< Wampanoag

|Kéesuck.| `The Heavens.' |Keesucquìu.| `Heavenward.' |Aúke, Aukeeaseìu.| `Downwards.' |Nippâwus.| `The Sun.' |Keesuckquànd.| `A name of the Sun.'

({Obs.}) By which they acknowledge the Sun, and adore for a God or divine power. |Munnánnock.| `A name of the Sun.' |Nanepaùshat|, {&}} `The Moone.' |Munnánnock.| } |Wequáshim.| `A light Moone.' |Pashpìshea.| `The Moone is up.' |Yo wuttúttan.| `So high.'

{Obs.} And so they use the same rule, and words for the course of the Moone in the {Night}. as they use for the course of the Sun by {Day}, which wee mentioned in the Chapter of the Houre, or time of the Day concerning the Sunnes rising, , course, or Sunne setting. |Yò Ockquitteunk.| `A new Moone.' |Paushésui.| `Halfe Moone.' |Yo wompanámmit.|

{Obs.} The Moone so old, which they measure by the setting of it, especially when it shines till |Wómpan|, or day. |Anóckqus: anócksuck.| `A Starre Starres.'

{Obs.} By occasion of their frequent lying in the Fields and Woods, they much observe the Starres, and their very children can give Names to many of them, and observe their Motions, and they have the same words for their rising-courses and setting, as for the Sun or Moone, as before. |Mosk| or |Paukúnawaw| the great Beare, or {Charles Waine}, which words |Mosk|, or |Paukúnnawwáw|- signifies a Beare, which is so much the more observable, because, in most Languages that signe or Constellation is called the Beare. |Shwishcuttowwáuog| `The Golden Metewand.' |Mishánnock.| `The morning Starre.' |Chippápuock.| `The Brood-hen', &c.

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