I shall now set down Examples of Verbs : and first of the Simple form. And here
First, I shall set down a Verb Active, whose object is Inanimate: N∞wadchanumun (I keep it). (Be it tool or garment.)
And secondly, I shall set down a Verb Substantive: N∞waantam, (I am wise).
Both these I shall set down parallel in two columns.
The form Affirmative
I keep it | I am wise | ||
Singular | Plural | Singular | Plural |
N∞wadchanumun | N∞wadchanumumun | N∞waantam | N∞waantamumun |
K∞wadchanumun | K∞wadchanumumw∞ | K∞waantam | K∞waantamumw∞ |
∞wadchanumun | Wadchanumwog | Waantam noh | Waantamwog |
Past tense.
Sing. |N∞wadchanumunap| |K∞wadchanumunap| |∞wadchanumunap|.
Pl. |N∞wadchanumumunnónup| |K∞wadchanumumwop| |Wadchanumuppanneg|: or |∞wadchanummuáop|.
Past tense.
Sing. |N∞waantamup| |K∞waantamup| |Waantamup|.
pl. |N∞waantamumunnónup| |K∞waantamúmwop| |Waantamuppanneg|.
The Imperative Mode, when it Commnands or Exhorts it wanteth the first person singular : but when we Pray in this Mode, as alwayes we do, then it hath the first person; as, {Let me be wise}; but there is no formation of the word to express it; yet it may be expressed by adding this word unto the Indicative Mode [p.25] [|pâ|], as, |Pân∞waantam|, {Let me be wise}. Our usual formation of the Imperative Mode is without the first person singular, casting away the affix.
Imperative Mode.
Present tense.
Sing. |Wadchanish| |Wadchanitch|.
plur. |Wadchanumuttuh| |Wadchanum∞k| |Wadchanumahettich|.
Present tense.
Sing. |Waantash| |Waantaj|.
plur. |Waantamuttuh| |Waantam∞k| |Waantamohettich|.
The Imperative Mode cannot admit of any other time than the Present.
The Optative Mode.
Present tense.
Sing. |N∞wáadchánumun-toh| |K∞wáadchanumun-toh| |∞waadchanumun-toh|.
plur. |N∞waadchanumunnan-toh| |K∞waadchanumunnan-toh| |∞waadchanumuneau-toh|.
Present tense.
Sing. |N∞wáaantamun-toh| |K∞wáaantamun-toh| |∞wáaantamun-toh|.
plur. |N∞wáaantamunan-toh| |K∞wáaantamuneau-toh| |∞wáaantamuneau-toh|.
PrСter tense.
Sing. |N∞waadchanumunaz-toh| |K∞waadchanumunaz-toh| |∞waadchanumunaz-toh|.
Plu. |N∞waadchanumunannonuz-toh| |K∞waadchanumunaóuz-toh| |∞waadchanumunaóuz-toh|.
PrСter tense.
Sing. |N∞wáaantamunaz-toh| |K∞wáaantamunaz-toh| |∞wáaantamunaz-toh|.
Plu. |N∞wáaantamúnanôiz-toh| |K∞wáaantamunaôiz-toh| |∞wáaantamunaôiz-toh|.
It seems their desires are slow, but strong; Because they be utter'd double-breath't, and long.
The Suppositive Mode: which usually flats the first Vocal and layes by the affix.
Present tense.
Sing. |Wadchanumon| |Wadchanuman| |Wadchanuk|.
plur. |Wadchanumog| |Wadchanumóg| |Wadchanumahettit|.
Present tense.
Sing. |Waantamon| |Waantaman| |Waantog|.
plur. |Waantamog| |Waantamóg| |Waantamohettit|.
PrСter tense.
Sing. |Wadchanumos| |Wadchanumôsa| |Wadchanukis|.
plur. |Wadchanumogkus| |Wadchanumógkus| |Wadchanumahettis|.
PrСter tense.
Sing. |Waantamos| |Waantamas| |Waantogkis|.
plur. |Waantamogkis| |Waantamógkis| |Waantamohettis|.
The Indefinite Mode. |Wadchanumunát| |Waantamunát|.
Indicative Mode. The form Negative, which is varied
from the Affirmative by interposing [|∞|].
Present tense.
Sing. |N∞wadchanum∞un| |K∞wadchanum∞un| |∞wadchanum∞un|.
plur. |N∞wadchanum∞unnonup| |K∞wadchanum∞wop| |Wadchanum∞og|.
Present tense.
Sing. |N∞waantam∞h| |K∞waantam∞h| |Waantam∞h|.
plur. |N∞waantam∞mun| |K∞waantam∞mw∞| |Waantam∞og|.
PrСter tense.
Sing. |N∞wadchanum∞unap| |K∞wadchanum∞unap| |∞wadchanum∞unap|.
Plu. |N∞wadchanum∞unnanónup| |K∞wadchanum∞wop| |Wadchanum∞panneg|.
PrСter tense.
Sing. |N∞waantam∞p| |K∞waantam∞p| |∞waantamop|.
Plu. |N∞waantam∞munnonup| |K∞waantam∞mwop| |Waantam∞panneg|.
The Imperative Mode of the Negative simple form.
Present tense.
Sing. |Wadchanuhkon| |Wadchanuhkitch|.
plur. |Wadchanum∞uttuh| |wadchanum∞hteók| |wadchanumohettekitch|.
Present tense.
Sing. |Waantukon| |Waantukitch|.
plur. |Waantam∞uttuh| |waantam∞hteók| |waantamóhettekitch|.
The Optative Mode is of seldome use, and very difficult, therefore I pass it by.
The Suppositive Mode of the Simple form.
Present tense.
Sing. |Wadchanum∞un| |Wadchanum∞an| |Wadchan∞g.|
Plur. |Wadchanum∞og| |Wadchanum∞óg| |Wadchanum∞ahettit|, or |∞hetteg|.
Present tense.
Sing. |Waantam∞on| |Waantam∞an| |Waantam∞g|.
Plur. |Waantam∞og| |Waantam∞óg| |Waantam∞ohettit|, or |∞hetteg|.
PrСter tense.
Sing. |Wadchanum∞os| |Wadchanum∞osa| |Wadchanum∞gkis|.
Plur. |Wadchanum∞ogkus| |Wadchanum∞ógkus| |Wadchanum∞ahettis|.
PrСter tense.
Sing. |Waantam∞os| |Waantam∞as| |Waantam∞gkis|.
Plur. |Waantam∞ogkus| |Waantam∞ógkus| |Waantam∞ohettis|.
The Indefinite Mode of the Simple form Negative. |Wanchanum∞unát| |Waantam∞unát|.
The Simple form Interrogative, is formed onely in the Indicative Mode: All Questions are alwayes asked in this Mode of the Verb, and in no other; and it is formed by adding [|ás|] to the Affirmative.
Indicative Mode.
Present tense.
Sing. |N∞wadchanumunás| |K∞wadchanumunás| |∞wadchanumunáous|
Present tense.
Plur. |N∞wadchanumunnanonus| |K∞wadchanumunnaóus| |∞wadchanumunnaóus Nag|.
The Suffix form animate Affirmative.
Here I carry in a Parallel our English Verb ({Pay}) that so any may distinguish betwixt what is Grammar, and what belongs to the word. And remember ever to pronounce (pay), because else you will be ready to read it (pau). Also remember, that (|Paum|) is the radicall word, and all the rest is Grammar. In this remarkable way of speech, the Efficient of the Act, and the Object, and sometimes the End also, are in a regular composition comprehended in the Verb: and there is no more difficulty in it, when use hath brought our Notion to it, than there is in other Languages, if so much.
Indicative Mode. Present tense.
1 sing. {I keep thee}, |K∞wadchansh| {I keep him}, |N∞wadchan|. {I keep you}, |K∞wadchanunumw∞|. {I keep them}, |N∞wadchanóog|.
2 sing.| {Thou keepest me}, |K∞wadchaneh|. {Thou keepest him}, |K∞wadchan|. {Thou keepest us}, |K∞wadchanimun|. {Thou keepest them}, |K∞wadchanoog|.
3 sing.| {He keepeth me}, |N∞wadchanuk|. {He keepeth thee}, |K∞wadchanuk|. {He keepeth him}, |∞wadchanuh|. {He keepeth us}, |K∞wadchanukqun|. {He keepeth you}, |K∞wadchanuk∞|. {He keepeth them}, |∞wadchanuh|.
1 plur. {I pay thee}, |Kuppaumush|. {I pay him}, |Nuppayum|. {I pay you}, |Kuppaumunumw∞|. {I pay them}, |Nuppaumôog|.
2 plur.| {Thou payest me}, |Kuppaumeh|. {Thou payest him}, |Kuppaum|. {Thou payest us}, |Kuppaumimun|. {Thou payest them}, |Kuppaumoog|.
