|AScúmetesìmmis?| `Have you not yet eaten?' |Matta niccattuppúmmin|- `I am not hungry.' |Niccàwkatone| `I am thirstie.' |Mannippêno?| `Have you no water?' |Nip|, {or} |nipéwese| `Give me some water.' |Nàmitch, commetesìmmin|- `Stay, you must eat first.'
Teaqua <11> <Of {Eating} and {Entertainment}.> |Téaquacumméich| `What will you eat?' |Nókehick.| `Parch'd meal' which is a readie very wholesome food, which they eate with a little water, hot or cold; I have travelled with neere 200. of them at once, neere 100. miles through the woods, every man carrying a {little Basket} of this at his {back}, and sometimes in a hollow {Leather Girdle} about his middle, sufficient for a man three or foure daies:
With this readie provision, and their {Bow} and {Arrowes}, are they ready for {War}, and {travell} at an {houres} warning. With a {spoonfull} of this {meale} and a {spoonfull} of water from the {Brooke}, have I made many a good dinner and supper. |Aupúmmineanash.| `The parch'd corne.' |Aupúminea-nawsaùmp.|- `The parc'd meale boild with water at their houses, which is the wholesomest diet they have.' |Msìckquatash.| `Boild corne whole.' |Manusqussêdash.| `Beanes.' |Nasàump.| `A kind of meale pottage, unpartch'd.'
From this the {English} call their |Samp|, which is the {Indian} corne, beaten and boild, and eaten hot or cold with milke or butter, which are
mercies <12> <Of {Eating} and {Entertainment}.>
mercies beyond the {Natives} plaine water, and which is a dish exceeding wholesome for the {English} bodies. |Puttuckqunnége.| `A Cake.' |Puttuckqunnêgunafh puttúckqui.| `Cakes or loves round.' |Teâgun kuttiemaúnch?|0 `What shall I dresse for you?' |Assámme.| `Give me to eate.' |Ncàttup.| `I am hungrie.' |Wúnna ncáttup.| `I am very hungry.' |Nippaskanaún tum.| `J am almost starved.' |Pautous notatàm.| `Give me drinke.' |Sókenish.| `Powre forth.' |Cosaúme sokenúmmis.|0 `You have powred out too much.' |Wuttàttash.| `Drinke.' |Nquitchetàmmin| `Let me taste.' |Quìtchetash.| `Taste.' |Saunqui nip?| `Is the wa ter coo' |Saunkopaúgot.| `Coole water.' |Chowhêsu.| `It is warme.' |Aquie wuttàttash.| `Doe not drinke.' |Aquie waúmatous.| `Doe not drinke all.' |Necáwni mèich teàqua.| `First eat something' |Tawhitch mat mechóan?|0 `Why eat you not?'
Wussaúme <13> <Of {Eating} and {Entertainment.}> |Wussaúme kusópita.| `It is too hot.' |Teâguun numméitch| `What shall I eate?' |Mateag keesitáuano?| `Is there nothing ready boyld?' |Mateag mécho ewò.| `He eats nothing.' |Cotchikésu assamme.| `Cut me a piece.' |Cotchekúnnemi weeyoùs.|0 `Cut me some meat.' |Metesìttuck.| `Let us goe eate.' |Pautiìnnea méchimucks.|- `Bring hither some victualls.' |Numwàutous.| `Fill the dish.' |Mihtukméchakick.|0 `Tree-eaters.' A people so called (living between three and foure hundred miles West into the land) from their eating only |Mihtúchquash|, that is, Trees: They are {Men-eaters}, they set no corne, but live on the {bark} of {Chesnut} and {Walnut}, and other fine trees: They dry and eat this {bark} with the fat of Beasts, and somtimes of men: This people are the {terrour} of the neighbour {Natives}; and yet these {Rebells}, the Sonne of God may in time subdue. |Mauchepweéean.| `After I have eaten.' |Maúchepwucks.| `After meales.' |Maúchepwut.| `When he hath eaten.' |Paúshaqua maúchepwut.|- `After dinner.'
Wàyyeyant <14> <Of {Eating} and {Entertainment.}> |Wàyyeyant maúchepwut.|- `After supper.' |Nquittmaúntash.| `Smell.' |Weetimóquat.| `It smells sweet.' |Machemóqut.| `It stinks.' |Weékan.| `It is sweet.' |Machìppoquat.| `It is sowre.' |Aúwusse weékan.| `It is sweeter.' |Askùn.| `It is raw.' |Noónat.| `Not enough.' |Wusàume wékissu.| `Too much either boyled or rosted.' |Waúmet Taúbi.| `It is enough.' |Wuttattumutta.| `Let us drinke.' |Neesneechahettit taúbi.| `Eenough for twentie men.' |Mattacuckquàw.| `A Cooke.' |Mattacúcquass.| `Cooke or dresse.' |Matcuttassamiin?| `Will you not give me to eate?' |Keen méitch.| `pray eate.'
They generally all take {Tobacco}; and it is commonly the only plant which men labour in; the women managing all the rest: they say they take {Tobacco} for two causes; first, against the rheume, which cavseth the toothake, which they are impatient of: secondly, to revive and refresh them, they drinking nothing but water.
Squttame <15> <Of {Eating} and {Entertainment.}> |Squuttame.| `Give me your pipe.' |Petasìnna|, {or}, |Wuttàmmasin.|- `Give mee some Tabacco.' |Ncattaúntum|, {or}, |Ncàttiteam.| `I long for that.' |Màuchinaash nowépiteass.|- `My teeth are naught.' |Nummashackquneaúmen.|0 `Wee are in a dearth.' |Mashackquineâug.| `We have no food.' |Aúcuck.| `A Kettle.' |Mìshquockuk.| `A red Copper Kettle.' |Nétop kuttàssammish.| `Friend, I have brought you this.' |Quàmphash quamphomìinea.|- `Take up for me out of the pot.' |Eìppoquat.| `It is sweet.' |Teàqua aspúckquat?| `What doth it taste of?' |Nowétipo.| `I like this.' |Wenómeneash.| `Grapes or Raysins.' |Waweécocks.| `Figs, or some strange sweet meat.' |Nemaúanash.| `Provision for the way.' |Nemauanìnnuit.| `A snapsacke.' |Tackhúmmin.| `To grind corne.' |Tackhumìinnea.| `Beat me parch'd meale.' |Pishquéhick.| `Vnparch'd meale.' |Nummaùchip nup mauchepúmmin.| `We have eaten all.'
Cow- <16> <Of {Eating} and {Entertainment.}> |Cowàump?| `Have you enough?' |Nowâump.| `I have enough.' |Mohowaúgsuck|, {or}, |Mauquàuog,| `The Canibals, or Men-eaters, up into the west, two, three or foure hundred miles from us.' from |móho| `to eate.' |Cummóhucquock.| `They will eate you.'
Whomsoever commeth in when they are eating, they offer them to eat of that which they have though but little enough prepar'd for themselves. If any provision of {fish} or {flesh} come in, they make their neighbours partakers with them.
If any stranger come in, they presently give him to eate of what they have; many a time, and at all times of the night (as I have fallen in travell upon their houses) when nothing hath been ready, have themselves and their wives, risen to prepare me some refreshing.