine or to no purpose.' |Acoúwe| |Ntackówvvepeyaùn.|- `I have lost my labour.' |Cummautússakou.| `You have mist him.' |Kihtummâyi-wussáuhumwi.|- `He went just now forth.' |Pittúckish.| `Goe back.' |Pittuckétuck.| `Let us goe back.' |Pónewhush.| `Lay downe your burthen.'

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