- Uppaquóntup (The head)
- Nuppaquóntup (My head)
- Wésheck (The hair)
- |Wuchechepúnnock.| `A great bunch of hayre bound up behind.'
- |Múppacuck.| `A long locke.'
- |Wuttíp.| `The brain.'
- |Mscáttuck.| `The foreheed.'
- |Wuskeésuck-quash.| `Eye, or eyes.'
- |Tiyùsh kusskeésuckquash?|- `Can you not see, or where are your eyes?'
- |Wuchaún.| `The nostrills.'
- |Wuttóvwog, guàsh.| `Eare, eares.'
- |Wuttòne.| `The mouth.'
- |Wéenat.| `The tongue.'
- |Wépit-teash.| `Tooth, teeth.'
- |Pummaumpiteùnck.| `The tooth-ake.'
{Obs.} Which is the onely paine will force their stout hearts to cry; I cannot heare of any disease of the stone amongst them (the corne of the Countrey, with which they are fed from the wombe, being an admirable cleanser and opener:) but the paine of their womens childbirth (of which I shall speake afterward in the Chapter of {Marriage}) never forces their women so to cry, as I have heard some of their men in this paine.
In this paine they use a certaine root dried, not much unlike our {Ginger}.
- |Sìtchipuck.| `The necke.'
- |Qúttuck.| `The throat.'
- |Timeqúassin.| `To cut off or behead.'
- |Mapànnog.| `The breast.'
- |Wuppìttene énash.| `Arme, Armes.'
- |Wuttàh.| `The heart.'
- |Wunnêtu nittà.| `My heart is good.'
{Obs.} This speech they use when ever they professe their honestie; they naturally confessing that all goodnesse is first in the heart.
- |Mishquìnash.| `The vaines.'
- |Mishquè, néepuck.| `The blood.'
- |Uppusquàn.| `The backe.'
- |Nuppusquànnick.| `My back, or at my back.'
- |Wunnìcheke.| `Hand.'
- |Wunnickégannash.| `Hands.'
- |Mokássuck.| `Nayles.'
- |Wunnáks.| `The bellie.'
- |Apòme, Apòmash.| `The thigh, the thighs.'
- |Mohcònt, tash.| `A legge, legs.'
- |Wussète, tash.| `A foot, feet.'
- |Wunnichéganash.| `The toes.'
- |Tou wuttìnsin.| `What manner of man?'
- |Tou núckquaque.| `Of what bignesse?'
- Wompésu, Mowêsu, and Suckêsu (White, Black, or Swarfish)
- |Suckáutacone,| `A coal black man.'
For, |Sucki| is black, and |Waú acone|, one that weares clothes, whence {English, Dutch, French, Scotch}, they call |Wautaconâuog|, or {Coatmen}.
- |Cummìnakese.| `You are strong.'
- |Minikêsu.| `Strong.'
- |Minioquêsu.| `Weake.'
- |Cummìniocquese.| `Weake you are.'
- |Qunnaúqussu.| `A tall man.'
- |Qunnauqussìtchick.| `Tall men.'
- |Tiaquónqussu.| `Low and short.'
- |Tiaquonqussìchick.| `Men of lowe stature.'
- |Wunnêtu-wock.| `Proper and personall.'