|Aúke|, {&} |Sanaukamuck.| `Earth or Land.' |Nìttauke| `My Land.' |Nissawnâwkamuck.| |Wuskáukamuck.| `New ground.' |Aquegunnìtteash.| `Fields worne out.' |Mihtúck-quash.| `Trees.' |Pauchautaqun-nêsash.| `Branch, Branches.' |Wunnèpog-guash.| `Leafe, leaves.' |Wattáp.| `A root of Tree,' |Séip.| `A River.' |Toyùsk.| `A bridge.' |Sepoêse.| `A little River.' |Sepoêmese.| `A little Rivulet.' |Takêkum.| `A Spring.' |Takekummúo?| `Is there a Spring.'
Sepúo? <93/r.95> <Of {the Earth and} F{ruits thereof}.> |Sepúo?| `Is there a River?' |Toyusquanúo.| `Is there a Bridge.'
{Obs.} The Natives are very exact and punctuall in the bounds of their Lands, belonging to this or that Prince or People, (even to a River, Brooke) &c. And I have knowne them make bargaine and sale amongst themselves for a small piece, or quantity of Ground: notwithstanding a sinfull opinion amongst mauy that Christians have right to {Heathens} Lands: but of the delusion of that phrase, I have spoke in a discourse concerning the {Indians} Conversion. |Paugáutemisk.| `An Oake.' |Wómpimish.| `A Chesnut Tree.' |Wómpimineash.| `Chesnutts.'
{Obs.} The {Indians} have an Art of drying their Chesnuts, and so to preserve them in their barnes for a daintie all the yeare. |Anáuchemineash.| `Akornes.'
These Akornes also they drie, and in case of want of Corne, by much boyling they make a good dish of them: yea sometimes in plentie of Corne doe they eate these Acornes for a Novelty. |Wússoquat.| `A Wallnut Tree.' |Wusswaquatómineug.| `Wallnut.'
Of these Wallnuts they make an excellent
Oyle <98/r.96> <{Of the Earth and} F{ruits thereof}.>
Oyle good for many uses, but especially for their annoynting of their heads. And of the chips of the Walnut-Tree (the barke taken off) some {English} in the Countrey make excellent Beere both for Tast, strength, colour, and in offensive opening operation: |Sasaunckapâmuck.| `The Sassafrasse Tree.' |Mifhquáwtuck.| `The Cedar tree.' |Cówaw-ésuck.| `Pine-young Pine.' |Wenomesìppaguash.| `The Vine-Tree.' |Micúckaskeete.| `A Medow.' |Tataggoskítuash.| `A fresh Medow.' |Maskituash.| `Grasse or Hay.' |Wékinash-quash.| `Reed, Reedes.' |Manisìmmin.| `To cut or mow.' |Qussuckomineânug.| `The Cherry Tree.' |Wuttáhimneash.| `Strawberries.'
{Obs.} This Berry is the wonder of all the Fruits growing naturally in those parts: It is of it selfe Excellent: so that one of the chiefest Doctors of {England} was wont to say, that God could have made, but God never did make a better Berry: In some parts where the {Natives} have planted, I have many times seen as many as would filla good ship within few miles compasse: the {Indians} bruise them in a Morter, and mixe them with meale and make Strawberry bread.
Wuchipoquáme <99/r.97> <H> <Of {the Earth and} F{ruits thereof}.> |Wuchipoquámeneash.|- `A kind of sharp Fruit like a Barbary in tast.' |Sasèmineash| another sharp cooling Fruit growing in fresh Waters all the Winter, Excellent in conserve against Feavers. |Wenómeneash.| `Grapes.' |Wuttahimnasìppaguash.|- `Strawberry leaves.' |Peshaúiuash.| `Violet leaves.' |Nummoúwinneem.| `I goe to gather.' |Mowinne-aúog.| `He or they gather.' |Atáuntowash.| `Clime the Tree.' |Ntáuntawem.| `I clime.' |Punnoúwash.| `Come downe.' |Npunnowaúmen.| `I come downe.' |Attitaash.| `Hurtle-berries.'