3 plur. {He payeth me}, |Nuppaumuk|. {He payeth thee}, |Kuppaumuk|. {He payeth him}, |Uppaumuh|. {He payeth us}, |Kuppaumukqun|. {He payeth you}, |Kuppaumukou|. {He payeth them}, |Uppaumuh nah|.
<276> [p.29]
Indicative Mode.
Present tense.
1 plur. {We keep thee}, |K∞wadchanunumun|. {We keep him}, |n∞wadchanoun|. {We keep you}, |k∞wadchanunumun (wame)| {We keep them}, |n∞wadchanóunonog|.
2 plur. {Ye keep me}, |K∞wadchanimw∞|. {Ye keep him}, |k∞wadchanau|. {Ye keep us}, |k∞wadchanimun|. {Ye keep them}, |k∞wadchanoog|.
3 plur. {They keep me}, |N∞wadchanukquog|. {They keep thee}, |k∞wadchanukquog|. {They keep him}, |∞wadchanouh|. {They keep us}, |n∞wadchanukqunnonog|. {They keep you}, |k∞wadchanuk∞oog|. {They keep them}, |∞wadchanouh nah|.
Present tense.
1 plur. {We pay thee}, |Kuppaumunumun|. {We pay him}, |nuppaumoun|. {We pay you}, |kuppaumunumun|. {We pay them}, |nuppaumounónog|.
2 plur. {Ye pay me}, |Kuppaumimw∞|. {Ye pay him}, |kuppaumau|. {Ye pay us}, |kuppaumimun|. {Ye pay them}, |kuppaumoog|.
3 plur. {They pay me}, |Nuppaumukquog|. {They pay thee}, |kuppaumukquog|. {They pay him}, |uppaumouh|. {They pay us}, |nuppaumukqunnonog|. {They pay you}, |kuppaumuk∞oog|. {They pay them}, |uppaumouh nah|.
<277> [p.30]
Indicative Mode.
PrСter tense.
1 sing. {I did keep thee}, |K∞wadchanunup|. {I did keep him}, |n∞wadchanóp|. {I did keep you}, |k∞wadchanunnumwop|. {I did keep them}, |n∞wadchanópanneg|.
2 sing. {Thou didst keep me}, |K∞wadchanip|. {Thou didst keep him}, |k∞wadchanóp|. {Thou didst keep us}, |k∞wadchanimunonup|. {Thou didst keep them}, |k∞wadchanopanneg|.
3 sing. {He did keep me}, |N∞wadchanukup|. {He did keep thee}, |k∞wadchanukup|. {He did keep him}, |∞wadchanópoh|. {He did keep us}, |n∞wadchanukqunnonup|. {He did keep you}, |k∞wadchanuk∞op|. {He did keep them}, |∞wadchan∞ópoh|.
PrСter tense.
1 sing. {I did pay thee}, |Kuppaumunup|. {I did pay him}, |nuppaumóp|. {I did pay you}, |kuppaumunumwop|. {I did pay them}, |nuppaumópanneg|.
2 sing. {Thou didst pay me}, |Kuppaumip|. {Thou didst pay him}, |kuppaumóp|. {Thou didst pay us}, |kuppaumimunonup|. {Thou didst pay them}, |kuppaumopanneg|.
3 sing. {He did pay me}, |Nuppaumukup|. {He did pay thee}, |kuppaumukup|. {He did pay him}, |uppaumopoh|. {He did pay us}, |nuppaumukqunnonup|. {He did pay you}, |kuppaumuk∞wop|. {He did pay them}, |uppaumopoh nah|.
<278> [p.31]
Indicative Mode.
PrСter tense.
1 plur. {We did keep thee}, |K∞wadchaninumunonup|. {We did keep him}, |n∞wadchanóunonup|. {We did keep you}, |k∞wadchaninumunonup|. {We did keep them}, |n∞wadchanounonuppanneg|.
2 plur. {Ye did keep me}, |K∞wadchanimwop|. {Ye did keep him}, |k∞wadchanuop|. {Ye did keep us}, |k∞wadchanimunonup|. {Ye did keep them}, |k∞wadchanoopanneg|.
3 plur. {They did keep me}, |N∞wadchanukuppanneg|. {They did keep thee}, |k∞wadchanukuppanneg|. {They did keep him}, |∞wadchananopoh|. {They did keep us}, |k∞wadchanukqunonuppanneg|. {They did keep you}, |k∞wadchanuk∞oopanneg|. {They did keep them}, |∞wadchan∞opoh nah|.
PrСter tense.
1 plur. {We did pay thee}, |kuppaumunumunonup|. {We did pay him}, |nuppaumounonup|. {We did pay you}, |kuppaumunumunonup|. {We did pay them}, |nuppaumounonuppanneg|.
2 plur. {Ye did pay me}, |Kuppaumimwop|. {Ye did pay him}, |kuppaumauop|. {Ye did pay us}, |kuppaumimunonup|. {Ye did pay them}, |kuppaumauopanneg|.
3 plur. {They did pay me}, |Nuppaumukuppaneg|. {They did pay thee}, |kuppaumukuppanneg|. {They did pay him}, |uppaumauopoh|. {They did pay us}, |nuppaumukqunnouppanneg|. {They did pay you}, |kuppaumuk∞opanneg|. {They did pay them}, |uppaum∞opoh nah|.
The Imperative Mode of the Suffix form animate Affirmative.
Note, That this Mode of the Verb doth cast off the Affix, or prefixed Pronoun, using onley the suffixed Grammaticall variations.
Present tense.
1 sing. {Let me keep thee}, |Wanchanunutti|. {Let me keep him}, |wadchanonti|. {Let me keep you}, |wadchanunonkqutch|. {Let me keep them}, |wadchanonti nagoh|.
2 sing. {Do thou keep me}, |Wadchaneh|. {Do thou keep him}, |wadchan|. {Do thou keep us}, |wadchaninnean|. {Do thou keep them}, |wadchan nag|.
3 sing. {Let him keep me}, |Wadchanitch|. {Let him keep thee}, |wadchanukqush|. {Let him keep him}, |wadchanonch|. {Let him keep us}, |wadchanukqutteuh|. {Let him keep you}, |wadchanuk∞k|. { Let him keep them}, |wanchanonch|.
Present tense.
1 sing. {Let me pay thee}, |Paumunutti|. {Let me pay him}, |paumonti|. {Let me pay you}, |paumunonkqutch|. {Let me pay them}, |paumonti|.
2 sing. {Do thou pay me}, |Paumeh|. {Do thou pay him}, |paum|. {Do thou pay us}, |pauminnean|. {Do thou pay them}, |paum|.
3 sing. {Let him pay me}, |Paumitch|. {Let him pay thee}, |paumukqush|. {Let him pay him}, |paumonch|. {Let him pay us}, |paumukqutteuh|. {Let him pay you}, |paumuk∞k|. {Let him pay them}, |paumonch|.
Imperative Mode.
Present tense.
1.plur. {Let us keep thee}, |Wadchanunuttuh|. {Let us keep him}, |wadchanontuh|. {Let us keep you}, |wadchanunuttuh|. {Let us keep them}, |wadchanontuh|.
2 plur. {Do ye keep me}, |Wadchanegk|. {Do ye keep him}, |Wadchanók|. {Do ye keep us}, |wadchaninnean|. {Let us keep them}, |wadchanók|.
3 plur. {Let them keep me}, |Wadchanukquttei|, or |wadchanhettich|. {Let them keep thee}, |wadchanukqush|. {Let them keep him}, |wadchanáhettich|. {Let them keep us}, |wadchanukqutteuh|. {Let them keep you}, |wadchanuk∞k|. {Let them keep them}, |wadchanáhettich|.
Present tense.
1 plur. {Let us pay thee}, |Paumunuttuh|. {Let us pay him}, |paumontuh|. {Let us pay you}, |paumunuttuh|. {Let us pay them}, |paumontuh|.
2 plur. {Do ye pay me}, |Paumegk|. {Do ye pay him}, |paumók|. {Do ye pay us}, |pauminnean|. {Do ye pay them}, |paumók|.
3 plur. {Let them pay me}, |Paumukquttei|, or |Pauméhettich|. {Let them pay thee}, |paumukqush|. {Let them pay him}, |paumáhettich|. {Let them pay us}, |paumukqutteuh|. {Let them pay you}, |paumuk∞k|. {Let them pay them}, |paumáhettich|.
The Optative Mode of the Suffix form animate Affirmative.
This Adverb (|toh|) or (|napehnont|) properly signifieth (|utinam|) {I wish it were}. And see how naturally they annex it unto every variation of this Mode of the Verb. Note also, That this Mode keepeth the Affix, or prefixed Pronoun.
Present tense.
1 sing. {I wish I keep thee}, |K∞waadchanunan-toh|, or |napehnont|. {I wish I keep him}, |N∞waadchanun-toh|. {I wish I keep you}, |K∞waadchanununeau-toh|. {I wish I keep them}, |N∞waadchanóneau-toh|.
