< Wampanoag

|Sâchim -maúog.| `King, Kings.' |Sachimaúonck,| `A Kingdome or Monarchie.'

{Obs.} Their Government is Monarchicall, yet at present the chiefest government in the Counrey is divided betweene a younger {Sachim}, |Miantunnômu|, and an elder {Sachim}, |Caunoúnicus|, of about fourescore yeeres old, this young mans Uncle; and their agreement in the Government is remarkable:

The old {Sachim} will not be offended at what the young {Sachim} doth; and the young {Sachim} will not doe what hee conceives will displease his Uncle.

Saunèks. <133/r.141> <Of {their Government}.> |Saunks.| `The Queen, or Sachims Wife.' |Sauncksquúaog.| `Queenes.' |Otàn,-nash.| `The towne, townes.' |Otânick.| `To the towne.' |Sachimmaacómmock| `A Princes house', which according to their condition, is farre different from the other house, both in capacity or receit; and also the finenesse and quality of their Mats. |Ataúskawaw - wáuog.| `Lord, Lords.' |Wauôntam.| `A Wise man or Counsellour.' |Wauóntakick.| `Wise men.' |Enàtch| {or} eàtch Keèn anawáyean.| `Your will shall be law.' |Enàtch neèn ánowa.| `Let my word stand.' |Ntìnnume.| `He is my man.' |Ntacquêtunck ewò.| `He is my subject.' |Kuttáckquêtous.| `I will subject to you.'

{Obs.} Beside their generall subjection to the highest {Sachims}, to whom they carry presents: They have also particular Protectors, under {Sachims}, to whom they also carry presents, and upon any injury received, and complaint made, these Protectors will revenge it. |Ntannôtam.| `I will revenge it.' |Kuttannótous.| `I will revenge you.'

Miâwene. <134/r.142> <Of {their Government}.> |Miâwene.| `A Court or meeting.' |Wèpe cummiâwene.| `Come to the meeting.' |Miawêtuck.| `Let us meet.' |Wauwháutowash.| `Call a meeting.' |Miawêmucks.| `At a meeting.' |Miawéhettit.| `When they meet.'

{Obs.} The {Sachims}, although they have an absolute Monarchie over the people; yet they will not conclude of ought that concernes all, either Lawes, or Subsides, or warres, unto which the people are averse, and by gentle perswasion cannot be brought. |Peyaùtch naúgum.| `Let himselfe come here.' |Pétiteatch.| `Let him come.' |Mishaúntowash.| `Speake out.' |Nanántowash.| `Speake plaine.' |Kunnadsìttamen wèpe.| `You must inquire after this.' |Wunnadsittamútta.| `Let us search into it.' |Neen pitch-nnadsìttamen.|- `I will inquire into it.' |Machìssu ewò.| `He is naught.' |Cuttiantacompáwwem.|- `You are a lying fellow.' |Cuttiantakiskquâwquaw.|- `You are a lying woman.' |Wèpe cukkúmmoot.| `You have stole.' |Mat méshnawmônash| `I did not see those things'

Màt <135/r.143> <Of {their Government}.> |Mat mèsh nummámmenash.| `I did not take them.' |Wèpe kunnishquêko cummiskissawwaw.| `You are fierce and quarrelsome.'

{Obs.} I could never discerne that excesse of scandalous sins amongst them, which {Europe} aboundeth with. Drunkennesse and gluttony, generally they know not what sinnes they be; and although they have not so much to restraine them (both in respect of knowledge of God and Lawes of men) as the {English} have, yet a man shall never heare of such crimes amongst them of robberies, murthers, adulteries &c. as amongst the {English}: I conceive that the glorious Sunne of so much truth as shines in {England}, hardens our {English} hearts; for what the Sunne softeneth not, it hardens. |Tawhítch yò enêan?| `Why doe you so?' |Tawhitch cummootóan?|- `Why doe you steale?' |Tawhitch nanompaniêan?|- `Why are you thus idle or base?' |Wewhepapúnnoke.| `Bind him.' |Wèpe kunnishaúmis.| `You kild him.' |Wèpe kukkemineantìn.|- `You are the murtherer.' |Sasaumitaúwhitch.| `Let him be whipt.' |Upponckquittáúwhitch.|- `Let him be imprisoned.

Nìppitch <136/r.144> <Of {their Government}.> |Nìppitch ewò.| `Let him die.' |Nìphéttitch.| `Let them die.' |Níss-Níssòke.| `Kill him.' |Púm-púmmoke.| `Shoot him.'

{Obs.} The most usuall Custome amongst them in executing punishments, is for the {Sachim} either to beat, or whip, or put to death with his owne hand, to which the common sort most quietly submit : though sometimes the {Sachim} sends a secret Executioner, one of his chiefest Warriours to fetch of a head, by some sudden unexpected blow of a Hatchet, when they have feared Mutiny by publike execution. |Kukkeechequaúbenitch.|- `'You shall be hanged. |Nìppansìnnea.| `I am innocent.' |Uppansínea-ewo.| `He is innocent.' |Matmeshnowaúwon.|- `I knew nothing of it.' |NNnowaúntum.| `I am sorry.' |Nummachiemè.| `I have done ill.' |Aumaúnemoke.| `Let it passe, or take away this accusation.' |Konkeeteatch Ewó.| `Let him live.' |Konkeeteáhetti| `Let them live.'

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