< Wampanoag
|NQuìt| `One.' |Neèsse| `2.' |Nísh| `3.' |Yòh| `4.' |Napànna| `5.' |Qutta| `6.' |énada| `7.' |Shwósuck| `8. |Paskúgit| `9.' |Piùck| `10.' |Piuck nabna quít| `11.' |Piucknab nèese| `12,' |Piucknab nísh| `13,' |Piucknab yòh| `14,' |Piucknab napànna| `15' |Piucknab naqútta| `16,' |Piucknab énada| `17,' |Piuck nabna shwósuck|- `18,' |Piucknab napaskúgit|- `19,' |Neesneéchick| `20' |Neesneéchick nab naquít,|- &c. `21,' |Shwìnckeck| `30,' &c. |Swìncheck nab naquít|-, &c. `31,' &c. |Yowìnicheck| `40.' |Yówinicheck nabna qít|, &c. `41,' &c. |Napannetashincheck| `50,' |Napannetashinchek nabna quit| `51,' &c. |Quttatashíncheck| `60,' |Quttatashincheck nabna quít|0 `61,' &c. |Enadatashíncheck| `70,' |Enadatashincheck nabna quít| `71,' &c. |Swoasuck ta shincheck|0 `80,' |Shwoasuck ta shincheck nebna quit|- `81,' &c. |Paskugit tashíncheck,|- &c. `90,' |Paskugit tashin check nabna quít,| &c. `91,' &c. |Nquit pâwsuck| `100.' |Nees pâwsuck| `200.' |Shweepâwsuck| `300.' Yówe <24> < Of {their Numbers.} > |Yówe pâwsuck| `400,' |Napannetashe pâwsuck|- `500,' |Qúttatashe pâwsuck| `600,' |Enadatashepâwsuck| `700,' |Shoasucktashe pâwsuck|- `800,' |Paskugit tashepâwsuck|- `900,' |Nquittemittànnug| `1000,' |Neese mittànnug| `2000,' |Nishwe mittànnug| `3000,' |Yowe mittànnug| `4000,' |Napannetashemit tannug| `5000,' |Quttàtashe mit tànnug|- `6000' |Enadatashemit tànnug|- `7000,' |Shoasuck ta she mittánnug|- `8000,' |Paskugittashemit tánnug| `9000,' |Piuckque mittánnug| `10000,' |Neesneecheck tashe mittânnug| `20000,' |Shwinchecktashe mittánnug| `30000,' |Yowincheck tashemittánnug|- `40000,' |Napannetashincheck tashemittánnug| `50000.' |Quttatashincheck tashemittànnug|- `60000.' |Enadatashincheck tashe mittánnuck| `70000.' |Shoasuck tashincheck tashe mittannug| `80000.' |Paskugit tashincheck tashe mittannug| `90000.' |Nquit pausuckóemit tànnug,| &c. `100000.' Having no Letters nor Arts, 'tis admirable how quick they are in casting up great numbers, with the helpe of graines of Corne, instead of {Europes} pens or counters. Numbers of the animate case. |Pâwsuck| `1.' |Neéswock| `2.' |Skeetomp| `a Man.' |Shuog| `3.' |Yówock| `4.' {|Skeetom| |Napannetasúog| `5.' {as}, {|Paúog|,| |Quttasúog| `6.' {`Men'. |Enada tasuog| `7' |Shoasuck tasúog| `8.' |Paskugit tasúog| `9.' |Piucksúog| `10.' |Piucksuog nabnaquit|- `11.' Of the inanimate case. |Pâwsuck| `1' |Neénash| `2' |Swìnash| `3' |Yowúnnash| `4' { |Waucho| |Napannetashìnash| `5' {`Hill.' |Quttatashìnash| `6' {as}, {Wauchóash |Enadtashìnash| `7' { `Hills.' |Shoasucktashìnash| `8' |Paskugittashìnash| `9' |Piúckquatash| `10' |Piúckquatash nabnaquít.|- `11' Number section from Eliot: | [p.14] NUMERALS belong unto Adnouns, and in them there is something remarkable. From the number 5 and upward, they adde a worde suppletive, which signifieth nothing, but receiveth the Grammatical variation of the Declension, according to the things numbered, Animate or Inanimate. The Additional is (|tohsú|) or (|tahshé|), which is varied (|tohsúog|, |tohsúash|, or |tohshinash|.) For Example: 1. |Nequt|. 2. |Neese|. 3 |Nish|. 4 |Yau|. 5 |Napanna tahshe| { |tohsuog|. { |tohsuash|. 6 |Nequtta tahshe|. 7 |Nesausuk tahshe|. 8 |Shwosuk tahshe|. 9 |Paskoogun tahshe|. 10 |Piuk|. |Piukqussuog|, |Piukqussuash|. Then from 10 to 20 they adde afore the Numeral (|nab| or |nabo|) and then it is not needful to adde the following additional, though sometimes they do it. <261> As for Example: 11 |Nabo nequt|. 12 |Nabo neese|. 13 |Nabo nish|. 14 |Nabo yau|. 15 |Nabo napanna|. 16 |Nabo nequtta|. 17 |Nabo nesausuk|. 18 |Nabo shwosuk|. 19 |Nabo paskoogun|. 20 |Neesneechag| { |kodtash|. { |kodtog|. Then upwards they adde to |Neesneechag|, the single Numbers to 30, &c. 30 |Nishwinchag|. |kodtog|, |kodtash|. 40 |Nauunchag|, |kodtog|, |kodtash|. 50 |Napannatahshinchag| |kodtog|, |kodtash|. 60 |Nequtta tahshinchag| |kodtog|, |kodtash|. 70 |Nesausuk tahshinchag| |kodtog|, |kodtash|. 80 |Shwosuk tahshinchag| |kodtog|, |kodtash|. | [p.15] 90 |Paskoogun tahshinchag| |kodtog|, |kodtash|, 100 |Nequt pasuk k∞og|. |k∞ash|. 1000 |Nequt muttannonganog| { |kodtog|, } or { |kussuog|. { |kodtash|. } { |kussuash|.
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