2 sing. {I wish thou keep me}, |K∞waadchanin-toh|. {I wish thou keep him}, |k∞waadchanon-toh|. {I wish thou keep us}, |k∞waadchaninneau-toh|. {I wish thou keep them}, |k∞waadchanoneauh-toh|.
3 sing. {I wish he keep me}, |N∞waadchanukqun-toh|. {I wish he keep thee}, |k∞waadchanukqun-toh|. {I wish he keep him}, |∞waadchanon-toh|. {I wish he keep us}, |k∞waadchanukqunan-toh|. {I wish he keep you}, |k∞waadchanukquneau-toh|. {I wish he keep them}, |∞waadchanon-toh|.
Present tense.
1 sing. {I wish I pay thee}, |Kuppapaumunun-toh|. {I wish I pay him}, |nuppapaumon-toh|. {I wish I pay you}, |kuppapaumuneau-toh|. {I wish I pay them}, |nuppapaumóneau-toh|.
2 sing. {I wish thou pay me}, |kuppapaumin-toh|. {I wish thou pay him}, |kuppapaumon-toh|. {I wish thou pay us}, |kuppapaumuneau-toh|. {I wish thou pay them}, |kuppapaumóneau-toh|.
3 sing. {I wish he pay me}, |Nuppapaumukqun-toh|. {I wish he pay thee}, |kuppapaumukqun-toh|. {I wish he pay him}, |uppapaumon-toh|. {I wish he pay us}, |kuppapaumukqunan-toh|. {I wish he pay you}, |kuppapaumukquneau-toh|. {I wish he pay them}, |uppapaumon-toh|.
Optative Mode.
Present tense.
1 plur. {I wish we keep thee}, |K∞waadchanunan-toh|. {I wish we keep him}, |n∞waadchanonan-toh|. {I wish we keep you}, |k∞waadchanunnan-toh|. {I wish we keep them}, |n∞waadchanona[u]-toh|.
2 plur. {I wish ye keep me}, |K∞waadchanuneau-toh|. {I wish ye keep him}, |k∞waadchanóneau-toh|. {I wish ye keep us}, |k∞waadchanunean-toh|. {I wish ye keep them}, |k∞waadchanóneau-toh|.
3 plur. {I wish they keep me}, |N∞waadchanukquneau-toh|. {I wish they keep thee}, |k∞waadchanukquneau-toh|. {I wish they keep him, |∞waadchanóneau-toh|. {I wish they keep us}, |n∞waadchanukqunan-toh|. {I wish they keep you}, |k∞waadchanukquneau-toh|. {I wish they keep them}, |∞waadchanóneau-toh|.
Present tense.
1 plur. {I wish we pay thee}, |Kuppapaumunan-toh|. {I wish we pay him}, |nuppapaumónan-toh|. {I wish we pay you}, |kuppapaumunan-toh|. {I wish we pay them}, |nuppapaumonan-toh.
2 plur. {I wish ye pay me}, |Kuppapaumuneau-toh|. {I wish ye pay him}, |kuppapaumóneau-toh|. {I wish ye pay us}, |kuppapaumunean-toh|. {I wish ye pay them}, |kuppapaumóneau-toh|.
3 plur. {I wish they pay me}, |Nuppapaumukquneau-toh|. {I wish they pay thee}, |kuppapaumukquneau-toh|. {I wish they pay him}, |uppapaumóneau-toh|. {I wish they pay us}, |nuppapaumukqunan-toh|. {I wish they pay you}, |kuppapaumukquneau-toh|. {I wish they pay them}, |uppapaumóneau-toh|.
Optative Mode.
PrСter tense.
1 sing. {I wish I did keep thee}, |K∞waadchanununaz-toh|. {I wish I did keep him}, |n∞waadchanónaz-toh|. {I wish I did keep you}, |k∞waadchanununnaouz-toh|. {I wish I did keep them}, |n∞waadchanónaóoz-toh|.
2 sing. {I wish thou didst keep me}, |K∞waadchaninneaz-toh|. {I wish thou didst keep him}, |k∞waadchanónaz-toh|. {I wish thou didst keep us}, |k∞waadchanuneanonuz-toh|. {I wish thou didst keep them}, |k∞waadchanónaouz-toh|.
3 sing. {I wish he did keep me}, |N∞waadchanukqunaz-toh|. {I wish he did keep thee}, |k∞waadchanukqunaz-toh|. {I wish he did keep him}, |∞waadchanónaz-toh|. {I wish he did keep us}, |n∞waadchanukqunanonuz-toh. {I wish he did keep you}, |k∞waadchanukqunnaouz-toh|. {I wish he did keep them}, |∞waadchanonaouz-toh|.
PrСter tense.
1 sing. {I wish I did pay thee}, |Kuppapaumununaz-toh|. {I wish I did pay him}, |nuppapaumónaz-toh|. {I wish I did pay you}, |kuppapaumununnaouz-toh|. {I wish I did pay them}, |nuppapaumonaouz-toh|.
2 sing. {I wish thou didst pay me}, |Kuppapaumineaz-toh|. {I wish thou didst pay him}, |kuppapaumonaz-toh|. {I wish thou didst pay us}, |kuppapaumuneanonuz-toh|. {I wish thou didst pay them}, |kuppapaumónaouz-toh|.
{I wish he did pay me}, |Nuppapaumukqunaz-toh|. {I wish he did pay thee}, |kuppapaumukqunaz-toh|. {I wish he did pay him}, |uppapaumónaz-toh|. {I wish he did pay us}, |nuppapaumukqunanonuz-toh|. {I wish he did pay you}, |kuppapaumukqunaouz-toh|. {I wish he did pay them}, |uppapaumonaouz-toh|.
Optative Mode.
PrСter tense.
1 plur. {I wish we did keep thee}, |K∞waadchanХnanonuz-toh|. {I wish we did keep him}, |n∞waadchanХnanonuz-toh|. {I wish we did keep you}, |k∞waadchanunanХnaz-toh|. {I wish we did keep them}, |n∞waadchanonanonuz-toh|.
2 plur. {I wish ye did keep me}, |K∞waadchanineaouz-toh|. {I wish ye did keep him}, |k∞waadchanonaХuz-toh|. {I wish ye did keep us}, |k∞waadchaninneanonuz-toh|. {I wish ye did keep them}, |k∞waadchanónaouz-toh|.
3 plur. {I wish they did keep me}, |N∞waadchanukqunnaóuz-toh|. {I wish they did keep thee}, |k∞waadchanukqunaóuz-toh|. {I wish they did keep him}, |∞waadchanónaóuz-toh|. {I wish they did keep us}, |n∞waadchanukqunnanouz-toh|. {I wish they did keep you}, |k∞waadchanukqunaХuz-toh|. {I wish they did keep them}, |∞waadchanónaouz-toh|.
PrСter tense.
1 plur. {I wish we did pay thee}, |Kuppapaumunanonuz-toh|. {I wish we did pay him}, |nuppapaumónanonuz-toh|. {I wish we did pay you}, |kuppapaumunanonuz-toh|. {I wish we did pay them}, |nuppapaumonanonuz-toh|.
2 plur. {I wish ye did pay me}, |Kuppapaumineaouz-toh|. {I wish ye did pay him}, |kuppapaumonaouz-toh|. {I wish ye did pay us}, |kuppapaumineanonuz-toh|. {I wish ye did pay them}, |kuppapaumonaouz-toh|.
3 plur. {I wish they did pay me}, |Nuppapaumukqunaouz-toh|. {I wish they did pay thee}, |kuppapaumukqunaóuz-toh|. {I wish they did pay him}, |uppapaumónaХuz-toh|. {I wish they did pay us}, |nuppapaumukqunanonuz-toh|. {I wish they did pay you}, |kuppapaumukqunaХuz-toh|. {I wish they did pay them}, |uppapaumónaouz-toh|.
The Suppositive Mode of the Suffix form animate Affirmative.
Note, That this Mode also doth cast off the Affix, or prefixed Pronoun.
Present tense.
1 sing. {If I keep thee}, |Wadchanunon.| {If I keep him}, |wadchanog|. {If I keep you}, |wadchanunóg|. {If I keep them}, |wadchaog|.
2 sing. {If thou keep me}, |Wadchanean|. {If thou keep him}, |wadchanadt|. {If thou keep us}, |wadchaneog|. {If thou keep them}, |wadchanadt|.
3 sing. {If he keep me}, |Wadchanit|. {If he keep thee}, |wadchanukquean|. {If he keep him}, |wadchanont|. {If he keep us}, |wadchanukqueóg|. {If he keep you}, |wadchanukqueóg|. {If he keep them}, |wadchanáhettit|, or |ont|.
Present tense.
1 sing. {If I pay thee}, |Paumunon|. {If I pay him}, |paumog|. {If I pay you}, |paumunóg|. {If I pay them}, |paumog|.
