< Wampanoag

|NSowwushkâwmen.| `I am tired.' |Nkàtaquaum.| `I am sleepy.' |Kukkovetous?| `Shall I lodge here?' |Yo nickowémen?| `Shall I sleep here?' |Kukkowéti?| `Will you sleepe here?' |Wunnég[i]n, cówish.| `Welcome sleepe here.' |Nummouaquômen.| `I will lodge abroad.' |Puckquátchick nickouêmen.|- `I will sleepe without the doores', Which I have knowne them contentedly doe, by a fire under a tree, when sometimes some {English} have (for want of familiaritie and language with them) been fearefull to entertaine them.

In Summer-time I have knowne them lye abroad often themselves, to make roome for strangers, {English}, or others. |Mouaquómitea.| `Let us lye abroad.' |Cowwêtuck.| `Let us sleepe.' |Kukkóuene?| `Sleepe you?' |Cowwêke.| `Sleepe, sleepe.' |Cowwêwi.| `He is asleepe.' |Cowwêwock.| `They sleepe.' |Askukkówene?| `Sleepe you yet?' |Takitìppocat.| `It is a cold night.' |Wekit ppocat.| `It is a warme night.' |Wauwháutowaw ánawat|,- {&} |Wawhautowâvog.|- `Ther is an alarme,' or, `there is a great shouting': Howling and shouting is their Alarme; they having no Drums nor Trumpets: but whether an enemie approach, or fire breake out, this Alarme passeth from house to house; yea, commonly, if any {English} or {Dutch} come amongst them, they give notice of strangers by this signe; yet I have knowne them buy and use a {Dutch}

Trumpet <19> <C 2> < Of {Sleepe} and {Lodging}.>

Trumpet, and knowne a {Native} make a good Drum in imitation of the {English}. |Matànnauke|, {or} |Mattannàukanash|- `A finer sort of mats to sleep on.' |Mask[i]tuash| `Straw to ly on.' |Wuddtúckqunash ponamâuta| `Let us lay on wood.

This they doe plentifully when they lie down to sleep winter and summer, abundance they have and abundance they lay on: their Fire is instead of our bedcloaths. And so, themselves and any that have occasion to lodge with them, must be content to turne often to the Fire, if the night be cold, and they who first wake must repaire the Fire. |Mauataúnamoke| `Mend the fire.' |Mauataunamútta| `Let us mend the fire.' |Tokêtuck| `Let us wake.' |As kuttokémis| `Are you not awake yet' |Tókish, Tókeke|. `Wake wake' |Tókinish| `Wake him.' |Kitumyái tokéan| `As soone as I wake.' |Ntunnaquômen| `I have had a good dream' |Nummattaquômen| `I have had a bad dream.'

When they have a bad Dreame which they conceive to be a threatning from God, they fall to prayer at all times of the night, especially early before day: So {Davids} z alous heart

to <20> < Of {Sleepe} and {Lodging}.>

to the true and living God: {At midnight will I rise} &c. {I prevented the dawning of the day,} &c. Psal.119. &c. |Wunnakukkussaquaùm|0 `You sleep much.' |Peeyaúntam| `He prayes.' |Peeyâuntamwock| `They pray.' |Tunna kukkowémis| `Where slept you?' |Awaun wéick kukkouémis|- `At whose house did you sleep?'

I once travailed to an Iland of the wildest in our parts, where in the night an Indian (as he said) had a vision or dream of the Sun (whom they worship for a God) darting a Beame into his Breast which he conceived to be the Messenger of his Death: this poore Native call'd his Friends and neighbours, and prepared some little refreshing for them, but himselfe was kept waking and Fasting in great Humiliations and Invocations for 10. dayes and nights: I was alone (having travailed from my Barke, the wind being contrary) and little could I speake to them to their understandings especially because of the change of their Dialect, or manner of Speech from our neighbours: yet so much (through the help of God) I did speake, of the {True} and {living only Wise God}, of the Creation: of Man, and his {fall}

from <21> <C 3> < Of {their sleepe} and {lodging}.>

from God, &c. that at parting many burst forth, {Oh when will you come againe, to bring us some more newes of this God?}

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