Of which there are divers sorts sweete like Currants, some opening, some of a binding nature. |Sau~taash| are these Currants dried by the {Natives}, and so preserved all the yeare, which they beat to powder, and mingle it with their parcht meale, and make a delicate di[sh] which they cal |Sautáuthig|; which is as sweet to them as plum or spice cake to the {English}.
They also make great use of their Strawberries having such abundance of them, making Strawberry bread, and having no other
Food <100/r.98> <Of {the Earth and} F{ruits thereof}.>
Food for many dayes, but the {English} have exceeded, and make good Wine both of their Grapes and Strawberries also in some places, as I have often tasted. |Ewáchim-neash.| `Corne.' |Scannémeneash.| `Seed-Corne.' |Wompiscannémeneash.|- `White seed-corne.'
{Obs.} There be diverse sorts of this Corne, and of the colours: yet all of it either boild in milke, or buttered, if the use of it were knowne and received in {England} (it is the opinion of some skillfull in physick) it might save many thousand lives in {England}, occasioned by the binding nature of {English} wheat, the {Indian} Corne keeping the body in a constant moderate loosenesse. |Aukeeteaúmen.| `To plant Corne.' |Quttáunemun.| `To plant Corne.' |Anakáusu.| `A Labourer.' |Anakáusichick.| `Labourers.' |Aukeeteaúmitch.| `Planting time.' |Aukeeteáhettit.| `When they set Corne.' |Nummautaukeeteaúmen.|- `I have done planting.' |Anaskhómmin.| `To how or break up.'
{Obs.} The Women set or plant, weede, and hill, and gather and barne all the corne, and
Fruites <101/r.99> <H 2> <{Of the Earth and Fruits thereof}.>
Fruites of the field: Yet sometimes the man himselfe, (either out of love to his Wife, or care for his Children, or being an old man) will help the Woman which (by the custome of the Countrey) they are not bound to.
When a field is to be broken up, they have a very loving sociable speedy way to dispatch it: All the neighbours men and Women forty, fifty, a hundred &c, joyne, and come in to help freely.
With friendly joyning they breake up their fields, build their Forts, hunt the Woods, stop and kill fish in the Rivers, it being true with them as in all the World in the Affaires of Earth or Heaven: By concord little things grow great, by discord the greatest come to nothing {Concordiâ parvС res crescunt, D[i]scordiâ magnС dilabuntur}. |Anáskhig-anash.| `How, Howes.' |Anaskhómwock.| `They how.' |Anaskhommonteâmin.|- `They break for me.' |Anaskhomwáutowwin.|- `A breaking up How.'
The {Indian} Women to this day (notwithstanding our Howes, doe use their naturall Howes of shells and Wood.
Monaskún <102/r.100> <{O}f {the Farth and Fruits thereof}.> |Monaskúnnemun.| `To weede.' |Monaskunnummaútowwin.|- `A weeding or broad How.' |Petascúnnemun,| `To hill the Corne.' |Kepenúmmin| {&} |Wuttúnnemun.| `To gather Corne.' |Núnnowwa.| `Harvest time.' |Anoúant.| `At harvest.' |Wuttúnnemitch-Ewâchim.|0 `When harvest is in.' |Pausinnummin.| `To dry the corne.'
Which they doe carefully upon heapes and Mats many dayes, before they barne it up. covering it up with Mats at night, and opening when the Sun is hot. |Sókenug.| `A heap of corne.'
{Obs.} The woman of the family will commonly raise two or three heaps of twelve, fifteene, or twentie bushells a heap, which they drie in round broad heaps; and if she have helpe of her children or friends, much more. |Pockhómmin.| `To beat or thrash out.' |Npockhómmin.| `I am threshing.' |Cuppockhómmin?| `Doe you thrash?' |Wuskokkamuckómeneash.|- `New ground Corne.' |Nquitawánnanash.| `One basketfulll.' |Munnòte,-tash.| `Basket, Baskets.'