2 sing. {If thou pay me}, |Paumean|. {If thou pay him}, |paumadt|. {If thou pay us}, |paumeog|. {If thou pay them}, |paumadt|.
3 sing. {If he pay me}, |Paumit|. {If he pay thee}, |paumukquean|. {If he pay him}, |paumont|. {If he pay us}, |paumukqueog|. {If he pay you}, |paumukqueóg|. {If he pay them}, |paumáhettit|.
Suppositive Mode.
Note, Where the singular and plural are alike, they are distinguished by |Noh| or |Neen| in the singular, and |Nag| or |Nenawun|, in the plural.
Present tense.
1 plur. {If we keep thee}, |Wadchanunog|. {If we keep him}, |wadchanogkut|. {If we keep you}, |wadchanunog|. {If we keep them}, |wadchanogkut|.
2 plur. {If ye keep me}, |Wadchaneóg|. {If ye keep him}, |wadchanóg|. {If ye keep us}, |wadchaneog|. {If ye keep them}, |wadchanóg|.
3 plur. {If they keep me}, |Wadchanhettit|. {If they keep thee}, |wadchanukquean|. {If they keep him}, |wadchanukáhettit|. {If they keep us}, |wadchanukqueog|. {If they keep you}, |wadchanukqueХg|. {If they keep them}, |wadchanáhettit|.
Present tense.
1 plur. {If we pay thee}, |Paumunog|. {If we pay him}, |paumogkut|. {If we pay you}, |paumunog|. {If we pay them}, |paumogkut|.
2 plur. {If ye pay me}, |Paumeóg|. {If ye pay him}, |paumóg|. {If ye pay us}, |paumeóg|. {If ye pay them}, |paumóg|.
3 plur. {If they pay me}, |Paumhettit|. {If they pay thee}, |paumukquean|. {If they pay him}, |paumáhettit|. {If they pay us}, |paumukqueog|. {If they pay you}, |paumuqueХg|. {If they pay them} |paumáhettit|.
Suppositive Mode.
PrСter tense.
1 sing. {If I did keep thee}, |Wadchanunos|. {If I did keep him}, |waadchanogkus|. {If I did keep you}, |wadchanunógkus|. {If I did keep them}, |wadchanogkus|.
2 sing. {If thou didst keep me}, |Wadchaneas|. {If thou didst keep him}, |wadchanas|. {If thou didst keep us}, |wadchaneogkus|. {If thou didst keep them} |wadchanas|.
3 sing. {If he did keep me}, |Wadchanis|. {If he did keep thee}, |wadchanukqueas|. {If he did keep him}, |wadchanós|. {If he did keep us}, |wadchanukqueogkus|. {If he did keep you}, |wadchanukqueógkus|. {If he did keep them}, |wadchanos|.
PrСter tense.
1 sing. {If I did pay thee}, |Paumunos|. {If I did pay him}, |paumogkus|. {If I did pay you}, |paumunógkus|. {If I did pay them}, |paumogkus|.
2 sing. {If thou didst pay me}, |Paumeas|. {If thou didst pay him}, |paumas|. {If thou didst pay us}, |paumeogkus|. {If thou didst pay them}, |paumas|.
3 sing. {If he did pay me}, |Paumis|. {If he did pay thee}, |paumukqueas|. {If he did pay him}, |paumos|. {If he did pay us}, |paumukqueogkus|. {If he did pay you}, |paumukque[ó]gkus|. {If he did pay them}, |paumos|.
Suppositive Mode.
PrСter tense.
1 plur. {If we did keep thee}, |wadchanunogkus|. {If we did keep him}, |wadchanogkutus|. {If we did keep you}, |wadchanunogkus|. {If we did keep them}, |wadchanogkutus|.
2 plur. {If ye did keep me}, |Wadchaneógkus|. {If ye did keep him}, |wadchanógkus|. {If ye did keep us}, |wadchaneogkus|. {If ye did keep them}, |wadchanógkus|.
3 plur. {If they did keep me}, |wadchanhettis|. {If they did keep thee}, |wadchanukqueas|. {If they did keep him}, |wadchanahettis|. {If they did keep us}, |wadchanukqueogkus|. {If they did keep you}, |wadchanukqueógkus|. {If they did keep them}, |wadchanahettis|.
PrСter tense.
1 plur. {If we did pay thee}, |Paumunogkus|. {If we did pay him}, |paumunogkutus|. {If we did pay you}, |paumunogkus|. {If we did pay them}, |paumogkutus|.
2 plur. {If ye did pay me}, |Paumeogkus|. {If ye did pay him}, |paumogkus|. {If ye did pay us}, |paumeogkus|. {If ye did pay them}, |paumógkus|.
3 plur. {If they did pay me}, |Paumehettis|. {If they did pay thee}, |paumukqueas|. {If they did pay him}, |paumahettis|. {If they did pay us}, |paumukqueogkus|. {If they did pay you}, |paumukqueógkus|. {If they did pay them}, |paumahettis|.
The Indefinite Mode.
Present tense.
{To keep}, |Wadchanónat|.
Present tense.
{To pay}, |Paummuonat|.
The third Person of the Suffix form Animate is capable
to be expressed in the Indefinite Mode.
Note also, That this mode followeth the Indicative and keepeth the Affix.
As for Example.
3 sing. {To keep me,} |N∞wadchanukqunat|. {To keep thee}, |k∞wadchanukqunat|. {To keep him}, |∞wadchanonat|. {To keep us}, |n∞wadchanukqunnanonut|. {To keep you}, |k∞wadchanukqunnaout|. {To keep them}, |∞wadchanonaout|.
3 sing. {To pay me}, |Nuppaumunkqunat|. {To pay thee}, |kuppaumukqunat|. {To pay him}, |uppaumonat|. {To pay us}, |nuppaumukqunnanonut|. {To pay you}, |kuppaumukqunnaout|. {To pay them}, |uppaumonaoont|.
So much for the Suffix form Animate Affirmative.
The Suffix form Animate Negative.
Indicative Mode.
Present tense.
1 sing. {I keep not thee}, |K∞wadchanun∞h|. {I keep not him}, |n∞wadchanХh|. {I keep not you}, |k∞wadchanoog|. {I keep not them}, |Mat n∞wadchanoog|.
2 sing. {Thou keep not me}, |K∞wadchaneuh|. {Thou keep not him}, |k∞wadchanХh|. {Thou keep not us}, |k∞wadchaneumun|. {Thou keep not them,} |Mat k∞wadchanoog|.
3 sing. {He keep not me}, |N∞wadchanuk∞h|. {He keep not thee}, |k∞wadchanuk∞h|. {He keep not him}, |Mat ∞wadchanuh|. {He keep not us}, |n∞wadchanuk∞un|. {He keep not you}, |Mat k∞wadchanuk∞|. {He keep not them}, |Mat ∞wadchanuh|.
Present tense.
1 sing. {I pay not thee}, |Kuppaumun∞h|. {I pay not him}, |nuppaumХh|. {I pay not you}, |kuppaumun∞mw∞|. {I pay not them}, |Mat nuppaum∞g|.
2 sing. {Thou pay not me}, |Kuppaumeuh|. {Thou pay not him}, |kuppaumХh|. {Thou pay not us}, |kuppaumeumun|. {Thou pay not them}, |Mat kuppaumeumoog|.
3 sing. {He pay not me}, |Nuppaumuk∞h|. {He pay not thee}, |Kuppaumuk∞h|. {He pay not him}, |Mat uppaumoh|. {He pay not us,}| |nuppaumuk∞un|. {He pay not you}, |Mat kuppaumuk∞h|. {He pay not them}, |Mat uppaumuh|.
Indicative Mode.
Present tense.
1 plur. {We keep not thee}, |K∞wadchanun∞mun|. {We keep not him}, |mat n∞wadchanóun|. {We keep not you}, |k∞wadchanun∞mun|. {We keep not them}, |mat n∞wadchanounonog|.
2 plur. {Ye keep not me}, |K∞wadchaneumw∞|. {Ye keep not him}, |mat k∞wadchanau|. {Ye keep not us}, |k∞wadchaneumun|. {Ye keep not them}, |mat k∞wadchanoog|.
3 plur. {They keep not me}, |N∞wadchanuk∞og|. {They keep not thee}, |k∞wadchanuk∞og|. {They keep not him}, |mat ∞wadchanouh|. {They keep not us}, |n∞wadchanuk∞unonog|. {They keep not you}, |k∞wadchanuk∞oog|. {They keep not them}, |mat ∞wadchanouh|.
Present tense.
1 plur. {We pay not thee}, |Kuppaumun∞mun|. {We pay not him}, |mat nuppaumoun|. {We pay not you}, |kuppaumun∞mun|. {We pay not them}, |mat nuppaumounonog|.
2 plur. {Ye pay not me}, |Kuppaumeumw∞|. {Ye pay not him}, |mat kuppaumau|. {Ye pay not us}, |kuppaumeumun|. {Ye pay not them}, |mat kuppaumoog|.
3 plur. {They pay not me}, |Nuppaumuk∞og|. {They pay not thee}, |kuppaumuk∞og|. {They pay not him}, |mat uppaumouh|. {They pay not us}, |nuppaumuk∞unonog|. {They pay not you}, |kuppaumuk∞oog|. {They pay not them}, |mat uppaumouh|.
Indicative Mode.
PrСter tense.
1 sing. {I did not keep thee}, |K∞wadchanun∞p|. {I did not keep him}, |mat n∞wadchanóhp|. {I did not keep you}, |k∞wadchanun∞mwop|. {I did not keep them}, |mat n∞wadchanopanneg|.
2 sing. {Thou didst not keep me}, |K∞wadchaneup|. {Thou didst not keep him}, |mat k∞wadchanóp|. {Thou didst not keep us}, |k∞wadchaneumunonup|. {Thou didst not keep them}, |mat k∞wadchanopanneg|.
3 sing. {He did not keep me}, |N∞wadchanuk∞p|. {He did not keep thee}, |k∞wadchanuk∞p|. {He did not keep him}, |mat ∞wadchanópoh|. {He did not keep us}, |n∞wadchanuk∞unonup|. {He did not keep you}, |k∞wadchanuk∞op|. {He did not keep them}, |mat ∞wadchanopoh|.
PrСter tense.
1 sing. {I did not pay thee}, |Kuppaumun∞p|. {I did not pay him}, |mat nuppaumóp| {I did not pay you}, |kuppaumun∞mwop|. {I did not pay them}, |mat nuppaumopanneg|.
2 sing. {Thou didst not pay me}, |Kuppaumeup|. {Thou didst not pay him}, |mat kuppaumХp|. {Thou didst not pay us}, |kuppaumeumunХnup|. {Thou didst not pay them}, |mat kuppaumopanneg|.
3 sing. {He did not pay me}, |Nuppaumuk∞p|. {He did not pay thee}, |kuppaumuk∞p|. {He did not pay him}, |mat paumópoh|. {He did not pay us}, |nuppaumuk∞unonup|. {He did not pay you}, |kuppaumuk∞op|. {He did not pay them}, |mat uppaumopoh|.
Indicative Mode.
PrСter tense.
1 plur. {We did not keep thee}, |K∞wadchanin∞munonup|. {We did not keep him}, |mat n∞wadchanounonup|. {We did not keep you}, |k∞wadchanin∞munonup|. {We did not keep them}, |mat n∞wadchanounonuppanneg|.
2 plur. {Ye did not keep me}, |K∞wadchaneumwop|. {Ye did not keep him}, |mat k∞wadchan∞op|. {Ye did not keep us}, |k∞wadchaneumunonup|. {Ye did not keep them}, |mat k∞wadchanoopanneg|.
3 plur. {They did not keep me}, |N∞wadchanuk∞panneg|. {They did not keep thee}, |k∞wadchanuk∞panneg|. {They did not keep him}, |mat ∞wadchan∞opoh|. {They did not keep us}, |n∞wadchanuk∞unonuppanneg|. {They did not keep you}, |k∞wadchanuk∞oopanneg|. {They did not keep them}, |mat ∞wadchan∞opoh|.
PrСter tense.
1 plur. {We did not pay thee}, Kuppaumun∞munonup|. {We did not pay him}, |mat nuppaumХunonup|. {We did not pay you}, |kuppaumun∞munonup|. {We did not pay them}, |mat nuppaumounonuppДneg|.
2 plur. {Ye did not pay me}, |Kuppaumeumwop|. {Ye did not pay him}, |mat kuppaum∞op|. {Ye did not pay us}, |kuppaumeumunonup|. {Ye did not pay them}, |mat kuppaum∞opanneg|.
3 plur. {They did not pay me}, |Nuppaumuk∞panneg|. {They did not pay thee}, |kuppaumuk∞panneg|. {They did not pay him}, |mat uppaum∞opuh|. {They did not pay us}, |nuppaumuk∞unonuppanneg|. {They did not pay you}, |kuppaumuk∞óopanneg|. {They did not pay them}, |mat uppaum∞opoh|.
The Suffix form animate Negative. Imperative Mode.
Present tense.
1 sing. {Let me not keep thee}, |Wadchanun∞utti|. {Let me not keep him}, |wadchanoonti|. {Let me not keep you}, |wadchanunonkqutti|. {Let me not keep them}, |wadchanoonti|.
2 sing. {Do thou not keep me}, |Wadchanohkon|. {Do thou not keep him}, |wadchanuhkon|. {Do thou not keep us}, |wadchanéittuh|. {Do thou not keep them}, |wadchanuhkon|.
3 sing. {Let not him keep me}, |Wadchanehkitch|. {Let not him keep thee}, |wadchanuk∞hkon|. {Let not him keep him}, |wadchanuhkitch|. {Let not him keep us}, |wadchanuk∞uttuh|. {Let not him keep you}, |wadchanuk∞hteók|. {Let not him keep them}, |wadchanuhkitch|.
Present tense.
1 sing. {Let me not pay thee}, |Paumunutti|. {Let me not pay him}, |paumoonti|. {Let me not pay you}, |paumun∞utti|. {Let me not pay them}, |paumoonti|.
2 sing. {Do thou not pay me}, |Paumehkon|. {Do thou not pay him}, |paumuhkon|. {Do thou not pay us}, |pauméittuh|. {Do thou not pay them}, |paumóhkon|.
3 sing. {Let not him pay me}, |Paumehkitch|. {Let not him pay thee}, |paumuk∞hkon|. {Let not him pay him}, |paumuhkitch|. {Let not him pay us}, |paumuk∞uttuh|. {Let not him pay you}, |paumuk∞hteók|. {Let not him pay them}, |paumuhkitch|.
Imperative Mode.
Present tense.
1 plur. {Let not us keep thee}, |Wadchanun∞uttuh|. {Let not us keep him}, |wadchanóontuh|. {Let not us keep you}, |wadchanun∞uttuh|. {Let not us keep them}, |wadchanoontuh|.
2 plur. {Do not ye keep me}, |Wadchanehteók|. {Do not ye keep him}, |wadchanuhteók|. {Do not ye keep us}, |wadchanéinnean|. {Do not ye keep them}, |wadchanuhteók|.
3 plur. {Let not them keep me}, |Wadchanehettekitch|. {Let not them keep thee}, |wadchanuk∞hkon|. {Let not them keep him}, |wadchanahettekitch|. {Let not them keep us}, |wadchanuk∞uttuh|. {Let not them keep you}, |wadchanuk∞hteok|. {Let not them keep them}, |wadchanahettekitch|.
Present tense.
1 plur. {Let not us pay thee}, |Paumun∞uttuh|. {Let not us pay him}, |paumoontuh|. {Let not us pay you}, |paumun∞uttuh|. {Let not us pay them}, |paumoontuh|.
2 plur. {Do not ye pay me}, |Paumehteok|. {Do not ye pay him}, |paumuhteok|. {Do not ye pay us}, |pauméinnean|. {Do not ye pay them}, |paumuhteok|.
3 plur. {Let not them pay me}, |Paumehettekitch|. {Let not them pay thee}, |paumuk∞hkon|. {Let not them pay him}, |paumahettekitch|. {Let not them pay us}, |paumuk∞uttuh|. {Let not them pay you}, |paumuk∞hteok|. {Let not them pay them}, |paumahettekitch|.
The Suffix form Animate Negative. Optative Mode.
Present tense.
1 sing. {I wish I keep not thee}, |K∞waadchanun∞un-toh|. {I wish I keep not him}, |n∞waadchanoun-toh|. {I wish I keep not you}, |k∞waadchanun∞uneau-toh|. {I wish I keep not them}, |n∞waadchanouneau-toh|.
2 sing. {I wish thou do not keep me}, |K∞waadchanein-toh|. {I wish thou do not keep him}, |k∞waadchanoon-toh|. {I wish thou do not keep us}, |k∞waadchanein-toh|. {I wish thou do not keep them}, |k∞waadchanouneau-toh|.
3 sing. {I wish he do not keep me}, |N∞waadchanuk∞un-toh|. {I wish he do not keep thee}, |k∞waadchanuk∞un-toh|. {I wish he do not keep him}, |∞waadchanoon-toh|. {I wish he do not keep us}, |n∞waadchanuk∞unan-toh|. {I wish he do not keep you}, |k∞waadchanuk∞uneau-toh|. {I wish he do not keep them}, |∞waadchanoon-toh|.
Present tense.
1 sing. {I wish I do not pay thee}, |Kuppapaumun∞un-toh|. {I wish I do not pay him}, |nuppapaumoon-toh|. {I wish I do not pay you}, |kuppapaumun∞uneau-toh|. {I wish I do not pay them}, |nuppapaumouneau-toh|.
2 sing. {I wish thou do not pay me}, |Kuppapauméin-toh|. {I wish thou do not pay him}, |kuppapaumoon-toh|. {I wish thou do not pay us}, |kuppapauméinan-toh|. {I wish thou do not pay them}, |kuppapaumouneau-toh|.
3 sing. {I wish he do not pay me}, |Nuppapaumuk∞un-toh|. {I wish he do not pay thee}, |kuppapamuk∞un-toh|. {I wish he do not pay him}, |uppapaumoun-toh|. {I wish he do not pay us}, |nuppapaumuk∞unan-toh|. {I wish he do not pay you}, |kuppapaumuk∞uneau-toh|. {I wish he do not pay them}, |uppapaumouneau-toh|.
Optative Mode. Present tense.
1 plur. {I wish we do not keep thee}, |K∞waadchanun∞unan-toh|. {I wish we do not keep him}, |n∞waadchanounan-toh|. {I wish we do not keep you}, |k∞waadchanounan-toh|. {I wish we do not keep them}, |n∞waadchanounan-toh|.
2 plur. {I wish ye do not keep me}, |K∞waadchaneinneau-toh|. {I wish ye do not keep him}, |k∞waadchanouneau-toh|. {I wish ye do not keep us}, |k∞waadchanéinnean-toh|. {I wish ye do not keep them}, |k∞waadchanouneau-toh|.
3 plur. {I wish they do not keep me}, |N∞waadchanuk∞uneau-toh|. {I wish they do not keep thee}, |k∞waadchanuk∞uneau-toh|. {I wish they do not keep him}, |∞waadchanouneau-toh|. {I wish they do not keep us}, |n∞waadchanuk∞unan-toh|. {I wish they do not keep you}, |k∞waadchanuk∞uneau-toh|. {I wish they do not keep them}, |∞waadchanouneau-toh|.
Present tense.
1 plur. {I wish we do not pay thee}, |Kuppapaumun∞on-toh|. {I wish we do not pay him}, |nuppapaumoon-toh|. {I wish we do not pay you}, |kuppapaumun∞unan-toh|. {I wish we do not pay them}, |nuppapaumounan-toh|.
2 plur. {I wish ye do not pay me}, |Kuppapauméineau-toh|. {I wish ye do not pay him }, |kuppapaumooneau-toh|. {I wish ye do not pay us}, |kuppapauméinan-toh|. {I wish ye do not pay them}, |kuppapaumooneau-toh|.
3 plur. {I wish they do not pay me}, |Nuppapaumuk∞uneau-toh|. {I wish they do not pay thee}, |kuppapaumuk∞uneau-toh|. {I wish they do not pay him}, |uppapaumouneau-toh|. {I wish they do not pay us}, |nuppapaumuk∞unan-toh|. {I wish they do not pay you}, |kuppapaumuk∞uneau-toh|. {I wish they do not pay them}, |uppapaumouneau-toh|.
Optative Mode. PrСter tense.
1 sing. {I wish I did not keep thee}, |K∞waadchanun∞unaz-toh|. {I wish I did not keep him}, |n∞waadchanХunaz-toh|. {I wish I did not keep you}, |k∞waadchanunounaouz-toh|. {I wish I did not keep them}, |n∞waadchanХunaouz-toh|.
2 sing. {I wish thou didst not keep me}, |K∞waadchanéinaz-toh|. {I wish thou didst not keep him}, |k∞waadchanóunaz-toh|. {I wish thou didst not keep us}, |k∞waadchaneinanonaz-toh|. {I wish thou didst not keep them}, |k∞waadchanounnaouz-toh|.
3 sing. {I wish he did not keep me}, |N∞waadchanuk∞unuz-toh|. {I wish he did not keep thee}, |k∞waadchanuk∞unaz-toh|. {I wish he did not keep him}, |∞waadchanounaz-toh|. {I wish he did not keep us}, |n∞waadchanuk∞unanonuz-toh|. {I wish he did not keep you}, |k∞waadchanuk∞aunouz-toh|. {I wish he did not keep them}, |∞waadchanХunaouz-toh|.
PrСter tense.
1 sing. {I wish I did not pay thee}, |Kuppapaumun∞unaz-toh|. {I wish I did not pay him}, |nuppapaumounaz-toh|. {I wish I did not pay you}, |kuppapaumun∞unaouz-toh|. {I wish I did not pay them}, |nuppapaumounaouz-toh |.
2 sing. {I wish thou didst not pay me}, |Kuppapauméinaz-toh|. {I wish thou didst not pay him}, |kuppapaumounaz-toh|. {I wish thou didst not pay us}, |kuppapauméinanonuz-toh|. {I wish thou didst not pay them}, |kuppapaumnounaouz-toh|.
3 sing. {I wish he did not pay me}, |Nuppapaumuk∞unaz-toh|. {I wish he did not pay thee}, |kuppapaumuk∞unaz-toh|. {I wish he did not pay him}, |uppapaumóunaz-toh|. {I wish he did not pay us}, |nuppapaumuk∞Бanonuz-toh|. {I wish he did not pay you}, |kuppapaumuk∞unaouz-toh|. {I wish he did not pay them}, |uppapaumounaz-toh |.
Optative Mode.
PrСter tense.
1 plur. {I wish we did not keep thee}, |K∞waadchanun∞unanonuz-toh |. {I wish we did not keep him}, |n∞waadchanХunanouz-toh|. {I wish we did not keep you}, |k∞waadchan∞unaouz-toh|. {I wish we did not keep them}, |n∞waadchan∞unaouz-toh|.
2 plur. {I wish ye did not keep me}, |K∞waadchanéinaХuz-toh|. {I wish ye did not keep him}, |k∞waadchanónuaouz-toh|. {I wish ye did not keep us}, |k∞waadchanéinanonaz-toh|. {I wish ye did not keep them}, |k∞waadchanounaouz-toh|.
3 plur. {I wish they did not keep me}, |N∞waadchanuk∞unaz-toh|. {I wish they did not keep thee}, |k∞waadchanuk∞unaz-toh|. {I wish they did not keep him}, |∞waadchanounaoaz-toh|. {I wish they did not keep us}, |n∞waadchanuk∞unanonaz-toh|. {I wish they did not keep you}, |k∞waadchanuk∞unaouz-toh|. {I wish they did not keep them}, |∞waadchanounaoaz-toh|.
PrСter tense.
1 plur. {I wish we did not pay thee}, |Kuppapaumun∞unanonuz-toh|. {I wish we did not pay him}, |nuppapaumounanonuz-toh|. {I wish we did not pay you}, |kuppapaumun∞unaoaz-toh|. {I wish we did not pay them}, |nuppapaumounaóaz-toh|.
2 plur. {I wish ye did not pay me}, |Kuppapauméinaoaz-toh|. {I wish ye did not pay him}, |kuppapaumoonaoaz-toh|. {I wish ye did not pay us}, |kuppapauméinnanonaz-toh|. {I wish ye did not pay them}, |kuppapaumoonaoaz-toh|.
3 plur. {I wish they did not pay me}, |Nuppapaumuk∞unaooz-toh|. {I wish they did not pay thee}, |kuppapaumuk∞unaooz-toh|. {I wish they did not pay him}, |uppapaumoonaz-toh|. {I wish they did not pay us}, |nuppapaumuk∞nnuanonaz-toh|. {I wish they did not pay you}, |kuppapaumuk∞unaoaz-toh|. {I wish they did not pay them}, |uppapaumounaoaz-toh|.
The Suffix form Animate Negative.
Suppositive Mode.
Present tense.
1 sing. {If I keep not thee}, |Wadchanun∞on|. {If I keep not him}, |wadchanoog|. {If I keep not you}, |wadchanun∞og|. {If I keep not them}, |wadchanoog|.
2 sing. {If thou keep not me}, |wadchaneean|. {If thou keep not him}, |wadchanoadt|. {If thou keep not us}, |wadchaneeog|. {If thou keep not them}, |wadchanoadt|.
3 sing. {If he keep not me}, |Wadchaneegk|. {If he keep not thee}, |wadchanuk∞an|. {If he keep not him}, |wadchanunk|. {If he keep not us}, |wadchanuk∞og|. {If he keep not you}, |wadchanuk∞óg|. {If he keep not them}, |wadchanunk|.
Present tense.
1 sing. {If I pay not thee}, |Paumun∞on|. {If I pay not him}, |Paumoog|. {If I pay not you}, |Paumun∞óg|. {If I pay not them}, |Paumoog|.
2 sing. {If thou pay not me}, |Paumeean|. {If thou pay not him}, |Paumoadt|. {If thou pay not us}, |Paumeeog|. {If thou pay not them}, |Paumoadt|.
3 sing. {If he pay not me}, |Paumeegk|. {If he pay not thee}, |paumuk∞an|. {If he pay not him}, |paumunk|. {If he pay not us}, |paumuk∞og|. {If he pay not you}, |paumuk∞óg|. {If he pay not them}, |paumunk|.
Suppositive Mode|. Present tense.
1 plur. {If we keep not thee}, |Wadchanun∞og|. {If we keep not him}, |wadchanoogkut|. {If we keep not you}, |wadchanun∞og|. {If we keep not them}, |wadchanoogkut|.
2 plur. {If ye keep not me}, |Wadchaneeóg|. {If ye keep not him}, |wadchanoóg|. {If ye keep not us}, |wadchaneeog|. {If ye keep not them}, |wadchanoóg|.
3 plur. {If they keep not me}, |Wadchanehetteg|. {If they keep not thee}, |wadchanuk∞an|. {If they keep not him}, |wadchanahetteg|. {If they keep not us}, |wadchanuk∞og|. {If they keep not you}, |wadchanuk∞óg|. {If they keep not them}, |wadchanahetteg|.
Present tense.
1 plur. {If we pay not thee}, |Paumun∞og|. {If we pay not him}, |paumoogkut|. {If we pay not you}, |paumun∞óg|. {If we pay not them}, |paumoogkut|.
2 plur. {If ye pay not me}, |PaumeeХg|. {If ye pay not him}, |paumôХg|. {If ye pay not us}, |paumeeog|. {If ye pay not them}, |paumôХg|.
3 plur. {If they pay not me}, |Paumehetteg|. {If they pay not thee}, |paumuk∞an|. {If they pay not him}, |paumahetteg|. {If they pay not us}, |paumuk∞og|. {If they pay not you}, |paumuk∞Хg|. {If they pay not them}, |paumahetteg|.
Suppositive Mode. PrСter tense.
1 sing. {If I did not keep thee}, |Wadchanun∞os|. {If I did not keep him}, |wadchanoogkus|. {If I did not keep you}, |wadchanun∞ógkus|. {If did not keep them}, |wadchanoogkus|.
2 sing. {If thou didst not keep me}, |Wadchaneeas|. {If thou didst not keep him|. |wadchanoas|. {If thou didst not keep us}, |wadchaneeogkus|. {If thou didst not keep them}, |wadchanoógkus|.
3 sing. {If he did not keep me}, |Wadchaneekus|. {If he did not keep thee}, |wadchanuk∞as|. {If he did not keep him}, |wadchanunkus|. {If he did not keep us}, |wadchanuk∞∞ógkus|. {If he did not keep you}, |wadchanukogkus|. {If he did not keep them}, |wadchanunkus|.
PrСter tense.
1 sing. {If I did not pay thee}, |Paumun∞os|. {If I did not pay him}, |paumoogkus|. {If I did not pay you}, |paumun∞ógkus|. {If I did not pay them}, |paumoogkus|.
2 sing. {If thou didst not pay me}, |Paumeeas|. {If thou didst not pay him}, |paumoas|. {If thou didst not pay us}, |paumeeogkus|. {If thou didst not pay them}, |paumoógkus|.
3 sing. {If he did not pay me}, |Paumeekus|. {If he did not pay thee}, |paumuk∞as|. {If he did not pay him}, |paumunkus|. {If he did not pay us}, |paumuk∞ogkus|. {If he did not pay you}, |paumuk∞ógkus|. {If he did not pay them}, |paumunkus|.
Suppositive Mode.
PrСter tense.
1 plur. {If we did not keep thee}, |Wadchanun∞ogkus|. {if we did not keep him}, |wadchanoogkutus|. {If we did not keep you}, |wadchanun∞ógkus|. {If we did not keep them}, |wadchanoogkutus|.
2 plur. {If ye did not keep me}, |Wadchaneeógkus|. {If ye did not keep him}, |wadchanoógkus}, {If ye did not keep us}, |wadchaneeogkus|. {If ye did not keep them}, |wadchanoógkus|.
3 plur. {If they did not keep me}, |Wadchanehettegkis|. {If they did not keep thee}, |wadchanuk∞as|. {If they did not keep him}, |wadchanunkus|. {If they did not keep us}, |wadchanuk∞ogkus|. {If they did not keep you}, |wadchanuk∞ógkus|. {If they did not keep them}, |wadchanahettegkis|.
PrСter tense.
1 plur. {If we did not pay thee}, |Paumun∞ogkus|. {If we did not pay him}, |paumoogkutus|. {If we did not pay you}, |paumun∞ógkus|. {If we did not pay them}, |paumoogkutus|.
2 plur. {If ye did not pay me}, |Paumeeógkus|. {If ye did not pay him}, |paumoógkus|. {If ye did not pay us}, |paumeeogkus|. {If ye did not pay them}, |paumoógkus|.
3 plur. {If they did not pay me}, |Paumehettegkis|. {If they did not pay thee}, |paumuk∞as|. {If they did not pay him}, |paumunkus|. {If they did not pay us}, |paumuk∞ogkus|. {If they did not pay you}, |paumuk∞Хgkus|. {If they did not pay them}, |paumahettegkis|.
The Indefinite Mode.
Present tense.
{Not to keep}, |Wadchanounat|.
Present tense.
{Not to pay}, |Paummuôunat|.
The third Person of the Suffix form Animate Negative is found expressible in this Mode Indefinite: As
3 sing. {Not to keep me}, |N∞wadchanuk∞unat|. {Not to keep thee} |k∞wadchanuk∞unat|. {Not to keep him}, |∞wadchanounat|. {Not to keep us}, |n∞wadchanuk∞unnanonut|. {Not to keep you}, |k∞wadchanuk∞unnaout|. {Not to keep them}, |∞wadchanounat|.
3 sing. {Not to pay me}, |Nuppaumunk∞unat|. {Not to pay thee}, |kuppaumuk∞unat|. {Not to pay him}, |uppaumounat|. {Not to pay us}, |nuppaumuk∞unnanonut|. {Not to pay you}, |kuppaumuk∞unnaout|. {Not to pay them}, |uppaumounnaout|.
So much for the Suffix form Animate Negative.
<305> [p.59]
The Suffix form Animate Causative is not universally applicable to this Verb; neither have I yet fully beat it out; onely in some chief wayes of the use of it in Speech I shall here set down leaving the rest for afterwards, if God will, and that I live to adde unto this beginning.
1 {I cause thee to keep me}, |K∞wadchanumwaheshnuhhog|. {I cause thee to keep him}, |k∞wadchanumwahunun|. {I cause thee to keep them}, |k∞wadchanumwahunununk|.
2 {Thou makest me keep him}, |K∞wadchanumwahen|. {Thou makest me keep them}. |k∞wadchanumwáheneunk|.
3 {He maketh me keep him}, |N∞wadchanumwahikqunuh|. {He maketh me keep them}, |nah n∞wadchanБwadikqБuh|.
1 {I cause thee not to keep me}. |K∞wadchanБwahБ∞hnuhhog|. {I cause thee not to keep him}, |k∞wadchanumwahun∞un|. {I cause thee not to keep them}, |k∞wadchanumwahun∞unБk|.
2 {Thou makest me not keep him}, |K∞wadchanumwahéin|. {Thou makest me not keep them}, |k∞wadchanumwaheinunk|.
3 {He maketh me not keep him}, |N∞wadchanumwahik∞unuh|. {He maketh me not keep them}, Ibid.
Imperative Mode.
Affirmative. {Make me keep him}, |Wadchanumwaheh n noh|. {Make me keep them}, |Nah wadchanumwaheh|.
Negative. {Make me not keep him}, |wadchanumwahehkon|. {Make me not keep them}, Ibid.
Suppositive Mode.
Affirmative. {If thou make me keep him}, |Wadchanumwahean yeuoh|.
Negative. {If thou make me not keep him}, |Wadchanumwaheean|.
I WAS purposed to put in no more Paradigms of Verbs; but considering that all Languages (so farre as I know) and this also, do often make use of the Verb Substantive Passive, and in the reason of Speech it is of frequent use: Considering also that it doth differ in its formation from other Verbs, and that Verbals are often derived out of this form, as |Wadchanittuonk|, {Salvation}, &c. &c. I have therefore here put down an Example thereof.
The Verb Substantive Passive. |N∞wadchanit|, {I am kept}.
Indicative Mode.
Present tense.
sing. {I am kept}, |N∞wadchanit|. {Thou art kept}, |k∞wadchanit|. {He is kept}, |wadchanau|.
Present tense.
plur. {We are kept}, |N∞wadchanitteamun|. {Ye are kept}, |k∞wadchanitteamw∞|. {They are kept}, |wadchanoog|.
PrСter tense.
sing. {I was kept}, |N∞wadchanitteap|. {Thou wast kept}, |k∞wadchanitteap|. He was kept}, |wadchanop|.
PrСter tense.
plur. {We were kept}, |N∞wadchanitteamunónup|. {Ye were kept}, |k∞wadchanitteamwóp|. {They were kept}, |wadchanopanneg|.
Imperative Mode.
sing. {Let me be kept}, |Wadchanitteadti|. {Be thou kept}, |wadchanitteash|. {Let him be kept}, |wadchanaj|.
plur. {Let us be kept}, |Wadchanitteatuh|. {Be ye kept}, |wadchanitteak|. {Let them be kept}, |wadchanaj|.
Optative Mode.
Present tense.
sing. {I wish I be kept}, |N∞waadchanittean-toh|. {I wish thou be kept}, |k∞waadchanittean-toh|. {I wish he be kept}, |waadchanon-toh|.
Present tense.
plur. {I wish we be kept}, |N∞waadchanitteanan-toh {I wish ye be kept}, |k∞waadchanitteaneau-toh|. {I wish they be kept}, |waadchanoneau-toh|.
PrСter tense.
sing. {I wish I was kept}, |N∞waadchanitteanaz-toh|. {I wish thou wast kept}, |k∞waadchanitteanaz-toh|. {I wish he was kept}, |waadchanХnaz-toh|.
PrСter tense.
plur. {I wish we were kept}, |N∞waadchanitteananХnuz-toh|. {I wish ye were kept}, |k∞waadchanitteanaouz-toh|. {I wish they were kept}, |waadchanonaouz-toh|.
Suppositive Mode.
Present tense.
sing. {When I am kept}, |Wadchanitteaon|. {When thou art kept}, |wadchanitteaan|. {When he is kept}, |wadchanit noh|.
Present tense.
plur. {When we are kept}, |Wadchanitteaog|. {When ye are kept}, |wadchanitteaóg|. {When they are kept}, |wadchanit nag|.
The PrСter tense is formed by adding (|us| or |ás|) unto the Present tense.
Indefinite Mode. |Wadchanittéinát|, {To be kept}.
The form Negative of the Verb Substantive Passive.
Indicative Mode.
Present tense.
sing. {I am not kept}, |N∞wadchanitteХh |. {Thou art not kept}, |k∞wadchanitteХh|. {He is not kept}, |Mat wadchanau|.
Present tense.
plur. {We are not kept}, |N∞wadchanitteoumun|. {Ye are not kept}, |k∞wadchanitteoumw∞|. {They are not kept}, |Mat wadchanoog|.
PrСter tense.
sing. {I was not kept}, |N∞wadchanitteohp|. {Thou wast not kept}, |k∞wadchaniitteohp|. {He was not kept}, |Mat wadchanôuop|.
PrСter tense.
plur. {We were not kept}, |N∞wadchanitteoumunnonup|. {Ye were not kept}, |k∞wadchanitteoumwop|. {They were not kept}, |Mat wadchanoop|.
Imperative Mode of the form Negative Passive.
sing. {Be thou not kept}, |Wadchanittuhkon|. {Let not him be kept}, |wadchittekitch|.
plur. {Be not ye kept}, |Wadchanittuhk∞k|. {Let not them be kept}, |wadchannittekhettich|.
Suppositive Mode Passive Negative.
Present tense.
sing. {When I am not kept}, |Wadchaneumuk|. {When thou art not kept}, |wadchanin∞muk|. {When he is not kept}, |wadchanómuk|.
Present tense.
The Plural is formed by adding (|Mat|) unto the form Affirmative.
The PrСter tense is formed by adding [|us| or |ás|] to the Present tense.
The Indefinite Mode Passive Negative. |Wadchnanóunát|, {Not to be kept}.
A TABLE of the Grammar of the Suffix Verbs Affirmative wherein onely the Suffixes, viz. The Grammatical Addition after the word, are set down : As for the Affix or Prefix, you may observe it is used onely in the Indicative and Optative Modes ; The Imperative and Suppositive Modes, lay it by, and are varied onely by the Suffix. Also note that ({I him}) and {Thou him}) in the Indicative Mode, is the Radicall word with the Affix; and ({Do thou him}) in the Imperative Mode is the Radicall word without any Affix or Suffix : and what is prefixed or suffixed to the Radix is Grammar.
Indicative Mode. Present tense.
1 1 |oush| 2 {radic} 3 |unumw∞| 4 |oog|
2 1 |eh| or |ah| 2 {radic}. 3 |imun| 4 |oog|
3 1 |uk| 2 |uk| 3 |oh| or |uh| 4 |ukqun| 5 |ukkou| 6 |oh| or |uh|
1 1 |unumun| 2 |óun| 3 |unumun| 4 |óunónog|
2 1 |imw∞| 2 |au| 3 |imun| 4 |auoog|
3 1 |ukquog| 2 |ukquog| 3 |ouh| 4 |ukqunonog| 5 |uk∞oog| 6 |ouh|
PrСter tense.
1 1 |unup| 2 |óp| 3 |unumwop| 4 |opanneg|
2 1 |ip| 2 |op| 3 |imunónup| 4 |opanneg|
3 1 |ukup| 2 |ukup| 3 |opoh| 4 |ukqunónup| 5 |uk∞wop| 6 |opoh|
1 1 |unumunónup| 2 |óunónup| 3 |unumunónup| 4 |óunónuppanneg|
2 1 |imwop| 2 |auop| 3 |imunónup| 4 |auopanneg|
3 1 |ukuppanneg| 2 |ukuppanneg| 3 |auopuh| 4 |ukqunónuppanneg| 5 |uk∞ópanneg| 6 |auopoh|
Imperative Mode.
1 1 |unutti| 2 |onti| 3 |unnonkqutch| 4 |onti|
2 1 |eh| 2 {radic}. 3 |innean| 4 {radic}.
3 1 |itch| 2 |ukqush| 3 |onch| 4 |ukqutteuh| 5 |uk∞k| 6 |onch|
1 1 |unuttuh| 2 |ontuh| 3 |unuttuh| 4 |ontuh|
2 1 |egk| or |ig| 2 |ók| 3 |innean| 4 |ók|
1 |ukquttei| or |éhettich| 2 |ukqush| 3 |ahettich| 4 |ukqutteuh| 5 |uk∞k| 6 |ahettich|
Optative Mode.
Present tense.
1 1 |unon| 2 |on| 3 |uneau| 4 |óneau|
2 1 |in| 2 |on| 3 |unean| 4 |óneau|
3 1 |ukqun| 2 |ukqun| 3 |on| 4 |ukqunán| 5 |ukquneau| 6 |on|
1 1 |unan| 2 |ónán| 3 |unan| 4 |ónán|
2 1 |uneau| 2 |oneau| 3 |unean| 4 |óneua|
3 1 |ukquneau| 2 |ukquneau| 3 |óneau| 4 |ukqunán| 5 |ukquneau| 6 |óneau|
PrСter tense.
1 1 |unuaz| 2 |ónaz| 3 |ununnaóuz| 4 |ónaóuz|
2 1 |ineaz| 2 |onaz| 3 |uneanónuz| 4 |ónaóuz|
3 1 |ukqunaz| 2 |ukqunaz| 3 |onaz| 4 |ukqunanonuz| 5 |ukqunaóuz| 6 |onaouz|
1 1 |unanónuz| 2 |ónanónuz| 3 |unanónuz| 4 |ónanonuz|
2 1 |ineaóuz| 2 |ónaóuz| 3 |ineanonuz| 4 |ónaouz|
3 1 |ukqunaouz| 2 |ukqunaouz| 3 |ónaouz| 4 |ukqunanonuz| 5 |ukqunaóuz| 6 |ónaóuz|
Suppositive Mode.
Present tense.
1 1 |unon| 2 |og| 3 |unog| 4 |og|
2 1 |ean| 2 |adt| or |at| 3 |eog| 4 |adt| or |at|
3 1 |it| 2 |ukquean| 3 |ont| 4 |ukqueog| 5 |ukqueóg| 6 |ont|
1 1 |unog| 2 |ogkut| 3 |unog| 4 |ogkut|
2 1 |eóg| 2 |óg| 3 |eóg| 4 |óg|
3 1 |hettit| 2 |ukquean| 3 |áhettit| 4 |ukqueog| 5 |ukqueóg| 6 |ahettit|
PrСter tense.
1 1 |unos| 2 |ogkus| 3 |unogkus| 4 |ogkus|
2 1 |eas| 2 |as| 3 |egkus| 4 |as|
3 1 |is| 2 |ukqueas| 3 |os| 4 |ukqueogkus| 5 |ukqueôgkus| 6 |os|
1 1 |unogkus| 2 |ogkutus| 3 |unogkus| 4 |ogkutus|
2 1 |eógkus| 2 |ògkus| 3 |eógkus| 4 |ogkus|
3 1 |ehettis| 2 |ukqueas| 3 |ahettis| 4 |ukqueogkus| 5 |ukqueôg| 6 |ahettis|
Only remember that (|toh|) is to be annexed to every person and variation in this Mode.